Kaydet (Commit) 60eba57f authored tarafından Larry Hastings's avatar Larry Hastings

Cleanup/rewrite shutil docs regarding follow_symlinks and copying attributes.

üst dc07bac2
...@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ Directory and files operations ...@@ -50,14 +50,15 @@ Directory and files operations
.. function:: copyfile(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) .. function:: copyfile(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the contents (no metadata) of the file named *src* to a file named Copy the contents (no metadata) of the file named *src* to a file named
*dst* and return *dst*. *dst* must be the complete target file name; look at *dst* and return *dst*. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
:func:`shutil.copy` for a copy that accepts a target directory path. If *dst* must be the complete target file name; look at :func:`shutil.copy`
*src* and *dst* are the same files, :exc:`Error` is raised. for a copy that accepts a target directory path. If *src* and *dst*
specify the same file, :exc:`Error` is raised.
The destination location must be writable; otherwise, an :exc:`OSError` exception The destination location must be writable; otherwise, an :exc:`OSError`
will be raised. If *dst* already exists, it will be replaced. Special files exception will be raised. If *dst* already exists, it will be replaced.
such as character or block devices and pipes cannot be copied with this Special files such as character or block devices and pipes cannot be
function. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings. copied with this function.
If *follow_symlinks* is false and *src* is a symbolic link, If *follow_symlinks* is false and *src* is a symbolic link,
a new symbolic link will be created instead of copying the a new symbolic link will be created instead of copying the
...@@ -71,52 +72,104 @@ Directory and files operations ...@@ -71,52 +72,104 @@ Directory and files operations
.. function:: copymode(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) .. function:: copymode(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the permission bits from *src* to *dst*. The file contents, owner, and Copy the permission bits from *src* to *dst*. The file contents, owner, and
group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings. If group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
*follow_symlinks* is false, *src* is a symbolic link, and the operating If *follow_symlinks* is false, and both *src* and *dst* are symbolic links,
system supports modes for symbolic links (for example BSD-based ones), :func:`copymode` will attempt to modify the mode of *dst* itself (rather
the mode of the link will be copied. than the file it points to). This functionality is not available on every
platform; please see :func:`copystat` for more information. If
:func:`copymode` cannot modify symbolic links on the local platform, and it
is asked to do so, it will do nothing and return.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3 .. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument. Added *follow_symlinks* argument.
.. function:: copystat(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) .. function:: copystat(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags Copy the permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and
from *src* to *dst*. The file contents, owner, and group are unaffected. *src* flags from *src* to *dst*. On Linux, :func:`copystat` also copies the
and *dst* are path names given as strings. If *follow_symlinks* is false, and "extended attributes" where possible. The file contents, owner, and
*src* and *dst* are both symbolic links, the stats of the link will be copied as group are unaffected. *src* and *dst* are path names given as strings.
far as the platform allows. On Linux, :func:`copystat` also copies the
"extended attributes" where possible. If *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* and *dst* both
refer to symbolic links, :func:`copystat` will operate on
the symbolic links themselves rather than the files the
symbolic links refer to--reading the information from the
*src* symbolic link, and writing the information to the
*dst* symbolic link.
.. note::
Not all platforms provide the ability to examine and
modify symbolic links. Python itself can tell you what
functionality is locally available.
* If ``os.chmod in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the permission
bits of a symbolic link.
* If ``os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the last access
and modification times of a symbolic link.
* If ``os.chflags in os.supports_follow_symlinks`` is
``True``, :func:`copystat` can modify the flags of
a symbolic link. (``os.chflags`` is not available on
all platforms.)
On platforms where some or all of this functionality
is unavailable, when asked to modify a symbolic link,
:func:`copystat` will copy everything it can.
:func:`copystat` never returns failure.
Please see :data:`os.supports_follow_symlinks`
for more information.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3 .. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument and support for Linux extended attributes. Added *follow_symlinks* argument and support for Linux extended attributes.
.. function:: copy(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) .. function:: copy(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Copy the file *src* to the file or directory *dst* and return the file's Copies the file *src* to the file or directory *dst*. *src* and *dst*
destination. If *dst* is a directory, a should be strings. If *dst* specifies a directory, the file will be
file with the same basename as *src* is created (or overwritten) in the copied into *dst* using the base filename from *src*. Returns the
directory specified. Permission bits are copied. *src* and *dst* are path path to the newly created file.
names given as strings. If *follow_symlinks* is false, symbolic
links won't be followed but recreated instead -- this resembles GNU's If *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* is a symbolic link,
:program:`cp -P`. *dst* will be created as a symbolic link. If *follow_symlinks*
is true and *src* is a symbolic link, *dst* will be a copy of
the file *src* refers to.
:func:`copy` copies the file data and the file's permission
mode (see :func:`os.chmod`). Other metadata, like the
file's creation and modification times, is not preserved.
To preserve all file metadata from the original, use
:func:`~shutil.copy2` instead.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3 .. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument. Added *follow_symlinks* argument.
Now returns *dst*. Now returns path to the newly created file.
.. function:: copy2(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True) .. function:: copy2(src, dst, *, follow_symlinks=True)
Similar to :func:`shutil.copy`, including that the destination is Identical to :func:`~shutil.copy` except that :func:`copy2`
returned, but metadata is copied as well. This is similar to the Unix also attempts to preserve all file metadata.
command :program:`cp -p`. If *follow_symlinks* is false,
symbolic links won't be followed but recreated instead -- this resembles When *follow_symlinks* is false, and *src* is a symbolic
GNU's :program:`cp -P`. link, :func:`copy2` attempts to copy all metadata from the
*src* symbolic link to the newly-created *dst* symbolic link.
However, this functionality is not available on all platforms.
On platforms where some or all of this functionality is
unavailable, :func:`copy2` will preserve all the metadata
it can; :func:`copy2` never returns failure.
:func:`copy2` uses :func:`copystat` to copy the file metadata.
Please see :func:`copystat` for more information
about platform support for modifying symbolic link metadata.
.. versionchanged:: 3.3 .. versionchanged:: 3.3
Added *follow_symlinks* argument, try to copy extended Added *follow_symlinks* argument, try to copy extended
file system attributes too (currently Linux only). file system attributes too (currently Linux only).
Now returns *dst*. Now returns path to the newly created file.
.. function:: ignore_patterns(\*patterns) .. function:: ignore_patterns(\*patterns)
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