Kaydet (Commit) cb9015dc authored tarafından Johannes Gijsbers's avatar Johannes Gijsbers

Patch #736962: port test_inspect to unittest. As part of this, move out

the fodder modules to separate files to get rid of the imp.load_source()
üst 6b220b03
# line 1
'A module docstring.'
import sys, inspect
# line 5
# line 7
def spam(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h):
eggs(b + d, c + f)
# line 11
def eggs(x, y):
"A docstring."
global fr, st
fr = inspect.currentframe()
st = inspect.stack()
p = x
q = y / 0
# line 20
class StupidGit:
"""A longer,
# line 27
def abuse(self, a, b, c):
self.argue(a, b, c)
# line 40
def argue(self, a, b, c):
spam(a, b, c)
self.ex = sys.exc_info()
self.tr = inspect.trace()
# line 48
class MalodorousPervert(StupidGit):
class ParrotDroppings:
class FesteringGob(MalodorousPervert, ParrotDroppings):
# line 1
def wrap(foo=None):
def wrapper(func):
return func
return wrapper
# line 7
def replace(func):
def insteadfunc():
print 'hello'
return insteadfunc
# line 13
def wrapped():
# line 19
def gone():
source = '''# line 1
'A module docstring.'
import sys, inspect
# line 5
# line 7
def spam(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h):
eggs(b + d, c + f)
# line 11
def eggs(x, y):
"A docstring."
global fr, st
fr = inspect.currentframe()
st = inspect.stack()
p = x
q = y / 0
# line 20
class StupidGit:
"""A longer,
# line 27
def abuse(self, a, b, c):
self.argue(a, b, c)
# line 40
def argue(self, a, b, c):
spam(a, b, c)
self.ex = sys.exc_info()
self.tr = inspect.trace()
# line 48
class MalodorousPervert(StupidGit):
import sys
import unittest
import inspect
class ParrotDroppings:
from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest
class FesteringGob(MalodorousPervert, ParrotDroppings):
from test import inspect_fodder as mod
from test import inspect_fodder2 as mod2
# Functions tested in this suite:
# ismodule, isclass, ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode,
......@@ -63,211 +14,239 @@ class FesteringGob(MalodorousPervert, ParrotDroppings):
# getargvalues, formatargspec, formatargvalues, currentframe, stack, trace
# isdatadescriptor
from test.test_support import TestFailed, TESTFN
import sys, imp, os, string
def test(assertion, message, *args):
if not assertion:
raise TestFailed, message % args
import inspect
file = open(TESTFN, 'w')
modfile = mod.__file__
if modfile.endswith('c') or modfile.endswith('o'):
modfile = modfile[:-1]
# Note that load_source creates file TESTFN+'c' or TESTFN+'o'.
mod = imp.load_source('testmod', TESTFN)
files_to_clean_up = [TESTFN, TESTFN + 'c', TESTFN + 'o']
def istest(func, exp):
obj = eval(exp)
test(func(obj), '%s(%s)' % (func.__name__, exp))
for other in [inspect.isbuiltin, inspect.isclass, inspect.iscode,
inspect.isframe, inspect.isfunction, inspect.ismethod,
inspect.ismodule, inspect.istraceback]:
if other is not func:
test(not other(obj), 'not %s(%s)' % (other.__name__, exp))
import __builtin__
git = mod.StupidGit()
tb = sys.exc_traceback
istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
istest(inspect.isclass, 'mod.StupidGit')
istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
import __builtin__
istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
test(inspect.isroutine(mod.spam), 'isroutine(mod.spam)')
test(inspect.isroutine([].count), 'isroutine([].count)')
git = mod.StupidGit()
classes = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass)
test(classes ==
class IsTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
predicates = set([inspect.isbuiltin, inspect.isclass, inspect.iscode,
inspect.isframe, inspect.isfunction, inspect.ismethod,
inspect.ismodule, inspect.istraceback])
def istest(self, predicate, exp):
obj = eval(exp)
self.failUnless(predicate(obj), '%s(%s)' % (predicate.__name__, exp))
for other in self.predicates - set([predicate]):
self.failIf(other(obj), 'not %s(%s)' % (other.__name__, exp))
class TestPredicates(IsTestBase):
def test_eleven(self):
