"""Tests for HTMLParser.py.""" import HTMLParser import pprint import sys import unittest from test import test_support class EventCollector(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): self.events = [] self.append = self.events.append HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) def get_events(self): # Normalize the list of events so that buffer artefacts don't # separate runs of contiguous characters. L = [] prevtype = None for event in self.events: type = event[0] if type == prevtype == "data": L[-1] = ("data", L[-1][1] + event[1]) else: L.append(event) prevtype = type self.events = L return L # structure markup def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.append(("starttag", tag, attrs)) def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs): self.append(("startendtag", tag, attrs)) def handle_endtag(self, tag): self.append(("endtag", tag)) # all other markup def handle_comment(self, data): self.append(("comment", data)) def handle_charref(self, data): self.append(("charref", data)) def handle_data(self, data): self.append(("data", data)) def handle_decl(self, data): self.append(("decl", data)) def handle_entityref(self, data): self.append(("entityref", data)) def handle_pi(self, data): self.append(("pi", data)) def unknown_decl(self, decl): self.append(("unknown decl", decl)) class EventCollectorExtra(EventCollector): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): EventCollector.handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) self.append(("starttag_text", self.get_starttag_text())) class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase): def _run_check(self, source, expected_events, collector=EventCollector): parser = collector() for s in source: parser.feed(s) parser.close() events = parser.get_events() if events != expected_events: self.fail("received events did not match expected events\n" "Expected:\n" + pprint.pformat(expected_events) + "\nReceived:\n" + pprint.pformat(events)) def _run_check_extra(self, source, events): self._run_check(source, events, EventCollectorExtra) def _parse_error(self, source): def parse(source=source): parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() parser.feed(source) parser.close() self.assertRaises(HTMLParser.HTMLParseError, parse) class HTMLParserTestCase(TestCaseBase): def test_processing_instruction_only(self): self._run_check("<?processing instruction>", [ ("pi", "processing instruction"), ]) self._run_check("<?processing instruction ?>", [ ("pi", "processing instruction ?"), ]) def test_simple_html(self): self._run_check(""" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC 'foo'> <HTML>&entity;  <!--comment1a -></foo><bar><<?pi?></foo<bar comment1b--> <Img sRc='Bar' isMAP>sample text “ <!--comment2a-- --comment2b--><!> </Html> """, [ ("data", "\n"), ("decl", "DOCTYPE html PUBLIC 'foo'"), ("data", "\n"), ("starttag", "html", []), ("entityref", "entity"), ("charref", "32"), ("data", "\n"), ("comment", "comment1a\n-></foo><bar><<?pi?></foo<bar\ncomment1b"), ("data", "\n"), ("starttag", "img", [("src", "Bar"), ("ismap", None)]), ("data", "sample\ntext\n"), ("charref", "x201C"), ("data", "\n"), ("comment", "comment2a-- --comment2b"), ("data", "\n"), ("endtag", "html"), ("data", "\n"), ]) def test_unclosed_entityref(self): self._run_check("&entityref foo", [ ("entityref", "entityref"), ("data", " foo"), ]) def test_doctype_decl(self): inside = """\ DOCTYPE html [ <!ELEMENT html - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST html version CDATA #IMPLIED profile CDATA 'DublinCore'> <!NOTATION datatype SYSTEM 'http://xml.python.org/notations/python-module'> <!ENTITY myEntity 'internal parsed entity'> <!ENTITY anEntity SYSTEM 'http://xml.python.org/entities/something.xml'> <!ENTITY % paramEntity 'name|name|name'> %paramEntity; <!-- comment --> ]""" self._run_check("<!