// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file Selection.h ** Classes maintaining the selection. **/ // Copyright 2009 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org> // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #ifndef SELECTION_H #define SELECTION_H #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE namespace Scintilla { #endif class SelectionPosition { int position; int virtualSpace; public: explicit SelectionPosition(int position_=INVALID_POSITION, int virtualSpace_=0) : position(position_), virtualSpace(virtualSpace_) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(virtualSpace < 800000); if (virtualSpace < 0) virtualSpace = 0; } void Reset() { position = 0; virtualSpace = 0; } void MoveForInsertDelete(bool insertion, int startChange, int length); bool operator ==(const SelectionPosition &other) const { return position == other.position && virtualSpace == other.virtualSpace; } bool operator <(const SelectionPosition &other) const; bool operator >(const SelectionPosition &other) const; bool operator <=(const SelectionPosition &other) const; bool operator >=(const SelectionPosition &other) const; int Position() const { return position; } void SetPosition(int position_) { position = position_; virtualSpace = 0; } int VirtualSpace() const { return virtualSpace; } void SetVirtualSpace(int virtualSpace_) { PLATFORM_ASSERT(virtualSpace_ < 800000); if (virtualSpace_ >= 0) virtualSpace = virtualSpace_; } void Add(int increment) { position = position + increment; } bool IsValid() const { return position >= 0; } }; // Ordered range to make drawing simpler struct SelectionSegment { SelectionPosition start; SelectionPosition end; SelectionSegment() { } SelectionSegment(SelectionPosition a, SelectionPosition b) { if (a < b) { start = a; end = b; } else { start = b; end = a; } } bool Empty() const { return start == end; } void Extend(SelectionPosition p) { if (start > p) start = p; if (end < p) end = p; } }; struct SelectionRange { SelectionPosition caret; SelectionPosition anchor; SelectionRange() { } SelectionRange(SelectionPosition single) : caret(single), anchor(single) { } SelectionRange(int single) : caret(single), anchor(single) { } SelectionRange(SelectionPosition caret_, SelectionPosition anchor_) : caret(caret_), anchor(anchor_) { } SelectionRange(int caret_, int anchor_) : caret(caret_), anchor(anchor_) { } bool Empty() const { return anchor == caret; } int Length() const; // int Width() const; // Like Length but takes virtual space into account bool operator ==(const SelectionRange &other) const { return caret == other.caret && anchor == other.anchor; } bool operator <(const SelectionRange &other) const { return caret < other.caret || ((caret == other.caret) && (anchor < other.anchor)); } void Reset() { anchor.Reset(); caret.Reset(); } void ClearVirtualSpace() { anchor.SetVirtualSpace(0); caret.SetVirtualSpace(0); } bool Contains(int pos) const; bool Contains(SelectionPosition sp) const; bool ContainsCharacter(int posCharacter) const; SelectionSegment Intersect(SelectionSegment check) const; SelectionPosition Start() const { return (anchor < caret) ? anchor : caret; } SelectionPosition End() const { return (anchor < caret) ? caret : anchor; } bool Trim(SelectionRange range); // If range is all virtual collapse to start of virtual space void MinimizeVirtualSpace(); }; class Selection { std::vector<SelectionRange> ranges; std::vector<SelectionRange> rangesSaved; SelectionRange rangeRectangular; size_t mainRange; bool moveExtends; bool tentativeMain; public: enum selTypes { noSel, selStream, selRectangle, selLines, selThin }; selTypes selType; Selection(); ~Selection(); bool IsRectangular() const; int MainCaret() const; int MainAnchor() const; SelectionRange &Rectangular(); SelectionSegment Limits() const; // This is for when you want to move the caret in response to a // user direction command - for rectangular selections, use the range // that covers all selected text otherwise return the main selection. SelectionSegment LimitsForRectangularElseMain() const; size_t Count() const; size_t Main() const; void SetMain(size_t r); SelectionRange &Range(size_t r); SelectionRange &RangeMain(); bool MoveExtends() const; void SetMoveExtends(bool moveExtends_); bool Empty() const; SelectionPosition Last() const; int Length() const; void MovePositions(bool insertion, int startChange, int length); void TrimSelection(SelectionRange range); void SetSelection(SelectionRange range); void AddSelection(SelectionRange range); void TentativeSelection(SelectionRange range); void CommitTentative(); int CharacterInSelection(int posCharacter) const; int InSelectionForEOL(int pos) const; int VirtualSpaceFor(int pos) const; void Clear(); void RemoveDuplicates(); void RotateMain(); bool Tentative() const { return tentativeMain; } std::vector<SelectionRange> RangesCopy() const { return ranges; } }; #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif