# Running make creates config.h then calls the sub makefiles.
# Other targets are:
#	deps: delete the dependencies so they are regenerated on next make
#	clean: clean all generated files
# localwin32.mk is an optional file to override make variables.
# Use localwin32.mk instead of editing variables as it is included in sub
# makefiles.
# localwin32.mk to set PREFIX instead of the default C:\libs
# For MSYS use localwin32.mk to set CP and RM.
# By default this will work in a Windows command prompt.

WINDRES = windres.exe
CC = gcc
CXX = g++
CP = copy
RM = del
MAKE = make
-include localwin32.mk

# Note: && is needed after cd because each line is executed in a different
# shell. (cd .. is just for clarity).
all: config.h
	cd tagmanager/mio && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 && cd ../..
	cd tagmanager && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 && cd ..
	cd scintilla && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 && cd ..
	cd plugins && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 && cd ..
	cd src && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 && cd ..

config.h: win32-config.h
	$(CP) $< $@

	-$(RM) tagmanager/mio/deps.mak tagmanager/deps.mak scintilla/deps.mak plugins/deps.mak src/deps.mak

# used by src/makefile.win32 to avoid del ../file which is an error
	-$(RM) geany_private.res geany.exe

clean: deps
	cd tagmanager/mio && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 clean && cd ../..
	cd tagmanager && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 clean && cd ..
	cd scintilla && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 clean && cd ..
	cd plugins && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 clean && cd ..
	cd src && $(MAKE) -f makefile.win32 clean && cd ..