"""PixMapWrapper - defines the PixMapWrapper class, which wraps an opaque QuickDraw PixMap data structure in a handy Python class. Also provides methods to convert to/from pixel data (from, e.g., the img module) or a Python Imaging Library Image object. J. Strout <joe@strout.net> February 1999""" from Carbon import Qd from Carbon import QuickDraw import struct import MacOS import img import imgformat # PixMap data structure element format (as used with struct) _pmElemFormat = { 'baseAddr':'l', # address of pixel data 'rowBytes':'H', # bytes per row, plus 0x8000 'bounds':'hhhh', # coordinates imposed over pixel data 'top':'h', 'left':'h', 'bottom':'h', 'right':'h', 'pmVersion':'h', # flags for Color QuickDraw 'packType':'h', # format of compression algorithm 'packSize':'l', # size after compression 'hRes':'l', # horizontal pixels per inch 'vRes':'l', # vertical pixels per inch 'pixelType':'h', # pixel format 'pixelSize':'h', # bits per pixel 'cmpCount':'h', # color components per pixel 'cmpSize':'h', # bits per component 'planeBytes':'l', # offset in bytes to next plane 'pmTable':'l', # handle to color table 'pmReserved':'l' # reserved for future use } # PixMap data structure element offset _pmElemOffset = { 'baseAddr':0, 'rowBytes':4, 'bounds':6, 'top':6, 'left':8, 'bottom':10, 'right':12, 'pmVersion':14, 'packType':16, 'packSize':18, 'hRes':22, 'vRes':26, 'pixelType':30, 'pixelSize':32, 'cmpCount':34, 'cmpSize':36, 'planeBytes':38, 'pmTable':42, 'pmReserved':46 } class PixMapWrapper: """PixMapWrapper -- wraps the QD PixMap object in a Python class, with methods to easily get/set various pixmap fields. Note: Use the PixMap() method when passing to QD calls.""" def __init__(self): self.__dict__['data'] = '' self._header = struct.pack("lhhhhhhhlllhhhhlll", id(self.data)+MacOS.string_id_to_buffer, 0, # rowBytes 0, 0, 0, 0, # bounds 0, # pmVersion 0, 0, # packType, packSize 72<<16, 72<<16, # hRes, vRes QuickDraw.RGBDirect, # pixelType 16, # pixelSize 2, 5, # cmpCount, cmpSize, 0, 0, 0) # planeBytes, pmTable, pmReserved self.__dict__['_pm'] = Qd.RawBitMap(self._header) def _stuff(self, element, bytes): offset = _pmElemOffset[element] fmt = _pmElemFormat[element] self._header = self._header[:offset] \ + struct.pack(fmt, bytes) \ + self._header[offset + struct.calcsize(fmt):] self.__dict__['_pm'] = None def _unstuff(self, element): offset = _pmElemOffset[element] fmt = _pmElemFormat[element] return struct.unpack(fmt, self._header[offset:offset+struct.calcsize(fmt)])[0] def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if attr == 'baseAddr': raise 'UseErr', "don't assign to .baseAddr -- assign to .data instead" elif attr == 'data': self.__dict__['data'] = val self._stuff('baseAddr', id(self.data) + MacOS.string_id_to_buffer) elif attr == 'rowBytes': # high bit is always set for some odd reason self._stuff('rowBytes', val | 0x8000) elif attr == 'bounds': # assume val is in official Left, Top, Right, Bottom order! self._stuff('left',val[0]) self._stuff('top',val[1]) self._stuff('right',val[2]) self._stuff('bottom',val[3]) elif attr == 'hRes' or attr == 'vRes': # 16.16 fixed format, so just shift 16 bits self._stuff(attr, int(val) << 16) elif attr in _pmElemFormat.keys(): # any other pm attribute -- just stuff self._stuff(attr, val) else: self.__dict__[attr] = val def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == 'rowBytes': # high bit is always set for some odd reason return self._unstuff('rowBytes') & 0x7FFF elif attr == 'bounds': # return bounds in official Left, Top, Right, Bottom order! return ( \ self._unstuff('left'), self._unstuff('top'), self._unstuff('right'), self._unstuff('bottom') ) elif attr == 'hRes' or attr == 'vRes': # 16.16 fixed format, so just shift 16 bits return self._unstuff(attr) >> 16 elif attr in _pmElemFormat.keys(): # any other pm attribute -- just unstuff return self._unstuff(attr) else: return self.__dict__[attr] def PixMap(self): "Return a QuickDraw PixMap corresponding to this data." if not self.__dict__['_pm']: self.__dict__['_pm'] = Qd.RawBitMap(self._header) return self.__dict__['_pm'] def blit(self, x1=0,y1=0,x2=None,y2=None, port=None): """Draw this pixmap into the given (default current) grafport.""" src = self.bounds dest = [x1,y1,x2,y2] if x2 == None: dest[2] = x1 + src[2]-src[0] if y2 == None: dest[3] = y1 + src[3]-src[1] if not port: port = Qd.GetPort() Qd.CopyBits(self.PixMap(), port.GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(), src, tuple(dest), QuickDraw.srcCopy, None) def fromstring(self,s,width,height,format=imgformat.macrgb): """Stuff this pixmap with raw pixel data from a string. Supply width, height, and one of the imgformat specifiers.""" # we only support 16- and 32-bit mac rgb... # so convert if necessary if format != imgformat.macrgb and format != imgformat.macrgb16: # (LATER!) raise "NotImplementedError", "conversion to macrgb or macrgb16" self.data = s self.bounds = (0,0,width,height) self.cmpCount = 3 self.pixelType = QuickDraw.RGBDirect if format == imgformat.macrgb: self.pixelSize = 32 self.cmpSize = 8 else: self.pixelSize = 16 self.cmpSize = 5 self.rowBytes = width*self.pixelSize/8 def tostring(self, format=imgformat.macrgb): """Return raw data as a string in the specified format.""" # is the native format requested? if so, just return data if (format == imgformat.macrgb and self.pixelSize == 32) or \ (format == imgformat.macrgb16 and self.pixelsize == 16): return self.data # otherwise, convert to the requested format # (LATER!) raise "NotImplementedError", "data format conversion" def fromImage(self,im): """Initialize this PixMap from a PIL Image object.""" # We need data in ARGB format; PIL can't currently do that, # but it can do RGBA, which we can use by inserting one null # up frontpm = if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') data = chr(0) + im.tostring() self.fromstring(data, im.size[0], im.size[1]) def toImage(self): """Return the contents of this PixMap as a PIL Image object.""" import Image # our tostring() method returns data in ARGB format, # whereas Image uses RGBA; a bit of slicing fixes this... data = self.tostring()[1:] + chr(0) bounds = self.bounds return Image.fromstring('RGBA',(bounds[2]-bounds[0],bounds[3]-bounds[1]),data) def test(): import MacOS import EasyDialogs import Image path = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen("Image File:") if not path: return pm = PixMapWrapper() pm.fromImage( Image.open(path) ) pm.blit(20,20) return pm