"description": "GEdit integrates really well into the GNOME desktop, and it is perfect for small plain-text editing tasks.\r\nUnfortunately it falls short as a text-editor for programming languages, where it often fails to indent code correctly, sometimes tries to spellcheck code, which makes no sense etc.\r\nSo, for small plaintext-editing tasks, it's a great tool, for programming not so much, because many features which would make GEdit a great programmers text-editor are sacrificed for the simplicity of the \"I just want to write a plaintext file\" usecase - which IMHO happens rarely to the non-technical user.\r\nWithout plugins, GEdit isn't as great as it could be (but fortunately, there are plugins!).",
Bu proje gnome-software uygulamasının , uygulama yorumlarını tutmak için kullandığı ODRS servisinin json formatını göstermek için yazılmış kodu içerir. Program çalıştırıldığında uygulama yorumlarını sunucudan ister ve sonuçları json formatında basar.