Kaydet (Commit) 06c0ec94 authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Several additions from Jeffrey.

üst 23b22574
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ tests = [
('(a)b(c)', 'abc', SUCCEED, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'abc-a-c'),
('a+b+c', 'aabbabc', SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
('a{1,}b{1,}c', 'aabbabc', SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
#('a**', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('a**', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('a.+?c', 'abcabc', SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
('(a+|b)*', 'ab', SUCCEED, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b'),
('(a+|b){0,}', 'ab', SUCCEED, 'found+"-"+g1', 'ab-b'),
......@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ tests = [
# Python does not have the same rules for \\41 so this is a syntax error
# ('((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', 'aa', FAIL),
# ('((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', 'a!', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a!'),
('((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', '', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('(((((((((a)))))))))', 'a', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a'),
('multiple words of text', 'uh-uh', FAIL),
('multiple words', 'multiple words, yeah', SUCCEED, 'found', 'multiple words'),
......@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ tests = [
('(?i)(a)b(c)', 'ABC', SUCCEED, 'found+"-"+g1+"-"+g2', 'ABC-A-C'),
('(?i)a+b+c', 'AABBABC', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ABC'),
('(?i)a{1,}b{1,}c', 'AABBABC', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ABC'),
#('(?i)a**', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('(?i)a**', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('(?i)a.+?c', 'ABCABC', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ABC'),
('(?i)a.*?c', 'ABCABC', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ABC'),
('(?i)a.{0,5}?c', 'ABCABC', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ABC'),
......@@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ tests = [
('(?i)((((((((((a))))))))))\\10', 'AA', SUCCEED, 'found', 'AA'),
#('(?i)((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', 'AA', FAIL),
#('(?i)((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', 'A!', SUCCEED, 'found', 'A!'),
('(?i)((((((((((a))))))))))\\41', '', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('(?i)(((((((((a)))))))))', 'A', SUCCEED, 'found', 'A'),
('(?i)(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(a))))))))))', 'A', SUCCEED, 'g1', 'A'),
('(?i)(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(?:(a|b|c))))))))))', 'C', SUCCEED, 'g1', 'C'),
......@@ -475,10 +477,14 @@ tests = [
('w(?# comment', 'w', SYNTAX_ERROR),
('w(?# comment 1)xy(?# comment 2)z', 'wxyz', SUCCEED, 'found', 'wxyz'),
# Comments using the x embedded pattern modifier (in an unusual place too)
# Check odd placement of embedded pattern modifiers
("""w# comment 1
x(?x) y
('w(?i)', 'W', SYNTAX_ERROR),
# Comments using the x embedded pattern modifier
("""(?x)w# comment 1
x y
# comment 2
z""", 'wxyz', SUCCEED, 'found', 'wxyz'),
......@@ -491,8 +497,19 @@ xyz""", FAIL),
xyz""", SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
('(?m)abc$', """jkl
123""", SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
# using the s embedded pattern modifier
('a.b', 'a\nb', FAIL),
('(?s)a.b', 'a\nb', SUCCEED, 'found', 'a\nb'),
# test \w, etc.
('\\w+', '--ab_cd0123--', SUCCEED, 'found', 'ab_cd0123'),
('\\D+', '1234abc5678', SUCCEED, 'found', 'abc'),
('[\\da-fA-F]+', '123abc', SUCCEED, 'found', '123abc'),
('[\\d-x]', '-', SYNTAX_ERROR),
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