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Batuhan Osman TASKAYA
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Agu 27, 2008
Andrew M. Kuchling
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@@ -529,15 +529,15 @@ PEP 371: The ``multiprocessing`` Package
The new :mod:`multiprocessing` package lets Python programs create new
processes that will perform a computation and return a result to the
parent. The parent and child processes can communicate using queues
and pipes, synchronize their operations using locks and semaphores,
and can share simple arrays of data.
and pipes, synchronize their operations using locks and semaphores,
and can share simple arrays of data.
The :mod:`multiprocessing` module started out as an exact emulation of
the :mod:`threading` module using processes instead of threads. That
goal was discarded along the path to Python 2.6, but the general
approach of the module is still similar. The fundamental class
is the :class:`Process`, which is passed a callable object and
a collection of arguments. The :meth:`start` method
is the :class:`Process`, which is passed a callable object and
a collection of arguments. The :meth:`start` method
sets the callable running in a subprocess, after which you can call
the :meth:`is_alive` method to check whether the subprocess is still running
and the :meth:`join` method to wait for the process to exit.
@@ -668,10 +668,10 @@ This will produce the output::
The documentation for the :mod:`multiprocessing` module.
:pep:`371` - Addition of the multiprocessing package
PEP written by Jesse Noller and Richard Oudkerk;
PEP written by Jesse Noller and Richard Oudkerk;
implemented by Richard Oudkerk and Jesse Noller.
.. ======================================================================
.. _pep-3101:
@@ -918,15 +918,15 @@ can be used to include Unicode characters::
print len(s) # 12 Unicode characters
At the C level, Python 3.0 will rename the existing 8-bit
string type, called :ctype:`PyStringObject` in Python 2.x,
At the C level, Python 3.0 will rename the existing 8-bit
string type, called :ctype:`PyStringObject` in Python 2.x,
to :ctype:`PyBytesObject`. Python 2.6 uses ``#define``
to support using the names :cfunc:`PyBytesObject`,
to support using the names :cfunc:`PyBytesObject`,
:cfunc:`PyBytes_Check`, :cfunc:`PyBytes_FromStringAndSize`,
and all the other functions and macros used with strings.
Instances of the :class:`bytes` type are immutable just
as strings are. A new :class:`bytearray` type stores a mutable
Instances of the :class:`bytes` type are immutable just
as strings are. A new :class:`bytearray` type stores a mutable
sequence of bytes::
>>> bytearray([65, 66, 67])
@@ -940,9 +940,9 @@ sequence of bytes::
>>> unicode(str(b), 'utf-8')
u'\u31ef \u3244'
Byte arrays support most of the methods of string types, such as
Byte arrays support most of the methods of string types, such as
:meth:`startswith`/:meth:`endswith`, :meth:`find`/:meth:`rfind`,
and some of the methods of lists, such as :meth:`append`,
and some of the methods of lists, such as :meth:`append`,
:meth:`pop`, and :meth:`reverse`.
>>> b = bytearray('ABC')
@@ -1436,6 +1436,18 @@ Here are all of the changes that Python 2.6 makes to the core Python language.
(Contributed by Alexander Belopolsky; :issue:`1686487`.)
It's also now legal to provide keyword arguments after a ``*args`` argument
to a function call.
>>> def f(*args, **kw):
... print args, kw
>>> f(1,2,3, *(4,5,6), keyword=13)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) {'keyword': 13}
Previously this would have been a syntax error.
(Contributed by Amaury Forgeot d'Arc; :issue:`3473`.)
* A new built-in, ``next(*iterator*, [*default*])`` returns the next item
from the specified iterator. If the *default* argument is supplied,
it will be returned if *iterator* has been exhausted; otherwise,
@@ -1485,8 +1497,8 @@ Here are all of the changes that Python 2.6 makes to the core Python language.
self._x = value / 2
* Several methods of the built-in set types now accept multiple iterables:
:meth:`union`, :meth:`update`,
:meth:`difference` and :meth:`difference_update`.
@@ -1645,10 +1657,21 @@ Optimizations
(Original optimization implemented by Armin Rigo, updated for
Python 2.6 by Kevin Jacobs; :issue:`1700288`.)
By default, this change is only applied to types that are included with
the Python core. Extension modules may not necessarily be compatible with
this cache,
so they must explicitly add :cmacro:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG`
to the module's ``tp_flags`` field to enable the method cache.
(To be compatible with the method cache, the extension module's code
must not directly access and modify the ``tp_dict`` member of
any of the types it implements. Most modules don't do this,
but it's impossible for the Python interpreter to determine that.
