*   Copyright (c) 1996-2001, Darren Hiebert
*   This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
*   GNU General Public License.
*   This module contains functions for creating tag entries.

#include "general.h"	/* must always come first */

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>	/* to define isspace () */
#include <errno.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>

#if defined (HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
# include <sys/types.h>	    /* to declare off_t on some hosts */
#if defined (HAVE_TYPES_H)
# include <types.h>	    /* to declare off_t on some hosts */

/*  These header files provide for the functions necessary to do file
 *  truncation.
# include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef HAVE_IO_H
# include <io.h>

#include "ctags.h"
#include "entry.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "read.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "strlist.h"

#define PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX	"!_"

#define includeExtensionFlags()		(Option.tagFileFormat > 1)

 *  Portability defines
#if !defined(HAVE_TRUNCATE) && !defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE) && !defined(HAVE_CHSIZE)

/*  Hack for rediculous practice of Microsoft Visual C++.
#if defined (WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER)
# define chsize		_chsize
# define open		_open
# define close		_close
# define O_RDWR 	_O_RDWR


tagFile TagFile = {
    NULL,		/* tag file name */
    NULL,		/* tag file directory (absolute) */
    NULL,		/* file pointer */
    { 0, 0 },		/* numTags */
    { 0, 0, 0 },	/* max */
    { NULL, NULL, 0 },	/* etags */
    NULL		/* vLine */

static boolean TagsToStdout = FALSE;

extern int truncate (const char *path, off_t length);

extern int ftruncate (int fd, off_t length);


extern void freeTagFileResources (void)
    eFree (TagFile.directory);
    vStringDelete (TagFile.vLine);

extern const char *tagFileName (void)
    return TagFile.name;

*   Pseudo tag support

static void rememberMaxLengths (const size_t nameLength, const size_t lineLength)
    if (nameLength > TagFile.max.tag)
	TagFile.max.tag = nameLength;

    if (lineLength > TagFile.max.line)
	TagFile.max.line = lineLength;

static void writePseudoTag (const char *const tagName,
			    const char *const fileName,
			    const char *const pattern)
    const int length = mio_printf (TagFile.mio, "%s%s\t%s\t/%s/\n",
				   PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX, tagName, fileName, pattern);
    rememberMaxLengths (strlen (tagName), (size_t) length);

static void addPseudoTags (void)
    if (! Option.xref)
	char format [11];
	const char *formatComment = "unknown format";

	sprintf (format, "%u", Option.tagFileFormat);

	if (Option.tagFileFormat == 1)
	    formatComment = "original ctags format";
	else if (Option.tagFileFormat == 2)
	    formatComment =
		    "extended format; --format=1 will not append ;\" to lines";

	writePseudoTag ("TAG_FILE_FORMAT", format, formatComment);
	writePseudoTag ("TAG_FILE_SORTED", Option.sorted ? "1":"0",
		       "0=unsorted, 1=sorted");
	writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_NAME",	PROGRAM_NAME, "");
	writePseudoTag ("TAG_PROGRAM_URL",	PROGRAM_URL,  "official site");

static void updateSortedFlag (const char *const line,
			      MIO *const mio, MIOPos startOfLine)
    const char *const tab = strchr (line, '\t');

    if (tab != NULL)
	const long boolOffset = tab - line + 1;		/* where it should be */

	if (line [boolOffset] == '0'  ||  line [boolOffset] == '1')
	    MIOPos nextLine;

	    if (mio_getpos (mio, &nextLine) == -1 || mio_setpos (mio, &startOfLine) == -1)
		error (WARNING, "Failed to update 'sorted' pseudo-tag");
		MIOPos flagLocation;
		int c, d;

		    c = mio_getc (mio);
		while (c != '\t'  &&  c != '\n');
		mio_getpos (mio, &flagLocation);
		d = mio_getc (mio);
		if (c == '\t'  &&  (d == '0'  ||  d == '1')  &&
		    d != (int) Option.sorted)
		    mio_setpos (mio, &flagLocation);
		    mio_putc (mio, Option.sorted ? '1' : '0');
		mio_setpos (mio, &nextLine);

/*  Look through all line beginning with "!_TAG_FILE", and update those which
 *  require it.
static long unsigned int updatePseudoTags (MIO *const mio)
    enum { maxClassLength = 20 };
    char class [maxClassLength + 1];
    unsigned long linesRead = 0;
    MIOPos startOfLine;
    size_t classLength;
    const char *line;

    sprintf (class, "%sTAG_FILE", PSEUDO_TAG_PREFIX);
    classLength = strlen (class);
    Assert (classLength < maxClassLength);

    mio_getpos (mio, &startOfLine);
    line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, mio);
    while (line != NULL  &&  line [0] == class [0])
	if (strncmp (line, class, classLength) == 0)
	    char tab, classType [16];

	    if (sscanf (line + classLength, "%15s%c", classType, &tab) == 2  &&
		tab == '\t')
		if (strcmp (classType, "_SORTED") == 0)
		    updateSortedFlag (line, mio, startOfLine);
	    mio_getpos (mio, &startOfLine);
	line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, mio);
    while (line != NULL)			/* skip to end of file */
	line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, mio);
    return linesRead;

