import re import W import os import MacPrefs import MacOS import string import webbrowser import EasyDialogs app = W.getapplication() _titlepat = re.compile('<title>\([^<]*\)</title>') def sucktitle(path): f = open(path) text = # assume the title is in the first 1024 bytes f.close() lowertext = text.lower() matcher = if matcher: return return path def verifydocpath(docpath): try: tut = os.path.join(docpath, "tut") lib = os.path.join(docpath, "lib") ref = os.path.join(docpath, "ref") for path in [tut, lib, ref]: if not os.path.exists(path): return 0 except: return 0 return 1 _resultscounter = 1 class Results: def __init__(self, hits): global _resultscounter hits = map(lambda (path, hits): (sucktitle(path), path, hits), hits) hits.sort() self.hits = hits nicehits = map( lambda (title, path, hits): title + '\r' + string.join( map(lambda (c, p): "%s (%d)" % (p, c), hits), ', '), hits) nicehits.sort() self.w = W.Window((440, 300), "Search results %d" % _resultscounter, minsize = (200, 100)) self.w.results = W.TwoLineList((-1, -1, 1, -14), nicehits, self.listhit) self.w.bind('return', self.listhit) self.w.bind('enter', self.listhit) _resultscounter = _resultscounter + 1 def listhit(self, isdbl = 1): if isdbl: for i in self.w.results.getselection(): path = self.hits[i][1] url = "file://" + "/".join(path.split(":")) class Status: def __init__(self): self.w = W.Dialog((440, 64), "Searching\xc9") self.w.searching = W.TextBox((4, 4, -4, 16), "") self.w.hits = W.TextBox((4, 24, -4, 16), "Hits: 0") self.w.canceltip = W.TextBox((4, 44, -4, 16), "Type cmd-period (.) to cancel.") def set(self, path, hits): self.w.searching.set(path) self.w.hits.set('Hits: ' + `hits`) app.breathe() def close(self): self.w.close() def match(text, patterns, all): hits = [] hitsappend = hits.append stringcount = string.count for pat in patterns: c = stringcount(text, pat) if c > 0: hitsappend((c, pat)) elif all: hits[:] = [] break hits.sort() hits.reverse() return hits def dosearch(docpath, searchstring, settings): (docpath, kind, case, word, tut, lib, ref, ext, api) = settings books = [(tut, 'tut'), (lib, 'lib'), (ref, 'ref'), (ext, 'ext'), (api, 'api')] if not case: searchstring = string.lower(searchstring) if kind == 1: patterns = string.split(searchstring) all = 1 elif kind == 2: patterns = string.split(searchstring) all = 0 else: patterns = [searchstring] all = 0 # not relevant ospathjoin = os.path.join stringlower = string.lower status = Status() statusset = status.set _match = match _open = open hits = {} try: if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0) try: for do, name in books: if not do: continue bookpath = ospathjoin(docpath, name) if not os.path.exists(bookpath): continue files = os.listdir(bookpath) for file in files: fullpath = ospathjoin(bookpath, file) if fullpath[-5:] <> '.html': continue statusset(fullpath, len(hits)) f = _open(fullpath) text = if not case: text = stringlower(text) f.close() filehits = _match(text, patterns, all) if filehits: hits[fullpath] = filehits finally: if hasattr(MacOS, 'EnableAppswitch'): MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1) status.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass hits = hits.items() hits.sort() return hits class PyDocSearch: def __init__(self): prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) try: (docpath, kind, case, word, tut, lib, ref, ext, api) = prefs.docsearchengine except: (docpath, kind, case, word, tut, lib, ref, ext, api) = prefs.docsearchengine = \ ("", 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) if docpath and not verifydocpath(docpath): docpath = "" self.w = W.Window((400, 200), "Search the Python Documentation") self.w.searchtext = W.EditText((10, 10, -100, 20), callback = self.checkbuttons) self.w.searchbutton = W.Button((-90, 12, 80, 16), "Search", buttons = [] gutter = 10 width = 130 bookstart = width + 2 * gutter self.w.phraseradio = W.RadioButton((10, 38, width, 16), "As a phrase", buttons) self.w.allwordsradio = W.RadioButton((10, 58, width, 16), "All words", buttons) self.w.anywordsradio = W.RadioButton((10, 78, width, 16), "Any word", buttons) self.w.casesens = W.CheckBox((10, 98, width, 16), "Case sensitive") self.w.wholewords = W.CheckBox((10, 118, width, 16), "Whole words") self.w.tutorial = W.CheckBox((bookstart, 38, -10, 16), "Tutorial") self.w.library = W.CheckBox((bookstart, 58, -10, 16), "Library reference") self.w.langueref = W.CheckBox((bookstart, 78, -10, 16), "Lanuage reference manual") self.w.extending = W.CheckBox((bookstart, 98, -10, 16), "Extending & embedding") self.w.api = W.CheckBox((bookstart, 118, -10, 16), "C/C++ API") self.w.setdocfolderbutton = W.Button((10, -30, 100, 16), "Set doc folder", self.setdocpath) if docpath: self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.searchbutton) else: self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.setdocfolderbutton) self.docpath = docpath if not docpath: docpath = "(please select the Python html documentation folder)" self.w.docfolder = W.TextBox((120, -28, -10, 16), docpath) [self.w.phraseradio, self.w.allwordsradio, self.w.anywordsradio][kind].set(1) self.w.casesens.set(case) self.w.wholewords.set(word) self.w.tutorial.set(tut) self.w.library.set(lib) self.w.langueref.set(ref) self.w.extending.set(ext) self.w.api.set(api) self.w.wholewords.enable(0) self.w.bind('<close>', self.close) self.w.searchbutton.enable(0) def search(self): hits = dosearch(self.docpath, self.w.searchtext.get(), self.getsettings()) if hits: Results(hits) elif hasattr(MacOS, 'SysBeep'): MacOS.SysBeep(0) def setdocpath(self): docpath = EasyDialogs.AskFolder() if docpath: if not verifydocpath(docpath): W.Message("This does not seem to be a Python documentation folder...") else: self.docpath = docpath self.w.docfolder.set(docpath) self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.searchbutton) def close(self): prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath) prefs.docsearchengine = self.getsettings() def getsettings(self): radiobuttons = [self.w.phraseradio, self.w.allwordsradio, self.w.anywordsradio] for i in range(3): if radiobuttons[i].get(): kind = i break docpath = self.docpath case = self.w.casesens.get() word = self.w.wholewords.get() tut = self.w.tutorial.get() lib = self.w.library.get() ref = self.w.langueref.get() ext = self.w.extending.get() api = self.w.api.get() return (docpath, kind, case, word, tut, lib, ref, ext, api) def checkbuttons(self): self.w.searchbutton.enable(not not self.w.searchtext.get())