See :issue:`1878` for some discussion.)
* Function calls that use keyword arguments
are significantly faster thanks to a patch that does a quick pointer
comparison, usually saving the time of a full string comparison.
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger, after an initial implementation by
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger, after an initial implementation by
Antoine Pitrou; :issue:`1819`.)
* All of the functions in the :mod:`struct` module have been rewritten in
@@ -1701,10 +1724,10 @@ Norwitz and Georg Brandl.)
The encoding used for standard input, output, and standard error can
be specified by setting the :envvar:`PYTHONIOENCODING` environment
variable before running the interpreter. The value should be a string
in the form ``**encoding**`` or ``**encoding**:**errorhandler**``.
variable before running the interpreter. The value should be a string
in the form ``**encoding**`` or ``**encoding**:**errorhandler**``.
The **encoding** part specifies the encoding's name, e.g. ``utf-8`` or
``latin-1``; the optional **errorhandler** part specifies
``latin-1``; the optional **errorhandler** part specifies
what to do with characters that can't be handled by the encoding,
and should be one of "error", "ignore", or "replace". (Contributed
by Martin von Loewis.)
@@ -1814,18 +1837,18 @@ details.
* The :mod:`asyncore` and :mod:`asynchat` modules are
being actively maintained again, and a number of patches and bugfixes
were applied. (Maintained by Josiah Carlson; see :issue:`1736190` for
* The :mod:`asyncore` and :mod:`asynchat` modules are
being actively maintained again, and a number of patches and bugfixes
were applied. (Maintained by Josiah Carlson; see :issue:`1736190` for
one patch.)
* The :mod:`bsddb.dbshelve` module now uses the highest pickling protocol
available, instead of restricting itself to protocol 1.
(Contributed by W. Barnes; :issue:`1551443`.)
* The :mod:`cgi` module will now read variables from the query string of an
HTTP POST request. This makes it possible to use form actions with
URLs such as "/cgi-bin/". (Contributed by
* The :mod:`cgi` module will now read variables from the query string of an
HTTP POST request. This makes it possible to use form actions with
URLs such as "/cgi-bin/". (Contributed by
Alexandre Fiori and Nubis; :issue:`1817`.)
* The :mod:`cmath` module underwent an extensive set of revisions,
@@ -1973,7 +1996,7 @@ details.
* When possible, the :mod:`getpass` module will now use
:file:`/dev/tty` (when available) to print
a prompting message and read the password, falling back to using
standard error and standard input. If the password may be echoed to
standard error and standard input. If the password may be echoed to
the terminal, a warning is printed before the prompt is displayed.
(Contributed by Gregory P. Smith.)
@@ -1998,7 +2021,7 @@ details.
:mod:`heapq` is now implemented to only use less-than comparison,
instead of the less-than-or-equal comparison it previously used.
This makes :mod:`heapq`'s usage of a type match that of the
This makes :mod:`heapq`'s usage of a type match that of the
:meth:`list.sort` method.
(Contributed by Raymond Hettinger.)
@@ -2094,8 +2117,8 @@ details.
is true, opening of the log file is deferred until the first
:meth:`emit` call is made. (Contributed by Vinay Sajip.)
:class:`TimedRotatingFileHandler` also has a *utc* constructor
parameter. If the argument is true, UTC time will be used
:class:`TimedRotatingFileHandler` also has a *utc* constructor
parameter. If the argument is true, UTC time will be used
in determining when midnight occurs and in generating filenames;
otherwise local time will be used.
@@ -2246,6 +2269,13 @@ details.
time-consuming searches can now be interrupted.
(Contributed by Josh Hoyt and Ralf Schmitt; :issue:`846388`.)
The regular expression module is implemented by compiling bytecodes
for a tiny regex-specific virtual machine. Untrusted code
could create malicious strings of bytecode directly and cause crashes,
so Python 2.6 includes a verifier for the regex bytecode.
(Contributed by Guido van Rossum from work for Google App Engine;
* The :mod:`rgbimg` module has been removed.
* The :mod:`rlcompleter` module's :meth:`Completer.complete()` method
@@ -2272,17 +2302,17 @@ details.
* The :func:`shutil.copytree` function now has an optional **ignore** argument
that takes a callable object. This callable will receive each directory path
and a list of the directory's contents, and returns a list of names that
will be ignored, not copied.
will be ignored, not copied.
The :mod:`shutil` module also provides an :func:`ignore_patterns`
function for use with this new parameter.
:func:`ignore_patterns` takes an arbitrary number of glob-style patterns
and will ignore any files and directories that match this pattern.
The following example copies a directory tree, but skip both SVN's internal
:file:`.svn` directories and Emacs backup
:file:`.svn` directories and Emacs backup
files, which have names ending with '~'::
shutil.copytree('Doc/library', '/tmp/library',
shutil.copytree('Doc/library', '/tmp/library',
ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*~', '.svn'))
(Contributed by Tarek Ziadé; :issue:`2663`.)
@@ -2395,10 +2425,10 @@ details.
These attributes are all read-only.
(Contributed by Christian Heimes.)
A new function, :func:`getsizeof`, takes a Python object and returns
A new function, :func:`getsizeof`, takes a Python object and returns
the amount of memory used by the object, measured in bytes. Built-in
objects return correct results; third-party extensions may not,
but can define a :meth:`__sizeof__` method to return the
but can define a :meth:`__sizeof__` method to return the
object's size.
(Contributed by Robert Schuppenies; :issue:`2898`.)
@@ -2487,9 +2517,18 @@ details.
(Contributed by Dwayne Bailey; :issue:`1581073`.)
* The :mod:`threading` module's :class:`Thread` objects
gained a :meth:`getIdent` method that returns the thread's
identifier, a nonzero integer. (Contributed by Gregory P. Smith;
* The :mod:`threading` module API is being changed for Python 3.0, to
use properties such as :attr:`daemon` instead of :meth:`setDaemon`
and :meth:`isDaemon` methods, and some methods have been renamed to
use underscores instead of camel-case; for example, the
:meth:`activeCount` method is renamed to :meth:`active_count`. The
2.6 version of the module supports the same properties and renamed
methods, but doesn't remove the old methods. (Carried out by
various people, most notably Benjamin Peterson.)
The :mod:`threading` module's :class:`Thread` objects
gained an :attr:`ident` property that returns the thread's
identifier, a nonzero integer. (Contributed by Gregory P. Smith;
* The :mod:`timeit` module now accepts callables as well as strings
@@ -2502,7 +2541,7 @@ details.
* The :mod:`Tkinter` module now accepts lists and tuples for options,
separating the elements by spaces before passing the resulting value to
separating the elements by spaces before passing the resulting value to
(Contributed by Guilherme Polo; :issue:`2906`.)
@@ -2510,18 +2549,18 @@ details.
Gregor Lingl. New features in the module include:
* Better animation of turtle movement and rotation.
* Control over turtle movement using the new delay(),
* Control over turtle movement using the new delay(),
tracer(), and speed() methods.
* The ability to set new shapes for the turtle, and to
* The ability to set new shapes for the turtle, and to
define a new coordinate system.
* Turtles now have an undo() method that can roll back actions.
* Simple support for reacting to input events such as mouse and keyboard
activity, making it possible to write simple games.
* A :file:`turtle.cfg` file can be used to customize the starting appearance
* A :file:`turtle.cfg` file can be used to customize the starting appearance
of the turtle's screen.
* The module's docstrings can be replaced by new docstrings that have been
translated into another language.
* An optional ``timeout`` parameter was added to the
@@ -2569,7 +2608,7 @@ details.
dates before 1900 (contributed by Ralf Schmitt; :issue:`2014`)
and 64-bit integers represented by using ``<i8>`` in XML-RPC responses
(contributed by Riku Lindblad; :issue:`2985`).
* The :mod:`zipfile` module's :class:`ZipFile` class now has
:meth:`extract` and :meth:`extractall` methods that will unpack
a single file or all the files in the archive to the current directory, or
@@ -2585,14 +2624,14 @@ details.
(Contributed by Alan McIntyre; :issue:`467924`.)
The :meth:`open`, :meth:`read` and :meth:`extract` methods can now
The :meth:`open`, :meth:`read` and :meth:`extract` methods can now
take either a filename or a :class:`ZipInfo` object. This is useful when an
archive accidentally contains a duplicated filename.
(Contributed by Graham Horler; :issue:`1775025`.)
Finally, :mod:`zipfile` now supports using Unicode filenames
for archived files. (Contributed by Alexey Borzenkov; :issue:`1734346`.)
.. ======================================================================
.. whole new modules get described in subsections here
@@ -2603,7 +2642,7 @@ The :mod:`ast` module provides an Abstract Syntax Tree representation
of Python code. For Python 2.6, Armin Ronacher contributed a set of
helper functions that perform various common tasks. These will be useful
for HTML templating packages, code analyzers, and similar tools that
process Python code.
process Python code.
The :func:`parse` function takes an expression and returns an AST.
