Kaydet (Commit) 19ff4ac7 authored tarafından Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add a unit test for sgmllib (needs work, but has already caught problems).

Based on the test for the HTMLParser module.
üst 14f6c18b
import pprint
import sgmllib
import test_support
import unittest
class EventCollector(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.events = []
self.append = self.events.append
def get_events(self):
# Normalize the list of events so that buffer artefacts don't
# separate runs of contiguous characters.
L = []
prevtype = None
for event in self.events:
type = event[0]
if type == prevtype == "data":
L[-1] = ("data", L[-1][1] + event[1])
prevtype = type
self.events = L
return L
# structure markup
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
self.append(("starttag", tag, attrs))
def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
self.append(("endtag", tag))
# all other markup
def handle_comment(self, data):
self.append(("comment", data))
def handle_charref(self, data):
self.append(("charref", data))
def handle_data(self, data):
self.append(("data", data))
def handle_decl(self, decl):
self.append(("decl", decl))
def handle_entityref(self, data):
self.append(("entityref", data))
def handle_pi(self, data):
self.append(("pi", data))
class CDATAEventCollector(EventCollector):
def start_cdata(self, attrs):
self.append(("starttag", "cdata", attrs))
class SGMLParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
collector = EventCollector
def check_events(self, source, expected_events):
parser = self.collector()
for s in source:
events = parser.get_events()
if events != expected_events:
self.fail("received events did not match expected events\n"
"Expected:\n" + pprint.pformat(expected_events) +
"\nReceived:\n" + pprint.pformat(events))
def check_parse_error(self, source):
parser = EventCollector()
except sgmllib.SGMLParseError:
self.fail("expected SGMLParseError for %r\nReceived:\n%s"
% (source, pprint.pformat(parser.get_events())))
def test_underscore_in_attrname(self):
# SF bug #436621
"""Make sure attribute names with underscores are accepted"""
self.check_events("<a has_under _under>", [
("starttag", "a", [("has_under", "has_under"),
("_under", "_under")]),
def test_underscore_in_tagname(self):
# SF bug #436621
"""Make sure tag names with underscores are accepted"""
self.check_events("<has_under></has_under>", [
("starttag", "has_under", []),
("endtag", "has_under"),
def test_quotes_in_unquoted_attrs(self):
# SF bug #436621
"""Be sure quotes in unquoted attributes are made part of the value"""
self.check_events("<a href=foo'bar\"baz>", [
("starttag", "a", [("href", "foo'bar\"baz")]),
def test_xhtml_empty_tag(self):
"""Handling of XHTML-style empty start tags"""
self.check_events("<br />text<i></i>", [
("starttag", "br", []),
("data", "text"),
("starttag", "i", []),
("endtag", "i"),
def test_processing_instruction_only(self):
self.check_events("<?processing instruction>", [
("pi", "processing instruction"),
def test_bad_nesting(self):
self.check_events("<a><b></a></b>", [
("starttag", "a", []),
("starttag", "b", []),
("endtag", "a"),
("endtag", "b"),
def test_attr_syntax(self):
output = [
("starttag", "a", [("b", "v"), ("c", "v"), ("d", "v"), ("e", "e")])
self.check_events("""<a b='v' c="v" d=v e>""", output)
self.check_events("""<a b = 'v' c = "v" d = v e>""", output)
self.check_events("""<a\nb\n=\n'v'\nc\n=\n"v"\nd\n=\nv\ne>""", output)
self.check_events("""<a\tb\t=\t'v'\tc\t=\t"v"\td\t=\tv\te>""", output)
def test_attr_values(self):
self.check_events("""<a b='xxx\n\txxx' c="yyy\t\nyyy" d='\txyz\n'>""",
[("starttag", "a", [("b", "xxx\n\txxx"),
("c", "yyy\t\nyyy"),
("d", "\txyz\n")])
self.check_events("""<a b='' c="">""", [
("starttag", "a", [("b", ""), ("c", "")]),
def test_attr_funky_names(self):
self.check_events("""<a a.b='v' c:d=v e-f=v>""", [
("starttag", "a", [("a.b", "v"), ("c:d", "v"), ("e-f", "v")]),
def test_weird_starttags(self):
self.check_events("<a<a>", [
("starttag", "a", []),
("starttag", "a", []),
self.check_events("</a<a>", [
("endtag", "a"),
("starttag", "a", []),
def test_declaration_junk_chars(self):
self.check_parse_error("<!DOCTYPE foo $ >")
def test_get_starttag_text(self):
s = """<foobar \n one="1"\ttwo=2 >"""
self.check_events(s, [
("starttag", "foobar", [("one", "1"), ("two", "2")]),
def test_cdata_content(self):
s = ("<cdata> <!-- not a comment --> &not-an-entity-ref; </cdata>"
"<notcdata> <!-- comment --> </notcdata>")
self.collector = CDATAEventCollector
self.check_events(s, [
("starttag", "cdata", []),
("data", " <!-- not a comment --> &not-an-entity-ref; "),
("endtag", "cdata"),
("starttag", "notcdata", []),
("data", " "),
("comment", " comment "),
("data", " "),
("endtag", "notcdata"),
s = """<cdata> <not a='start tag'> </cdata>"""
self.check_events(s, [
("starttag", "cdata", []),
("data", " <not a='start tag'> "),
("endtag", "cdata"),
# XXX These tests have been disabled by prefixing their names with
# an underscore. The first two exercise outstanding bugs in the
# sgmllib module, and the third exhibits questionable behavior
# that needs to be carefully considered before changing it.
def _test_starttag_end_boundary(self):
self.check_events("""<a b='<'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])])
self.check_events("""<a b='>'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])])
def _test_buffer_artefacts(self):
output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])]
self.check_events(["<a b='<'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a ", "b='<'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b", "='<'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b=", "'<'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b='<", "'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b='<'", ">"], output)
output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])]
self.check_events(["<a b='>'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a ", "b='>'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b", "='>'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b=", "'>'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b='>", "'>"], output)
self.check_events(["<a b='>'", ">"], output)
def _test_starttag_junk_chars(self):
self.check_parse_error("<a $>")
self.check_parse_error("<a foo='bar'")
self.check_parse_error("<a foo='bar")
self.check_parse_error("<a foo='>'")
self.check_parse_error("<a foo='>")
self.check_parse_error("<a foo=>")
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