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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / kanuni
Evolve Yourself
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / GWFHLang
Programming Language That Runs On ArkheVM
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / cpythonun-icinde
CPythonun Icinde Kitap Projesi
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / django2-project-template
Pipenv supported fork of django2-project-template
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / Floem
Segmented Python Preprocessor
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / Darwcss
Over engineered CSS generation
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / catlizor
Watch & Hook python methods
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / add-trailing-comma
A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically add trailing commas to calls and literals.
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / astor
Python AST read/write
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / btlang
CPython VM'inde çalışan basit bir dil | Blog Yazım İçin
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / Karavana
Object Visualization
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / bytey
Bytecode Tools for Python
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / geany
A fast and lightweight IDE
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / happen
Magic happens all the time
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / docker-py
A Python library for the Docker Engine API
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / pepallow
See, what if some rejected pep's was accepted
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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA / cpython
The Python programming language