Kaydet (Commit) 4d42dc38 authored tarafından Malcolm Tredinnick's avatar Malcolm Tredinnick

Changed the URL reference for timezone specifications. It looks like PostgreSQL…

Changed the URL reference for timezone specifications. It looks like PostgreSQL is removing that list from their docs (in 8.2) and this might also help avoid problems with people not noticing there are multiple entries per line in the current PostgreSQL docs.

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@5941 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
üst 5832ca5b
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ ADMINS = ()
# Local time zone for this installation. All choices can be found here:
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/datetime-keywords.html#DATETIME-TIMEZONE-SET-TABLE
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name (although not all
# systems may support all possibilities).
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago'
# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ DATABASE_HOST = '' # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used wit
DATABASE_PORT = '' # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here:
# http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/datetime-keywords.html#DATETIME-TIMEZONE-SET-TABLE
# although not all variations may be possible on all operating systems.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name
# although not all choices may be avilable on all operating systems.
# If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your
# system time zone.
TIME_ZONE = 'America/Chicago'
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