%s>" % inside, [ ("decl", inside), ]) def test_bad_nesting(self): # Strangely, this *is* supposed to test that overlapping # elements are allowed. HTMLParser is more geared toward # lexing the input that parsing the structure. self._run_check("<a><b></a></b>", [ ("starttag", "a", []), ("starttag", "b", []), ("endtag", "a"), ("endtag", "b"), ]) def test_bare_ampersands(self): self._run_check("this text & contains & ampersands &", [ ("data", "this text & contains & ampersands &"), ]) def test_bare_pointy_brackets(self): self._run_check("this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets", [ ("data", "this < text > contains < bare>pointy< brackets"), ]) def test_attr_syntax(self): output = [ ("starttag", "a", [("b", "v"), ("c", "v"), ("d", "v"), ("e", None)]) ] self._run_check("""<a b='v' c="v" d=v e>""", output) self._run_check("""<a b = 'v' c = "v" d = v e>""", output) self._run_check("""<a\nb\n=\n'v'\nc\n=\n"v"\nd\n=\nv\ne>""", output) self._run_check("""<a\tb\t=\t'v'\tc\t=\t"v"\td\t=\tv\te>""", output) def test_attr_values(self): self._run_check("""<a b='xxx\n\txxx' c="yyy\t\nyyy" d='\txyz\n'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", "xxx\n\txxx"), ("c", "yyy\t\nyyy"), ("d", "\txyz\n")]) ]) self._run_check("""<a b='' c="">""", [ ("starttag", "a", [("b", ""), ("c", "")]), ]) # Regression test for SF patch #669683. self._run_check("<e a=rgb(1,2,3)>", [ ("starttag", "e", [("a", "rgb(1,2,3)")]), ]) # Regression test for SF bug #921657. self._run_check("<a href=mailto:xyz@example.com>", [ ("starttag", "a", [("href", "mailto:xyz@example.com")]), ]) def test_attr_entity_replacement(self): self._run_check("""<a b='&><"''>""", [ ("starttag", "a", [("b", "&><\"'")]), ]) def test_attr_funky_names(self): self._run_check("""<a a.b='v' c:d=v e-f=v>""", [ ("starttag", "a", [("a.b", "v"), ("c:d", "v"), ("e-f", "v")]), ]) def test_illegal_declarations(self): self._parse_error('<!spacer type="block" height="25">') def test_starttag_end_boundary(self): self._run_check("""<a b='<'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])]) self._run_check("""<a b='>'>""", [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])]) def test_buffer_artefacts(self): output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", "<")])] self._run_check(["<a b='<'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a ", "b='<'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b", "='<'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b=", "'<'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b='<", "'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b='<'", ">"], output) output = [("starttag", "a", [("b", ">")])] self._run_check(["<a b='>'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a ", "b='>'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b", "='>'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b=", "'>'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b='>", "'>"], output) self._run_check(["<a b='>'", ">"], output) output = [("comment", "abc")] self._run_check(["", "<!--abc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<", "!--abc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!", "--abc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!-", "-abc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--", "abc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--a", "bc-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--ab", "c-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--abc", "-->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--abc-", "->"], output) self._run_check(["<!--abc--", ">"], output) self._run_check(["<!--abc-->", ""], output) def test_starttag_junk_chars(self): self._parse_error("</>") self._parse_error("</$>") self._parse_error("</") self._parse_error("</a") self._parse_error("<a<a>") self._parse_error("</a<a>") self._parse_error("<!") self._parse_error("<a $>") self._parse_error("<a") self._parse_error("<a foo='bar'") self._parse_error("<a foo='bar") self._parse_error("<a foo='>'") self._parse_error("<a foo='>") self._parse_error("<a foo=>") def test_declaration_junk_chars(self): self._parse_error("<!DOCTYPE foo $ >") def test_startendtag(self): self._run_check("<p/>", [ ("startendtag", "p", []), ]) self._run_check("<p></p>", [ ("starttag", "p", []), ("endtag", "p"), ]) self._run_check("<p><img src='foo' /></p>", [ ("starttag", "p", []), ("startendtag", "img", [("src", "foo")]), ("endtag", "p"), ]) def test_get_starttag_text(self): s = """<foo:bar \n one="1"\ttwo=2 >""" self._run_check_extra(s, [ ("starttag", "foo:bar", [("one", "1"), ("two", "2")]), ("starttag_text", s)]) def test_cdata_content(self): s = """<script> <!-- not a comment --> ¬-an-entity-ref; </script>""" self._run_check(s, [ ("starttag", "script", []), ("data", " <!-- not a comment --> ¬-an-entity-ref; "), ("endtag", "script"), ]) s = """<script> <not a='start tag'> </script>""" self._run_check(s, [ ("starttag", "script", []), ("data", " <not a='start tag'> "), ("endtag", "script"), ]) def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(HTMLParserTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()