"""This module includes tests of the code object representation. >>> def f(x): ... def g(y): ... return x + y ... return g ... >>> dump(f.__code__) name: f argcount: 1 kwonlyargcount: 0 names: () varnames: ('x', 'g') cellvars: ('x',) freevars: () nlocals: 2 flags: 3 consts: ('None', '<code object g>', "'f.<locals>.g'") >>> dump(f(4).__code__) name: g argcount: 1 kwonlyargcount: 0 names: () varnames: ('y',) cellvars: () freevars: ('x',) nlocals: 1 flags: 19 consts: ('None',) >>> def h(x, y): ... a = x + y ... b = x - y ... c = a * b ... return c ... >>> dump(h.__code__) name: h argcount: 2 kwonlyargcount: 0 names: () varnames: ('x', 'y', 'a', 'b', 'c') cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 5 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) >>> def attrs(obj): ... print(obj.attr1) ... print(obj.attr2) ... print(obj.attr3) >>> dump(attrs.__code__) name: attrs argcount: 1 kwonlyargcount: 0 names: ('print', 'attr1', 'attr2', 'attr3') varnames: ('obj',) cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 1 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) >>> def optimize_away(): ... 'doc string' ... 'not a docstring' ... 53 ... 0x53 >>> dump(optimize_away.__code__) name: optimize_away argcount: 0 kwonlyargcount: 0 names: () varnames: () cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 0 flags: 67 consts: ("'doc string'", 'None') >>> def keywordonly_args(a,b,*,k1): ... return a,b,k1 ... >>> dump(keywordonly_args.__code__) name: keywordonly_args argcount: 2 kwonlyargcount: 1 names: () varnames: ('a', 'b', 'k1') cellvars: () freevars: () nlocals: 3 flags: 67 consts: ('None',) """ import sys import unittest import weakref from test.support import run_doctest, run_unittest, cpython_only def consts(t): """Yield a doctest-safe sequence of object reprs.""" for elt in t: r = repr(elt) if r.startswith("<code object"): yield "<code object %s>" % elt.co_name else: yield r def dump(co): """Print out a text representation of a code object.""" for attr in ["name", "argcount", "kwonlyargcount", "names", "varnames", "cellvars", "freevars", "nlocals", "flags"]: print("%s: %s" % (attr, getattr(co, "co_" + attr))) print("consts:", tuple(consts(co.co_consts))) class CodeTest(unittest.TestCase): @cpython_only def test_newempty(self): import _testcapi co = _testcapi.code_newempty("filename", "funcname", 15) self.assertEqual(co.co_filename, "filename") self.assertEqual(co.co_name, "funcname") self.assertEqual(co.co_firstlineno, 15) def isinterned(s): return s is sys.intern(('_' + s + '_')[1:-1]) class CodeConstsTest(unittest.TestCase): def find_const(self, consts, value): for v in consts: if v == value: return v self.assertIn(value, consts) # raises an exception self.fail('Should never be reached') def assertIsInterned(self, s): if not isinterned(s): self.fail('String %r is not interned' % (s,)) def assertIsNotInterned(self, s): if isinterned(s): self.fail('String %r is interned' % (s,)) @cpython_only def test_interned_string(self): co = compile('res = "str_value"', '?', 'exec') v = self.find_const(co.co_consts, 'str_value') self.assertIsInterned(v) @cpython_only def test_interned_string_in_tuple(self): co = compile('res = ("str_value",)', '?', 'exec') v = self.find_const(co.co_consts, ('str_value',)) self.assertIsInterned(v[0]) @cpython_only def test_interned_string_in_frozenset(self): co = compile('res = a in {"str_value"}', '?', 'exec') v = self.find_const(co.co_consts, frozenset(('str_value',))) self.assertIsInterned(tuple(v)[0]) @cpython_only def test_interned_string_default(self): def f(a='str_value'): return a self.assertIsInterned(f()) @cpython_only def test_interned_string_with_null(self): co = compile(r'res = "str\0value!"', '?', 'exec') v = self.find_const(co.co_consts, 'str\0value!') self.assertIsNotInterned(v) class CodeWeakRefTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic(self): # Create a code object in a clean environment so that we know we have # the only reference to it left. namespace = {} exec("def f(): pass", globals(), namespace) f = namespace["f"] del namespace self.called = False def callback(code): self.called = True # f is now the last reference to the function, and through it, the code # object. While we hold it, check that we can create a weakref and # deref it. Then delete it, and check that the callback gets called and # the reference dies. coderef = weakref.ref(f.__code__, callback) self.assertTrue(bool(coderef())) del f self.assertFalse(bool(coderef())) self.assertTrue(self.called) def test_main(verbose=None): from test import test_code run_doctest(test_code, verbose) run_unittest(CodeTest, CodeConstsTest, CodeWeakRefTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()