• Victor Stinner's avatar
    (Merge 3.4) asyncio: sync with Tulip · 83b9ea49
    Victor Stinner yazdı
    * PipeServer.close() now cancels the "accept pipe" future which cancels the
      overlapped operation.
    * Fix _SelectorTransport.__repr__() if the transport was closed
    * Fix debug log in BaseEventLoop.create_connection(): get the socket object
      from the transport because SSL transport closes the old socket and creates a
      new SSL socket object. Remove also the _SelectorSslTransport._rawsock
      attribute: it contained the closed socket (not very useful) and it was not
    * Issue #22063: socket operations (sock_recv, sock_sendall, sock_connect,
      sock_accept) of the proactor event loop don't raise an exception in debug
      mode if the socket are in blocking mode. Overlapped operations also work on
      blocking sockets.
    * Fix unit tests in debug mode: mock a non-blocking socket for socket
      operations which now raise an exception if the socket is blocking.
    * _fatal_error() method of _UnixReadPipeTransport and _UnixWritePipeTransport
      now log all exceptions in debug mode
    * Don't log expected errors in unit tests
    * Tulip issue 200: _WaitHandleFuture._unregister_wait() now catchs and logs
    * Tulip issue 200: Log errors in debug mode instead of simply ignoring them.
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