 *  Tag file management

static boolean isTagFile (const char *const filename)
    boolean ok = FALSE;			/* we assume not unless confirmed */
    MIO *const mio = mio_new_file_full (filename, "rb", g_fopen, fclose);

    if (mio == NULL  &&  errno == ENOENT)
	ok = TRUE;
    else if (mio != NULL)
	const char *line = readLine (TagFile.vLine, mio);

	if (line == NULL)
	    ok = TRUE;
	mio_free (mio);
    return ok;

extern void copyBytes (MIO* const fromMio, MIO* const toMio, const long size)
    enum { BufferSize = 1000 };
    long toRead, numRead;
    char* buffer = xMalloc (BufferSize, char);
    long remaining = size;
	toRead = (0 < remaining && remaining < BufferSize) ?
		    remaining : BufferSize;
	numRead = mio_read (fromMio, buffer, (size_t) 1, (size_t) toRead);
	if (mio_write (toMio, buffer, (size_t)1, (size_t)numRead) < (size_t)numRead)
	    error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot complete write");
	if (remaining > 0)
	    remaining -= numRead;
    } while (numRead == toRead  &&  remaining != 0);
    eFree (buffer);

extern void copyFile (const char *const from, const char *const to, const long size)
    MIO* const fromMio = mio_new_file_full (from, "rb", g_fopen, fclose);
    if (fromMio == NULL)
	error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open file to copy");
	MIO* const toMio = mio_new_file_full (to, "wb", g_fopen, fclose);
	if (toMio == NULL)
	    error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open copy destination");
	    copyBytes (fromMio, toMio, size);
	    mio_free (toMio);
	mio_free (fromMio);

extern void openTagFile (void)
    setDefaultTagFileName ();
    TagsToStdout = isDestinationStdout ();

    if (TagFile.vLine == NULL)
	TagFile.vLine = vStringNew ();

    /*  Open the tags file.
    if (TagsToStdout)
	FILE *fp;

	fp = tempFile ("w", &TagFile.name);
	TagFile.mio = mio_new_fp (fp, fclose);
	boolean fileExists;

	setDefaultTagFileName ();
	TagFile.name = eStrdup (Option.tagFileName);
	fileExists = doesFileExist (TagFile.name);
	if (fileExists  &&  ! isTagFile (TagFile.name))
	    error (FATAL,
	      "\"%s\" doesn't look like a tag file; I refuse to overwrite it.",

	if (Option.append  &&  fileExists)
	    TagFile.mio = mio_new_file_full (TagFile.name, "r+", g_fopen, fclose);
	    if (TagFile.mio != NULL)
		TagFile.numTags.prev = updatePseudoTags (TagFile.mio);
		mio_free (TagFile.mio);
		TagFile.mio = mio_new_file_full (TagFile.name, "a+", g_fopen, fclose);
	    TagFile.mio = mio_new_file_full (TagFile.name, "w", g_fopen, fclose);
	    if (TagFile.mio != NULL)
		addPseudoTags ();

	if (TagFile.mio == NULL)
	    error (FATAL | PERROR, "cannot open tag file");
	    exit (1);
    if (TagsToStdout)
	TagFile.directory = eStrdup (CurrentDirectory);
	TagFile.directory = absoluteDirname (TagFile.name);


/*  Replacement for missing library function.
static int replacementTruncate (const char *const name, const long size)
    char *tempName = NULL;
    FILE *fp = tempFile ("w", &tempName);
    fclose (fp);
    copyFile (name, tempName, size);
    copyFile (tempName, name, WHOLE_FILE);
    remove (tempName);
    eFree (tempName);

    return 0;


 *  Tag entry management

extern void makeTagEntry (const tagEntryInfo *const tag)
    Assert (tag->name != NULL);
    if (tag->name [0] == '\0')
	error (WARNING, "ignoring null tag in %s", vStringValue (File.name));
	int length = 0;

	if (NULL != TagEntryFunction)
		length = TagEntryFunction(tag);

	rememberMaxLengths (strlen (tag->name), (size_t) length);

extern void setTagArglistByName (const char *tag_name, const char *arglist)
    if (NULL != TagEntrySetArglistFunction)
	TagEntrySetArglistFunction(tag_name, arglist);

extern void initTagEntry (tagEntryInfo *const e, const char *const name)
    Assert (File.source.name != NULL);
    memset (e, 0, sizeof (tagEntryInfo));
    e->lineNumberEntry	= (boolean) (Option.locate == EX_LINENUM);
    e->lineNumber	= getSourceLineNumber ();
    e->language		= getSourceLanguageName ();
    e->filePosition	= getInputFilePosition ();
    e->sourceFileName	= getSourceFileTagPath ();
    e->name		= name;

/* vi:set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4: */