# Doc/lib/libinspect.tex claims there are 11 such functions
count = len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith('is'), dir(inspect)))
self.assertEqual(count, 11, "There are %d (not 11) is* functions" % count)
def test_excluding_predicates(self):
self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit')
self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append')
self.istest(inspect.isclass, 'mod.StupidGit')
self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code')
self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame')
self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam')
self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse')
self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue')
self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod')
self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb')
self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed')
self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace')
def test_isroutine(self):
class TestInterpreterStack(IsTestBase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
git.abuse(7, 8, 9)
def test_abuse_done(self):
self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'mod.fr')
def test_stack(self):
self.assert_(len(mod.st) >= 5)
(modfile, 16, 'eggs', [' st = inspect.stack()\n'], 0))
(modfile, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0))
(modfile, 43, 'argue', [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0))
(modfile, 39, 'abuse', [' self.argue(a, b, c)\n'], 0))
def test_trace(self):
self.assertEqual(len(git.tr), 3)
self.assertEqual(git.tr[0][1:], (modfile, 43, 'argue',
[' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0))
self.assertEqual(git.tr[1][1:], (modfile, 9, 'spam',
[' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0))
self.assertEqual(git.tr[2][1:], (modfile, 18, 'eggs',
[' q = y / 0\n'], 0))
def test_frame(self):
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr)
self.assertEqual(args, ['x', 'y'])
self.assertEqual(varargs, None)
self.assertEqual(varkw, None)
self.assertEqual(locals, {'x': 11, 'p': 11, 'y': 14})
self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals),
'(x=11, y=14)')
def test_previous_frame(self):
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr.f_back)
self.assertEqual(args, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]])
self.assertEqual(varargs, 'g')
self.assertEqual(varkw, 'h')
self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals),
'(a=7, b=8, c=9, d=3, (e=4, (f=5,)), *g=(), **h={})')
class GetSourceBase(unittest.TestCase):
# Subclasses must override.
fodderFile = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.source = file(inspect.getsourcefile(self.fodderFile)).read()
def sourcerange(self, top, bottom):
lines = self.source.split("\n")
return "\n".join(lines[top-1:bottom]) + "\n"
def assertSourceEqual(self, obj, top, bottom):
self.sourcerange(top, bottom))
class TestRetrievingSourceCode(GetSourceBase):
fodderFile = mod
def test_getclasses(self):
classes = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass)
[('FesteringGob', mod.FesteringGob),
('MalodorousPervert', mod.MalodorousPervert),
('ParrotDroppings', mod.ParrotDroppings),
('StupidGit', mod.StupidGit)], 'class list')
tree = inspect.getclasstree(map(lambda x: x[1], classes), 1)
test(tree ==
('StupidGit', mod.StupidGit)])
tree = inspect.getclasstree([cls[1] for cls in classes], 1)
[(mod.ParrotDroppings, ()),
(mod.StupidGit, ()),
[(mod.MalodorousPervert, (mod.StupidGit,)),
[(mod.FesteringGob, (mod.MalodorousPervert, mod.ParrotDroppings))
[(mod.FesteringGob, (mod.MalodorousPervert,
], 'class tree')
functions = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction)
test(functions == [('eggs', mod.eggs), ('spam', mod.spam)], 'function list')
test(inspect.getdoc(mod) == 'A module docstring.', 'getdoc(mod)')
test(inspect.getcomments(mod) == '# line 1\n', 'getcomments(mod)')
test(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit) == mod, 'getmodule(mod.StupidGit)')
test(inspect.getfile(mod.StupidGit) == TESTFN, 'getfile(mod.StupidGit)')
test(inspect.getsourcefile(mod.spam) == TESTFN, 'getsourcefile(mod.spam)')
test(inspect.getsourcefile(git.abuse) == TESTFN, 'getsourcefile(git.abuse)')
def sourcerange(top, bottom):
lines = string.split(source, '\n')
return string.join(lines[top-1:bottom], '\n') + '\n'
test(inspect.getsource(git.abuse) == sourcerange(29, 39),
test(inspect.getsource(mod.StupidGit) == sourcerange(21, 46),
test(inspect.getdoc(mod.StupidGit) ==
'A longer,\n\nindented\n\ndocstring.', 'getdoc(mod.StupidGit)')
test(inspect.getdoc(git.abuse) ==
'Another\n\ndocstring\n\ncontaining\n\ntabs', 'getdoc(git.abuse)')
test(inspect.getcomments(mod.StupidGit) == '# line 20\n',
git.abuse(7, 8, 9)
istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]')
istest(inspect.isframe, 'mod.fr')
test(len(git.tr) == 3, 'trace() length')
test(git.tr[0][1:] == (TESTFN, 43, 'argue',
[' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0),
'trace() row 2')
test(git.tr[1][1:] == (TESTFN, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0),
'trace() row 2')
test(git.tr[2][1:] == (TESTFN, 18, 'eggs', [' q = y / 0\n'], 0),
'trace() row 3')
test(len(mod.st) >= 5, 'stack() length')
test(mod.st[0][1:] ==
(TESTFN, 16, 'eggs', [' st = inspect.stack()\n'], 0),
'stack() row 1')
test(mod.st[1][1:] ==
(TESTFN, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0),
'stack() row 2')
test(mod.st[2][1:] ==
(TESTFN, 43, 'argue', [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0),
'stack() row 3')
test(mod.st[3][1:] ==
(TESTFN, 39, 'abuse', [' self.argue(a, b, c)\n'], 0),
'stack() row 4')
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr)
test(args == ['x', 'y'], 'mod.fr args')
test(varargs == None, 'mod.fr varargs')
test(varkw == None, 'mod.fr varkw')
test(locals == {'x': 11, 'p': 11, 'y': 14}, 'mod.fr locals')
test(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals) ==
'(x=11, y=14)', 'mod.fr formatted argvalues')
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr.f_back)
test(args == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]], 'mod.fr.f_back args')
test(varargs == 'g', 'mod.fr.f_back varargs')
test(varkw == 'h', 'mod.fr.f_back varkw')
test(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals) ==
'(a=7, b=8, c=9, d=3, (e=4, (f=5,)), *g=(), **h={})',
'mod.fr.f_back formatted argvalues')
for fname in files_to_clean_up:
# Test for decorators as well.
def test_getfunctions(self):
functions = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction)
self.assertEqual(functions, [('eggs', mod.eggs),
('spam', mod.spam)])
source = r"""
def wrap(foo=None):
def wrapper(func):
return func
return wrapper
def test_getdoc(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(mod), 'A module docstring.')
'A longer,\n\nindented\n\ndocstring.')
def replace(func):
def insteadfunc():
print 'hello'
return insteadfunc
def test_getcomments(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod), '# line 1\n')
self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod.StupidGit), '# line 20\n')
# two decorators, one with argument
def wrapped():
def test_getmodule(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit), mod)
def gone():
def test_getsource(self):
self.assertSourceEqual(git.abuse, 29, 39)
self.assertSourceEqual(mod.StupidGit, 21, 46)
file = open(TESTFN + "2", "w")
files_to_clean_up = [TESTFN + "2", TESTFN + '2c', TESTFN + '2o']
def test_getsourcefile(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(mod.spam), modfile)
self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(git.abuse), modfile)
mod2 = imp.load_source("testmod3", TESTFN + "2")
def test_getfile(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getfile(mod.StupidGit), mod.__file__)
test(inspect.getsource(mod2.wrapped) == sourcerange(13, 16),
test(inspect.getsource(mod2.gone) == sourcerange(8, 9),
class TestDecorators(GetSourceBase):
fodderFile = mod2
for fname in files_to_clean_up:
def test_wrapped_decorator(self):
self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.wrapped, 14, 17)
