// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LineMarker.cxx ** Defines the look of a line marker in the margin . **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org> // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. #include <string.h> #include "Platform.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "XPM.h" #include "LineMarker.h" #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE using namespace Scintilla; #endif void LineMarker::RefreshColourPalette(Palette &pal, bool want) { pal.WantFind(fore, want); pal.WantFind(back, want); if (pxpm) { pxpm->RefreshColourPalette(pal, want); } } void LineMarker::SetXPM(const char *textForm) { delete pxpm; pxpm = new XPM(textForm); markType = SC_MARK_PIXMAP; } void LineMarker::SetXPM(const char *const *linesForm) { delete pxpm; pxpm = new XPM(linesForm); markType = SC_MARK_PIXMAP; } static void DrawBox(Surface *surface, int centreX, int centreY, int armSize, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back) { PRectangle rc; rc.left = centreX - armSize; rc.top = centreY - armSize; rc.right = centreX + armSize + 1; rc.bottom = centreY + armSize + 1; surface->RectangleDraw(rc, back, fore); } static void DrawCircle(Surface *surface, int centreX, int centreY, int armSize, ColourAllocated fore, ColourAllocated back) { PRectangle rcCircle; rcCircle.left = centreX - armSize; rcCircle.top = centreY - armSize; rcCircle.right = centreX + armSize + 1; rcCircle.bottom = centreY + armSize + 1; surface->Ellipse(rcCircle, back, fore); } static void DrawPlus(Surface *surface, int centreX, int centreY, int armSize, ColourAllocated fore) { PRectangle rcV(centreX, centreY - armSize + 2, centreX + 1, centreY + armSize - 2 + 1); surface->FillRectangle(rcV, fore); PRectangle rcH(centreX - armSize + 2, centreY, centreX + armSize - 2 + 1, centreY+1); surface->FillRectangle(rcH, fore); } static void DrawMinus(Surface *surface, int centreX, int centreY, int armSize, ColourAllocated fore) { PRectangle rcH(centreX - armSize + 2, centreY, centreX + armSize - 2 + 1, centreY+1); surface->FillRectangle(rcH, fore); } void LineMarker::Draw(Surface *surface, PRectangle &rcWhole, Font &fontForCharacter) { if ((markType == SC_MARK_PIXMAP) && (pxpm)) { pxpm->Draw(surface, rcWhole); return; } // Restrict most shapes a bit PRectangle rc = rcWhole; rc.top++; rc.bottom--; int minDim = Platform::Minimum(rc.Width(), rc.Height()); minDim--; // Ensure does not go beyond edge int centreX = (rc.right + rc.left) / 2; int centreY = (rc.bottom + rc.top) / 2; int dimOn2 = minDim / 2; int dimOn4 = minDim / 4; int blobSize = dimOn2-1; int armSize = dimOn2-2; if (rc.Width() > (rc.Height() * 2)) { // Wide column is line number so move to left to try to avoid overlapping number centreX = rc.left + dimOn2 + 1; } if (markType == SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT) { PRectangle rcRounded = rc; rcRounded.left = rc.left + 1; rcRounded.right = rc.right - 1; surface->RoundedRectangle(rcRounded, fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_CIRCLE) { PRectangle rcCircle; rcCircle.left = centreX - dimOn2; rcCircle.top = centreY - dimOn2; rcCircle.right = centreX + dimOn2; rcCircle.bottom = centreY + dimOn2; surface->Ellipse(rcCircle, fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_ARROW) { Point pts[] = { Point(centreX - dimOn4, centreY - dimOn2), Point(centreX - dimOn4, centreY + dimOn2), Point(centreX + dimOn2 - dimOn4, centreY), }; surface->Polygon(pts, sizeof(pts) / sizeof(pts[0]), fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_ARROWDOWN) { Point pts[] = { Point(centreX - dimOn2, centreY - dimOn4), Point(centreX + dimOn2, centreY - dimOn4), Point(centreX, centreY + dimOn2 - dimOn4), }; surface->Polygon(pts, sizeof(pts) / sizeof(pts[0]), fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_PLUS) { Point pts[] = { Point(centreX - armSize, centreY - 1), Point(centreX - 1, centreY - 1), Point(centreX - 1, centreY - armSize), Point(centreX + 1, centreY - armSize), Point(centreX + 1, centreY - 1), Point(centreX + armSize, centreY -1), Point(centreX + armSize, centreY +1), Point(centreX + 1, centreY + 1), Point(centreX + 1, centreY + armSize), Point(centreX - 1, centreY + armSize), Point(centreX - 1, centreY + 1), Point(centreX - armSize, centreY + 1), }; surface->Polygon(pts, sizeof(pts) / sizeof(pts[0]), fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_MINUS) { Point pts[] = { Point(centreX - armSize, centreY - 1), Point(centreX + armSize, centreY -1), Point(centreX + armSize, centreY +1), Point(centreX - armSize, centreY + 1), }; surface->Polygon(pts, sizeof(pts) / sizeof(pts[0]), fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_SMALLRECT) { PRectangle rcSmall; rcSmall.left = rc.left + 1; rcSmall.top = rc.top + 2; rcSmall.right = rc.right - 1; rcSmall.bottom = rc.bottom - 2; surface->RectangleDraw(rcSmall, fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_EMPTY || markType == SC_MARK_BACKGROUND || markType == SC_MARK_UNDERLINE || markType == SC_MARK_AVAILABLE) { // An invisible marker so don't draw anything } else if (markType == SC_MARK_VLINE) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_LCORNER) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, rc.top + dimOn2); surface->LineTo(rc.right - 2, rc.top + dimOn2); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_TCORNER) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rc.top + dimOn2); surface->LineTo(rc.right - 2, rc.top + dimOn2); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, rc.top + dimOn2-3); surface->LineTo(centreX+3, rc.top + dimOn2); surface->LineTo(rc.right - 1, rc.top + dimOn2); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rc.top + dimOn2-3); surface->LineTo(centreX+3, rc.top + dimOn2); surface->LineTo(rc.right - 1, rc.top + dimOn2); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_BOXPLUS) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawBox(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); DrawPlus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawBox(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); DrawPlus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, centreY - blobSize); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_BOXMINUS) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawBox(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); DrawMinus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED) { surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawBox(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); DrawMinus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, centreY - blobSize); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUS) { DrawCircle(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawPlus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED) { DrawCircle(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawPlus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, centreY - blobSize); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUS) { DrawCircle(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawMinus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED) { DrawCircle(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, fore.allocated, back.allocated); surface->PenColour(back.allocated); DrawMinus(surface, centreX, centreY, blobSize, back.allocated); surface->MoveTo(centreX, centreY + blobSize); surface->LineTo(centreX, rcWhole.bottom); surface->MoveTo(centreX, rcWhole.top); surface->LineTo(centreX, centreY - blobSize); } else if (markType >= SC_MARK_CHARACTER) { char character[1]; character[0] = static_cast<char>(markType - SC_MARK_CHARACTER); int width = surface->WidthText(fontForCharacter, character, 1); rc.left += (rc.Width() - width) / 2; rc.right = rc.left + width; surface->DrawTextClipped(rc, fontForCharacter, rc.bottom - 2, character, 1, fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT) { int right = centreX - 6; for (int b=0; b<3; b++) { PRectangle rcBlob(right, rc.bottom - 4, right + 2, rc.bottom-2); surface->FillRectangle(rcBlob, fore.allocated); right += 5; } } else if (markType == SC_MARK_ARROWS) { surface->PenColour(fore.allocated); int right = centreX - 2; for (int b=0; b<3; b++) { surface->MoveTo(right - 4, centreY - 4); surface->LineTo(right, centreY); surface->LineTo(right - 5, centreY + 5); right += 4; } } else if (markType == SC_MARK_SHORTARROW) { Point pts[] = { Point(centreX, centreY + dimOn2), Point(centreX + dimOn2, centreY), Point(centreX, centreY - dimOn2), Point(centreX, centreY - dimOn4), Point(centreX - dimOn4, centreY - dimOn4), Point(centreX - dimOn4, centreY + dimOn4), Point(centreX, centreY + dimOn4), Point(centreX, centreY + dimOn2), }; surface->Polygon(pts, sizeof(pts) / sizeof(pts[0]), fore.allocated, back.allocated); } else if (markType == SC_MARK_LEFTRECT) { PRectangle rcLeft = rcWhole; rcLeft.right = rcLeft.left + 4; surface->FillRectangle(rcLeft, back.allocated); } else { // SC_MARK_FULLRECT surface->FillRectangle(rcWhole, back.allocated); } }