Kaydet (Commit) 60eba57f authored tarafından Larry Hastings's avatar Larry Hastings

Cleanup/rewrite shutil docs regarding follow_symlinks and copying attributes.

üst dc07bac2
......@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ Directory and files operations
.. function:: copyfile(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the contents (no metadata) of the file named *src* to a file named
*dst* and return *dst*. *dst* must be the complete target file name; look at
:func:`shutil.copy` for a copy that accepts a target directory path. If
*src* and *dst* are the same files, :exc:`Error` is raised.
*dst* and return *dst*. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
*dst* must be the complete target file name; look at :func:`shutil.copy`
for a copy that accepts a target directory path. If *src* and *dst*
specify the same file, :exc:`Error` is raised.
The destination location must be writable; otherwise, an :exc:`OSError` exception
will be raised. If *dst* already exists, it will be replaced. Special files
such as character or block devices and pipes cannot be copied with this
function. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
The destination location must be writable; otherwise, an :exc:`OSError`
exception will be raised. If *dst* already exists, it will be replaced.
Special files such as character or block devices and pipes cannot be
copied with this function.
If *follow_symlinks* is false and *src* is a symbolic link,
a new symbolic link will be created instead of copying the
......@@ -71,52 +72,104 @@ Directory and files operations
.. function:: copymode(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the permission bits from *src* to *dst*. The file contents, owner, and
group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings. If
*follow_symlinks* is false, *src* is a symbolic link, and the operating
system supports modes for symbolic links (for example BSD-based ones),
the mode of the link will be copied.
group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
If *follow_symlinks* is false, and both *src* and *dst* are symbolic links,
:func:`copymode` will attempt to modify the mode of *dst* itself (rather
than the file it points to). This functionality is not available on every
platform; please see :func:`copystat` for more information. If
:func:`copymode` cannot modify symbolic links on the local platform, and it
is asked to do so, it will do nothing and return.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument.
.. function:: copystat(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags
from *src* to *dst*. The file contents, owner, and group are unaffected. *src*
and *dst* are path names given as strings. If *follow_symlinks* is false, and
*src* and *dst* are both symbolic links, the stats of the link will be copied as
far as the platform allows. On Linux, :func:`copystat` also copies the
"extended attributes" where possible.
Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and
flags from *src* to *dst*. On Linux, :func:`copystat` also copies the
"extended attributes" where possible. The file contents, owner, and
group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
If *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* and *dst* both
refer to symbolic links, :func:`copystat` will operate on
the symbolic links themselves rather than the files the
symbolic links refer to--reading the information from the
*src* symbolic link, and writing the information to the
*dst* symbolic link.
.. note::
Not all platforms provide the ability to examine and
modify symbolic links. Python itself can tell you what
functionality is locally available.
* If ``os.chmod in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the permission
bits of a symbolic link.
* If ``os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the last access
and modification times of a symbolic link.
* If ``os.chflags in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the flags of
a symbolic link. (``os.chflags`` is not available on
all platforms.)
On platforms where some or all of this functionality
is unavailable, when asked to modify a symbolic link,
:func:`copystat` will copy everything it can.
:func:`copystat` never returns failure.
Please see :data:`os.supports_follow_symlinks`
for more information.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument and support for Linux extended attributes.
.. function:: copy(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the file *src* to the file or directory *dst* and return the file's
destination. If *dst* is a directory, a
file with the same basename as *src* is created (or overwritten) in the
directory specified. Permission bits are copied. *src* and *dst* are path
names given as strings. If *follow_symlinks* is false, symbolic
links won't be followed but recreated instead -- this resembles GNU's
:program:`cp -P`.
Copies the file *src* to the file or directory *dst*. *src* and *dst*
should be strings. If *dst* specifies a directory, the file will be
copied into *dst* using the base filename from *src*. Returns the
path to the newly created file.
If *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* is a symbolic link,
*dst* will be created as a symbolic link. If *follow_symlinks*
is true and *src* is a symbolic link, *dst* will be a copy of
the file *src* refers to.
:func:`copy` copies the file data and the file's permission
mode (see :func:`os.chmod`). Other metadata, like the
file's creation and modification times, is not preserved.
To preserve all file metadata from the original, use
:func:`~shutil.copy2` instead.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument.
Now returns *dst*.
Now returns path to the newly created file.
.. function:: copy2(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Similar to :func:`shutil.copy`, including that the destination is
returned, but metadata is copied as well. This is similar to the Unix
command :program:`cp -p`. If *follow_symlinks* is false,
symbolic links won't be followed but recreated instead -- this resembles
GNU's :program:`cp -P`.
Identical to :func:`~shutil.copy` except that :func:`copy2`
also attempts to preserve all file metadata.
When *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* is a symbolic
link, :func:`copy2` attempts to copy all metadata from the
*src* symbolic link to the newly-created *dst* symbolic link.
However, this functionality is not available on all platforms.
On platforms where some or all of this functionality is
unavailable, :func:`copy2` will preserve all the metadata
it can; :func:`copy2` never returns failure.
:func:`copy2` uses :func:`copystat` to copy the file metadata.
Please see :func:`copystat` for more information
about platform support for modifying symbolic link metadata.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument, try to copy extended
file system attributes too (currently Linux only).
Now returns *dst*.
Now returns path to the newly created file.
.. function:: ignore_patterns(\*patterns)
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