/* * fopen.c * * Copyright (c) 1991 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. * */ #include <MacHeaders> #include "stdio.h" #include "errno.h" #include "string.h" #include "ansi_private.h" extern long _ftype, _fcreator; #define fcbVPtr(fcb) (* (VCB **) (fcb + 20)) #define fcbDirID(fcb) (* (long *) (fcb + 58)) #define fcbCName(fcb) (fcb + 62) static void setfiletype(StringPtr, int); static void stdio_exit(void); static int fileio(FILE *, int); static int close(FILE *); static void replace(unsigned char *, size_t, int, int); FILE *freopenRF(); FILE *__openRF(); FILE * fopenRF(const char *filename, const char *mode) { return(freopenRF(filename, mode, __getfile())); } FILE * freopenRF(const char *filename, const char *mode, FILE *fp) { int omode, oflag; /* interpret "rwa" */ if (mode[0] == 'r') { omode = fsRdPerm; oflag = 0; } else if (mode[0] == 'w') { omode = fsWrPerm; oflag = F_CREAT+F_TRUNC; } else if (mode[0] == 'a') { omode = fsWrPerm; oflag = F_CREAT+F_APPEND; } else { errno = EINVAL; return(NULL); } /* interpret "b+" */ if (mode[1] == 'b') { oflag |= F_BINARY; if (mode[2] == '+') omode = fsRdWrPerm; } else if (mode[1] == '+') { omode = fsRdWrPerm; if (mode[2] == 'b') oflag |= F_BINARY; } /* open the file */ return(__openRF(filename, omode, oflag, fp)); } FILE * __openRF(const char *filename, int omode, int oflag, FILE *fp) { IOParam pb; char pname[FILENAME_MAX]; if (fp == NULL) return(NULL); fclose(fp); /* set up pb */ pb.ioNamePtr = __c2p(filename, pname); pb.ioVRefNum = 0; pb.ioVersNum = 0; pb.ioPermssn = omode; pb.ioMisc = 0; /* create file */ if (oflag & F_CREAT) { PBCreateSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); if (pb.ioResult == noErr) oflag &= ~F_TRUNC; else if (pb.ioResult == dupFNErr && !(oflag & F_EXCL)) oflag &= ~F_CREAT; else { errno = pb.ioResult; return(NULL); } } /* open file */ PBOpenRFSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); if (pb.ioResult) { errno = pb.ioResult; if (oflag & F_CREAT) PBDeleteSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); return(NULL); } fp->refnum = pb.ioRefNum; /* get/set file length */ if (oflag & F_TRUNC) PBSetEOFSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); else if (!(oflag & F_CREAT)) PBGetEOFSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); fp->len = (fpos_t) pb.ioMisc; /* initialize rest of FILE structure */ if (oflag & F_APPEND) { fp->append = 1; fp->pos = fp->len; } if (oflag & F_BINARY) fp->binary = 1; setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ); fp->proc = fileio; /* set file type */ if (oflag & (F_CREAT|F_TRUNC)) setfiletype(pb.ioNamePtr, oflag); /* done */ __atexit_stdio(stdio_exit); return(fp); } /* * setfiletype - set type/creator of new file * */ static void setfiletype(StringPtr name, int oflag) { FileParam pb; pb.ioNamePtr = name; pb.ioVRefNum = 0; pb.ioFVersNum = 0; pb.ioFDirIndex = 0; if (PBGetFInfoSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb) == noErr) { if (oflag & F_BINARY) pb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType = _ftype; else pb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType = 'TEXT'; pb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator = _fcreator; PBSetFInfoSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); } } /* * stdio_exit - stdio shutdown routine * */ static void stdio_exit(void) { register FILE *fp; int n; for (fp = &__file[0], n = FOPEN_MAX; n--; fp++) fclose(fp); } /* * fileio - I/O handler proc for files and devices * */ static int fileio(FILE *fp, int i) { IOParam pb; pb.ioRefNum = fp->refnum; switch (i) { /* read */ case 0: pb.ioBuffer = (Ptr) fp->ptr; pb.ioReqCount = fp->cnt; pb.ioPosMode = fp->refnum > 0 ? fsFromStart : fsAtMark; pb.ioPosOffset = fp->pos - fp->cnt; PBReadSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); if (pb.ioResult == eofErr) { fp->pos = pb.ioPosOffset; if (fp->cnt = pb.ioActCount) pb.ioResult = 0; else { fp->eof = 1; return(EOF); } } if (!pb.ioResult && !fp->binary) replace(fp->ptr, fp->cnt, '\r', '\n'); break; /* write */ case 1: pb.ioBuffer = (Ptr) fp->ptr; pb.ioReqCount = fp->cnt; pb.ioPosMode = fp->refnum > 0 ? fsFromStart : fsAtMark; if ((pb.ioPosOffset = fp->pos - fp->cnt) > fp->len) { pb.ioMisc = (Ptr) pb.ioPosOffset; if (PBSetEOFSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb) != noErr) break; } if (!fp->binary) replace(fp->ptr, fp->cnt, '\n', '\r'); PBWriteSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); if (!pb.ioResult && pb.ioPosOffset > fp->len) fp->len = pb.ioPosOffset; break; /* close */ case 2: pb.ioResult = close(fp); break; } /* done */ if (pb.ioResult) { if (i < 2) { fp->pos -= fp->cnt; fp->cnt = 0; } fp->err = 1; errno = pb.ioResult; return(EOF); } return(0); } static int close(FILE *fp) { HFileParam pb; Str255 buf; register char *fcb = FCBSPtr + fp->refnum; VCB *vcb = fcbVPtr(fcb); register char *s; enum { none, MFS, HFS } del = none; pb.ioVRefNum = vcb->vcbVRefNum; if (fp->remove) { pb.ioNamePtr = buf; pb.ioFVersNum = 0; /* close temporary file - HFS */ if (vcb->vcbSigWord == 0x4244) { pb.ioDirID = fcbDirID(fcb); s = fcbCName(fcb); memcpy(buf, s, Length(s) + 1); del = HFS; } /* close temporary file - MFS */ else if (vcb->vcbSigWord == 0xD2D7) { for (pb.ioFDirIndex = 1; PBGetFInfoSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb) == noErr; pb.ioFDirIndex++) { if (pb.ioFRefNum == fp->refnum) { del = MFS; break; } } } } /* close file and flush volume buffer */ pb.ioFRefNum = fp->refnum; if (PBCloseSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb) == noErr) { if (del == MFS) PBDeleteSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); else if (del == HFS) PBHDeleteSync((HParmBlkPtr)&pb); pb.ioNamePtr = 0; PBFlushVolSync((ParmBlkPtr)&pb); } return(pb.ioResult); } /* * replace - routine for doing CR/LF conversion * */ static void replace(register unsigned char *s, register size_t n, register int c1, register int c2) { #pragma options(honor_register) register unsigned char *t; for (; n && (t = memchr(s, c1, n)); s = t) { *t++ = c2; n -= t - s; } }