The :func:`dump` function outputs a representation of a tree, suitable
@@ -2638,7 +2677,7 @@ The :func:`literal_eval` method takes a string or an AST
representing a literal expression, one that contains a Python
expression containing only strings, numbers, dictionaries, etc. but no
statements or function calls, and returns the resulting value. If you
need to unserialize an expression but need to worry about security
need to unserialize an expression but need to worry about security
and can't risk using an :func:`eval` call, :func:`literal_eval` will
handle it safely::
@@ -2663,22 +2702,22 @@ The :mod:`future_builtins` module
Python 3.0 makes various changes to the repertoire of built-in
functions, and most of the changes can't be introduced in the Python
2.x series because they would break compatibility.
The :mod:`future_builtins` module provides versions
of these built-in functions that can be imported when writing
The :mod:`future_builtins` module provides versions
of these built-in functions that can be imported when writing
3.0-compatible code.
The functions in this module currently include:
* ``ascii(**obj**)``: equivalent to :func:`repr`. In Python 3.0,
:func:`repr` will return a Unicode string, while :func:`ascii` will
* ``ascii(**obj**)``: equivalent to :func:`repr`. In Python 3.0,
:func:`repr` will return a Unicode string, while :func:`ascii` will
return a pure ASCII bytestring.
* ``filter(**predicate**, **iterable**)``,
``map(**func**, **iterable1**, ...)``: the 3.0 versions
* ``filter(**predicate**, **iterable**)``,
``map(**func**, **iterable1**, ...)``: the 3.0 versions
return iterators, differing from the 2.x built-ins that return lists.
* ``hex(**value**)``, ``oct(**value**)``: instead of calling the
:meth:`__hex__` or :meth:`__oct__` methods, these versions will
* ``hex(**value**)``, ``oct(**value**)``: instead of calling the
:meth:`__hex__` or :meth:`__oct__` methods, these versions will
call the :meth:`__index__` method and convert the result to hexadecimal
or octal.
@@ -2753,8 +2792,8 @@ Using the module is simple::
ctypes Enhancements
Thomas Heller continued to maintain and enhance the
:mod:`ctypes` module.
Thomas Heller continued to maintain and enhance the
:mod:`ctypes` module.
:mod:`ctypes` now supports a :class:`c_bool` datatype
that represents the C99 ``bool`` type. (Contributed by David Remahl;
@@ -2775,13 +2814,13 @@ For the Unix ``errno`` variable: when creating a wrapped function,
you can supply ``use_errno=True`` as a keyword parameter
to the :func:`DLL` function
and then call the module-level methods :meth:`set_errno`
and :meth:`get_errno` to set and retrieve the error value.
and :meth:`get_errno` to set and retrieve the error value.
The Win32 LastError variable is supported similarly by
the :func:`DLL`, :func:`OleDLL`, and :func:`WinDLL` functions.
You supply ``use_last_error=True`` as a keyword parameter
and then call the module-level methods :meth:`set_last_error`
and :meth:`get_last_error`.
and :meth:`get_last_error`.
The :func:`byref` function, used to retrieve a pointer to a ctypes
instance, now has an optional **offset** parameter that is a byte
@@ -2823,7 +2862,7 @@ Changes to Python's build process and to the C API include:
(Implemented by Christian Heimes.)
* On MacOS X, Python 2.6 can be compiled as a 4-way universal build.
The :program:`configure` script
The :program:`configure` script
can take a :option:`--with-universal-archs=[32-bit|64-bit|all]`
switch, controlling whether the binaries are built for 32-bit
architectures (x86, PowerPC), 64-bit (x86-64 and PPC-64), or both.
@@ -2964,9 +3003,9 @@ Port-Specific Changes: Windows
registry reflection for 32-bit processes running on 64-bit systems.
* The :mod:`msilib` module's :class:`Record` object
gained :meth:`GetInteger` and :meth:`GetString` methods that
return field values as an integer or a string.
* The :mod:`msilib` module's :class:`Record` object
gained :meth:`GetInteger` and :meth:`GetString` methods that
return field values as an integer or a string.
(Contributed by Floris Bruynooghe; :issue:`2125`.)
* The new default compiler on Windows is Visual Studio 2008 (VS 9.0). The
@@ -2982,9 +3021,9 @@ Port-Specific Changes: Windows
Port-Specific Changes: MacOS X
* When compiling a framework build of Python, you can now specify the
framework name to be used by providing the
:option:`--with-framework-name=` option to the
* When compiling a framework build of Python, you can now specify the
framework name to be used by providing the
:option:`--with-framework-name=` option to the
:program:`configure` script.
.. ======================================================================
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