Kaydet (Commit) 31f6421b authored tarafından Andrew Jesaitis's avatar Andrew Jesaitis Kaydeden (comit) Claude Paroz

Fixed #19938 -- Consumed iterator only once in paginator's Page

Thanks Joshua Fialkoff for the report.
üst 2ee447fb
......@@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ class Page(collections.Sequence):
raise TypeError
# The object_list is converted to a list so that if it was a QuerySet
# it won't be a database hit per __getitem__.
return list(self.object_list)[index]
if not isinstance(self.object_list, list):
self.object_list = list(self.object_list)
return self.object_list[index]
def has_next(self):
return self.number < self.paginator.num_pages
......@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ class ModelPaginationTests(TestCase):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: p['has_previous'])
self.assertNotIsInstance(p.object_list, list)
# Make sure slicing the Page object with numbers and slice objects work.
self.assertEqual(p[0], Article.objects.get(headline='Article 1'))
......@@ -305,3 +306,5 @@ class ModelPaginationTests(TestCase):
"<Article: Article 2>",
# After __getitem__ is called, object_list is a list
self.assertIsInstance(p.object_list, list)
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