Kaydet (Commit) 92fcc9c9 authored tarafından Mark Dickinson's avatar Mark Dickinson

Issue #5864: format(1234.5, '.4') gives misleading result

(Backport of r72109 from py3k.)
üst 867475c9
......@@ -253,6 +253,11 @@ class IEEEFormatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(math.atan2(float('-1e-1000'), -1),
math.atan2(-0.0, -1))
def test_issue5864(self):
self.assertEquals(format(123.456, '.4'), '123.5')
self.assertEquals(format(1234.56, '.4'), '1.235e+03')
self.assertEquals(format(12345.6, '.4'), '1.235e+04')
class ReprTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_repr(self):
floats_file = open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ What's New in Python 2.7 alpha 1
Core and Builtins
- Issue #5864: Fix empty format code formatting for floats so that it
never gives more than the requested number of significant digits.
- Issue #5793: Rationalize isdigit / isalpha / tolower, etc. Includes
new Py_ISDIGIT / Py_ISALPHA / Py_TOLOWER, etc. in pctypes.h.
......@@ -348,14 +348,61 @@ ensure_minimum_exponent_length(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
/* Ensure that buffer has a decimal point in it. The decimal point will not
be in the current locale, it will always be '.'. Don't add a decimal if an
exponent is present. */
/* Remove trailing zeros after the decimal point from a numeric string; also
remove the decimal point if all digits following it are zero. The numeric
string must end in '\0', and should not have any leading or trailing
whitespace. Assumes that the decimal point is '.'. */
ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
remove_trailing_zeros(char *buffer)
char *old_fraction_end, *new_fraction_end, *end, *p;
p = buffer;
if (*p == '-' || *p == '+')
/* Skip leading sign, if present */
while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
/* if there's no decimal point there's nothing to do */
if (*p++ != '.')
/* scan any digits after the point */
while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
old_fraction_end = p;
/* scan up to ending '\0' */
while (*p != '\0')
/* +1 to make sure that we move the null byte as well */
end = p+1;
/* scan back from fraction_end, looking for removable zeros */
p = old_fraction_end;
while (*(p-1) == '0')
/* and remove point if we've got that far */
if (*(p-1) == '.')
new_fraction_end = p;
memmove(new_fraction_end, old_fraction_end, end-old_fraction_end);
/* Ensure that buffer has a decimal point in it. The decimal point will not
be in the current locale, it will always be '.'. Don't add a decimal point
if an exponent is present. Also, convert to exponential notation where
adding a '.0' would produce too many significant digits (see issue 5864).
Returns a pointer to the fixed buffer, or NULL on failure.
ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size, int precision)
int insert_count = 0;
char* chars_to_insert;
int digit_count, insert_count = 0, convert_to_exp = 0;
char* chars_to_insert, *digits_start;
/* search for the first non-digit character */
char *p = buffer;
......@@ -363,8 +410,10 @@ ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
/* Skip leading sign, if present. I think this could only
ever be '-', but it can't hurt to check for both. */
digits_start = p;
while (*p && Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
digit_count = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(p - digits_start, Py_ssize_t, int);
if (*p == '.') {
if (Py_ISDIGIT(*(p+1))) {
......@@ -374,6 +423,8 @@ ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
else {
/* We have a decimal point, but no following
digit. Insert a zero after the decimal. */
/* can't ever get here via PyOS_double_to_string */
assert(precision == -1);
chars_to_insert = "0";
insert_count = 1;
......@@ -381,9 +432,23 @@ ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
else if (!(*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')) {
/* Don't add ".0" if we have an exponent. */
if (digit_count == precision) {
/* issue 5864: don't add a trailing .0 in the case
where the '%g'-formatted result already has as many
significant digits as were requested. Switch to
exponential notation instead. */
convert_to_exp = 1;
/* no exponent, no point, and we shouldn't land here
for infs and nans, so we must be at the end of the
string. */
assert(*p == '\0');
else {
assert(precision == -1 || digit_count < precision);
chars_to_insert = ".0";
insert_count = 2;
if (insert_count) {
size_t buf_len = strlen(buffer);
if (buf_len + insert_count + 1 >= buf_size) {
......@@ -397,6 +462,30 @@ ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
memcpy(p, chars_to_insert, insert_count);
if (convert_to_exp) {
int written;
size_t buf_avail;
p = digits_start;
/* insert decimal point */
assert(digit_count >= 1);
memmove(p+2, p+1, digit_count); /* safe, but overwrites nul */
p[1] = '.';
p += digit_count+1;
assert(p <= buf_size+buffer);
buf_avail = buf_size+buffer-p;
if (buf_avail == 0)
return NULL;
/* Add exponent. It's okay to use lower case 'e': we only
arrive here as a result of using the empty format code or
repr/str builtins and those never want an upper case 'E' */
written = PyOS_snprintf(p, buf_avail, "e%+.02d", digit_count-1);
if (!(0 <= written &&
written < Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(buf_avail, size_t, int)))
/* output truncated, or something else bad happened */
return NULL;
return buffer;
/* see FORMATBUFLEN in unicodeobject.c */
......@@ -419,6 +508,7 @@ ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
* at least one digit after the decimal.
* Return value: The pointer to the buffer with the converted string.
* On failure returns NULL but does not set any Python exception.
/* DEPRECATED, will be deleted in 2.8 and 3.2 */
PyAPI_FUNC(char *)
......@@ -495,9 +585,12 @@ PyOS_ascii_formatd(char *buffer,
ensure_minimum_exponent_length(buffer, buf_size);
/* If format_char is 'Z', make sure we have at least one character
after the decimal point (and make sure we have a decimal point). */
after the decimal point (and make sure we have a decimal point);
also switch to exponential notation in some edge cases where the
extra character would produce more significant digits that we
really want. */
if (format_char == 'Z')
ensure_decimal_point(buffer, buf_size);
buffer = ensure_decimal_point(buffer, buf_size, -1);
return buffer;
......@@ -600,7 +693,7 @@ _PyOS_double_to_string(char *buf, size_t buf_len, double val,
/* Possibly make sure we have at least one character after the
decimal point (and make sure we have a decimal point). */
if (flags & Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0)
ensure_decimal_point(buf, buf_len);
buf = ensure_decimal_point(buf, buf_len, precision);
/* Add the sign if asked and the result isn't negative. */
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