# Test classic-class method resolution order.
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B, C): pass
def test_replacing_decorator(self):
self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.gone, 9, 10)
expected = (D, B, A, C)
got = inspect.getmro(D)
test(expected == got, "expected %r mro, got %r", expected, got)
# Helper for testing classify_class_attrs.
def attrs_wo_objs(cls):
return [t[:3] for t in inspect.classify_class_attrs(cls)]
# The same w/ new-class MRO.
class A(object): pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B, C): pass
class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_classic_mro(self):
# Test classic-class method resolution order.
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B, C): pass
expected = (D, B, A, C)
got = inspect.getmro(D)
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
def test_newstyle_mro(self):
# The same w/ new-class MRO.
class A(object): pass
class B(A): pass
class C(A): pass
class D(B, C): pass
expected = (D, B, C, A, object)
got = inspect.getmro(D)
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
def assertArgSpecEquals(self, routine, args_e, varargs_e = None,
varkw_e = None, defaults_e = None,
formatted = None):
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(routine)
self.assertEqual(args, args_e)
self.assertEqual(varargs, varargs_e)
self.assertEqual(varkw, varkw_e)
self.assertEqual(defaults, defaults_e)
if formatted is not None:
self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults),
def test_getargspec(self):
self.assertArgSpecEquals(mod.eggs, ['x', 'y'], formatted = '(x, y)')
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]],
'g', 'h', (3, (4, (5,))),
'(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h)')
def test_getargspec_method(self):
class A(object):
def m(self):
self.assertArgSpecEquals(A.m, ['self'])
expected = (D, B, C, A, object)
got = inspect.getmro(D)
test(expected == got, "expected %r mro, got %r", expected, got)
def test_getargspec_sublistofone(self):
def sublistOfOne((foo)): return 1
# Test classify_class_attrs.
def attrs_wo_objs(cls):
return [t[:3] for t in inspect.classify_class_attrs(cls)]
self.assertArgSpecEquals(sublistOfOne, [['foo']])
class A:
def test_classify_oldstyle(self):
class A:
def s(): pass
s = staticmethod(s)
......@@ -283,52 +262,52 @@ class A:
datablob = '1'
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class B(A):
class B(A):
def m(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class C(A):
class C(A):
def m(self): pass
def c(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class D(B, C):
class D(B, C):
def m1(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
# Repeat all that, but w/ new-style classes.
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class A(object):
# Repeat all that, but w/ new-style classes.
def test_classify_newstyle(self):
class A(object):
def s(): pass
s = staticmethod(s)
......@@ -345,81 +324,56 @@ class A(object):
datablob = '1'
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class B(A):
class B(A):
def m(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class C(A):
class C(A):
def m(self): pass
def c(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
class D(B, C):
class D(B, C):
def m1(self): pass
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D)
test(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
test(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
test(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
test(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(mod.eggs)
test(args == ['x', 'y'], 'mod.eggs args')
test(varargs == None, 'mod.eggs varargs')
test(varkw == None, 'mod.eggs varkw')
test(defaults == None, 'mod.eggs defaults')
test(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults) ==
'(x, y)', 'mod.eggs formatted argspec')
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(mod.spam)
test(args == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]], 'mod.spam args')
test(varargs == 'g', 'mod.spam varargs')
test(varkw == 'h', 'mod.spam varkw')
test(defaults == (3, (4, (5,))), 'mod.spam defaults')
test(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults) ==
'(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h)',
'mod.spam formatted argspec')
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(A.m)
test(args == ['self'], 'A.m args')
test(varargs is None, 'A.m varargs')
test(varkw is None, 'A.m varkw')
test(defaults is None, 'A.m defaults')
# Doc/lib/libinspect.tex claims there are 11 such functions
count = len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith('is'), dir(inspect)))
test(count == 11, "There are %d (not 11) is* functions", count)
def sublistOfOne((foo)): return 1
args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(sublistOfOne)
test(args == [['foo']], 'sublistOfOne args')
test(varargs is None, 'sublistOfOne varargs')
test(varkw is None, 'sublistOfOne varkw')
test(defaults is None, 'sublistOfOn defaults')
attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D)
self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method')
self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property')
self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method')
self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data')
def test_main():
run_unittest(TestDecorators, TestRetrievingSourceCode,
TestInterpreterStack, TestClassesAndFunctions, TestPredicates)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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