"""File selection dialog classes. Classes: - FileDialog - LoadFileDialog - SaveFileDialog XXX Bugs: - The fields are not labeled - Default doesn't have absolute pathname - Each FileDialog instance can be used only once - There is no easy way for an application to add widgets of its own """ from Tkinter import * from Dialog import Dialog ANCHOR = 'anchor' import os import fnmatch class FileDialog: """Standard file selection dialog -- no checks on selected file. Usage: d = FileDialog(master) file = d.go(directory, pattern, default) if file is None: ...canceled... """ title = "File Selection Dialog" def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.directory = None self.top = Toplevel(master) self.top.title(self.title) self.filter = Entry(self.top) self.filter.pack(fill=X) self.filter.bind('<Return>', self.filter_command) self.midframe = Frame(self.top) self.midframe.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.dirs = Listbox(self.midframe) self.dirs.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.dirs.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_select_event) self.dirs.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.dirs_double_event) self.files = Listbox(self.midframe) self.files.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) self.files.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_select_event) self.files.bind('<Double-ButtonRelease-1>', self.files_double_event) self.selection = Entry(self.top) self.selection.pack(fill=X) self.selection.bind('<Return>', self.ok_event) self.botframe = Frame(self.top) self.botframe.pack(fill=X) self.ok_button = Button(self.botframe, text="OK", command=self.ok_command) self.ok_button.pack(side=LEFT) self.filter_button = Button(self.botframe, text="Filter", command=self.filter_command) self.filter_button.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES) self.cancel_button = Button(self.botframe, text="Cancel", command=self.cancel_command) self.cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT) def go(self, directory=os.curdir, pattern="*", default=""): self.directory = directory self.set_filter(directory, pattern) self.filter_command() self.set_selection(default) self.selection.focus_set() self.top.grab_set() try: self.master.mainloop() except SystemExit, how: self.top.destroy() return how def dirs_double_event(self, event): ## self.dirs_select_event(event) self.filter_command() def dirs_select_event(self, event): dir, pat = self.get_filter() subdir = self.dirs.get(ANCHOR) dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.directory, subdir)) self.set_filter(dir, pat) def files_double_event(self, event): ## self.files_select_event(event) ## self.master.update_idletasks() self.ok_command() def files_select_event(self, event): file = self.files.get(ANCHOR) self.set_selection(file) def ok_event(self, event): self.ok_command() def ok_command(self): raise SystemExit, self.selection.get() def filter_command(self, event=None): dir, pat = self.get_filter() try: names = os.listdir(dir) except os.error: self.master.bell() return self.directory = dir self.set_filter(dir, pat) names.sort() subdirs = [os.pardir] matchingfiles = [] for name in names: fullname = os.path.join(dir, name) if os.path.isdir(fullname): subdirs.append(name) elif fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pat): matchingfiles.append(name) self.dirs.delete(0, END) for name in subdirs: self.dirs.insert(END, name) self.files.delete(0, END) for name in matchingfiles: self.files.insert(END, name) head, tail = os.path.split(self.selection.get()) if tail == os.curdir: tail = '' self.set_selection(tail) def get_filter(self): filter = self.filter.get() if filter[-1:] == os.sep: filter = filter + "*" return os.path.split(filter) def cancel_command(self): raise SystemExit, None def set_filter(self, dir, pat): self.filter.delete(0, END) self.filter.insert(END, os.path.join(dir or os.curdir, pat or "*")) def set_selection(self, file): self.selection.delete(0, END) self.selection.insert(END, os.path.join(self.directory, file)) class LoadFileDialog(FileDialog): """File selection dialog which checks that the file exists.""" title = "Load File Selection Dialog" def ok_command(self): file = self.selection.get() if not os.path.isfile(file): self.master.bell() else: raise SystemExit, file class SaveFileDialog(FileDialog): """File selection dialog which checks that the file may be created.""" title = "Save File Selection Dialog" def ok_command(self): file = self.selection.get() if os.path.exists(file): if os.path.isdir(file): self.master.bell() return d = Dialog(self.master, title="Overwrite Existing File Question", text="Overwrite existing file %s?" % `file`, bitmap='questhead', default=0, strings=("Yes", "Cancel")) if d.num != 0: file = None else: head, tail = os.path.split(file) if not os.path.isdir(head): self.master.bell() return raise SystemExit, file def test(): """Simple test program.""" root = Tk() root.withdraw() fd = LoadFileDialog(root) loadfile = fd.go() fd = SaveFileDialog(root) savefile = fd.go() print loadfile, savefile if __name__ == '__main__': test()