Keyword argument to: File to save downloaded data into.
Keyword argument toWindow: Window to open this URL into. (Use -1 for top window, 0 for new window)
Keyword argument Flags: Valid Flags settings are: 1-Ignore the document cache; 2-Ignore the image cache; 4-Operate in background mode.
Keyword argument FormData: Posting of forms of a given MIMEType.
Keyword argument MIMEType: MIME type for the FormData.
Keyword argument ProgressApp: If specified, ProgressApp can be named to handle the user interface for process messages.
Keyword argument ResultApp: When the requested URL has been accessed and all associated documents loaded, the Web browser will issue an OpenURLResult to the ResultApp.
"""ShowFile: Passes FileSpec containing data of a given MIME type to be rendered in a given WindowID.
Required argument: The file to show.
Keyword argument MIME_type: MIME type
Keyword argument Window_ID: ID of the window to open the file into. (Can use -1 for top window)
Keyword argument URL: A URL which allows this document to be reloaded if necessary.
Keyword argument ResultApp: When the requested URL has been accessed and all associated documents loaded, the Web browser will issue a ShowFileResult to the ResultApp.
"""CancelTransaction: Tells the Web browser to cancel a TransactionID is progress which the application has initiated via an OpenURL or ShowFile command.
"""QueryVersion: Tells the Web browser that an application which wishes to communicate with it supports a specific version (major.minor) of this SDI specification
Keyword argument Major_Version: Major version of the SDI specification the sending application supports.
Keyword argument Minor_Version: Minor version of the SDI specification the sending application supports.
"""CloseWindow: Tells the Web browser to close the window specified either by Window ID or Title. If no parameters are specified, the top window will be closed.
Keyword argument ID: ID of the window to close. (Can use -1 for top window)
Keyword argument Title: Title of the window to close.