/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2000-2003, Darren Hiebert * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * This module contains functions for generating tags for assembly language * files. */ /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* must always come first */ #include <string.h> #include "keyword.h" #include "parse.h" #include "read.h" #include "main.h" #include "vstring.h" /* * DATA DECLARATIONS */ typedef enum { K_NONE = -1, K_DEFINE, K_LABEL, K_MACRO, K_TYPE } AsmKind; typedef enum { OP_UNDEFINED = -1, OP_ALIGN, OP_COLON_EQUAL, OP_END, OP_ENDM, OP_ENDMACRO, OP_ENDP, OP_ENDS, OP_EQU, OP_EQUAL, OP_LABEL, OP_MACRO, OP_PROC, OP_RECORD, OP_SECTIONS, OP_SET, OP_STRUCT, OP_LAST } opKeyword; typedef struct { const char *operator; opKeyword keyword; } asmKeyword; typedef struct { opKeyword keyword; AsmKind kind; } opKind; /* * DATA DEFINITIONS */ static langType Lang_asm; static kindOption AsmKinds [] = { { TRUE, 'd', "macro", "defines" }, { TRUE, 'l', "namespace", "labels" }, { TRUE, 'm', "function", "macros" }, { TRUE, 't', "struct", "types (structs and records)" } }; static const asmKeyword AsmKeywords [] = { { "align", OP_ALIGN }, { "endmacro", OP_ENDMACRO }, { "endm", OP_ENDM }, { "end", OP_END }, { "endp", OP_ENDP }, { "ends", OP_ENDS }, { "equ", OP_EQU }, { "label", OP_LABEL }, { "macro", OP_MACRO }, { ":=", OP_COLON_EQUAL }, { "=", OP_EQUAL }, { "proc", OP_PROC }, { "record", OP_RECORD }, { "sections", OP_SECTIONS }, { "set", OP_SET }, { "struct", OP_STRUCT } }; static const opKind OpKinds [] = { /* must be ordered same as opKeyword enumeration */ { OP_ALIGN, K_NONE }, { OP_COLON_EQUAL, K_DEFINE }, { OP_END, K_NONE }, { OP_ENDM, K_NONE }, { OP_ENDMACRO, K_NONE }, { OP_ENDP, K_NONE }, { OP_ENDS, K_NONE }, { OP_EQU, K_DEFINE }, { OP_EQUAL, K_DEFINE }, { OP_LABEL, K_LABEL }, { OP_MACRO, K_MACRO }, { OP_PROC, K_LABEL }, { OP_RECORD, K_TYPE }, { OP_SECTIONS, K_NONE }, { OP_SET, K_DEFINE }, { OP_STRUCT, K_TYPE } }; /* * FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ static void buildAsmKeywordHash (void) { const size_t count = sizeof (AsmKeywords) / sizeof (AsmKeywords [0]); size_t i; for (i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) { const asmKeyword* const p = AsmKeywords + i; addKeyword (p->operator, Lang_asm, (int) p->keyword); } } static opKeyword analyzeOperator (const vString *const op) { vString *keyword = vStringNew (); opKeyword result; vStringCopyToLower (keyword, op); result = (opKeyword) lookupKeyword (vStringValue (keyword), Lang_asm); vStringDelete (keyword); return result; } static boolean isInitialSymbolCharacter (int c) { return (boolean) (c != '\0' && (isalpha (c) || strchr ("_$", c) != NULL)); } static boolean isSymbolCharacter (int c) { /* '?' character is allowed in AMD 29K family */ return (boolean) (c != '\0' && (isalnum (c) || strchr ("_$?", c) != NULL)); } static boolean readPreProc (const unsigned char *const line) { boolean result; const unsigned char *cp = line; vString *name = vStringNew (); while (isSymbolCharacter ((int) *cp)) { vStringPut (name, *cp); ++cp; } vStringTerminate (name); result = (boolean) (strcmp (vStringValue (name), "define") == 0); if (result) { while (isspace ((int) *cp)) ++cp; vStringClear (name); while (isSymbolCharacter ((int) *cp)) { vStringPut (name, *cp); ++cp; } vStringTerminate (name); makeSimpleTag (name, AsmKinds, K_DEFINE); } vStringDelete (name); return result; } static AsmKind operatorKind ( const vString *const operator, boolean *const found) { AsmKind result = K_NONE; const opKeyword kw = analyzeOperator (operator); *found = (boolean) (kw != OP_UNDEFINED); if (*found) { result = OpKinds [kw].kind; Assert (OpKinds [kw].keyword == kw); } return result; } /* We must check for "DB", "DB.L", "DCB.W" (68000) */ static boolean isDefineOperator (const vString *const operator) { const unsigned char *const op = (unsigned char*) vStringValue (operator); const size_t length = vStringLength (operator); const boolean result = (boolean) (length > 0 && toupper ((int) *op) == 'D' && (length == 2 || (length == 4 && (int) op [2] == '.') || (length == 5 && (int) op [3] == '.'))); return result; } static void makeAsmTag ( const vString *const name, const vString *const operator, const boolean labelCandidate, const boolean nameFollows) { if (vStringLength (name) > 0) { boolean found; const AsmKind kind = operatorKind (operator, &found); if (found) { if (kind != K_NONE) makeSimpleTag (name, AsmKinds, kind); } else if (isDefineOperator (operator)) { if (! nameFollows) makeSimpleTag (name, AsmKinds, K_DEFINE); } else if (labelCandidate) { operatorKind (name, &found); if (! found) makeSimpleTag (name, AsmKinds, K_LABEL); } } } static const unsigned char *readSymbol ( const unsigned char *const start, vString *const sym) { const unsigned char *cp = start; vStringClear (sym); if (isInitialSymbolCharacter ((int) *cp)) { while (isSymbolCharacter ((int) *cp)) { vStringPut (sym, *cp); ++cp; } vStringTerminate (sym); } return cp; } static const unsigned char *readOperator ( const unsigned char *const start, vString *const operator) { const unsigned char *cp = start; vStringClear (operator); while (*cp != '\0' && ! isspace ((int) *cp)) { vStringPut (operator, *cp); ++cp; } vStringTerminate (operator); return cp; } static void findAsmTags (void) { vString *name = vStringNew (); vString *operator = vStringNew (); const unsigned char *line; boolean inCComment = FALSE; while ((line = fileReadLine ()) != NULL) { const unsigned char *cp = line; boolean labelCandidate = (boolean) (! isspace ((int) *cp)); boolean nameFollows = FALSE; const boolean isComment = (boolean) (*cp != '\0' && strchr (";*@", *cp) != NULL); /* skip comments */ if (strncmp ((const char*) cp, "/*", (size_t) 2) == 0) { inCComment = TRUE; cp += 2; } if (inCComment) { do { if (strncmp ((const char*) cp, "*/", (size_t) 2) == 0) { inCComment = FALSE; cp += 2; break; } ++cp; } while (*cp != '\0'); } if (isComment || inCComment) continue; /* read preprocessor defines */ if (*cp == '#') { ++cp; readPreProc (cp); continue; } /* skip white space */ while (isspace ((int) *cp)) ++cp; /* read symbol */ cp = readSymbol (cp, name); if (vStringLength (name) > 0 && *cp == ':') { labelCandidate = TRUE; ++cp; } if (! isspace ((int) *cp) && *cp != '\0') continue; /* skip white space */ while (isspace ((int) *cp)) ++cp; /* skip leading dot */ #if 0 if (*cp == '.') ++cp; #endif cp = readOperator (cp, operator); /* attempt second read of symbol */ if (vStringLength (name) == 0) { while (isspace ((int) *cp)) ++cp; cp = readSymbol (cp, name); nameFollows = TRUE; } makeAsmTag (name, operator, labelCandidate, nameFollows); } vStringDelete (name); vStringDelete (operator); } static void initialize (const langType language) { Lang_asm = language; buildAsmKeywordHash (); } extern parserDefinition* AsmParser (void) { static const char *const extensions [] = { "asm", "ASM", "s", "S", NULL }; static const char *const patterns [] = { "*.A51", "*.29[kK]", "*.[68][68][kKsSxX]", "*.[xX][68][68]", NULL }; parserDefinition* def = parserNew ("Asm"); def->kinds = AsmKinds; def->kindCount = KIND_COUNT (AsmKinds); def->extensions = extensions; def->patterns = patterns; def->parser = findAsmTags; def->initialize = initialize; return def; } /* vi:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */