Kaydet (Commit) 0f069175 authored tarafından Anthony Sottile's avatar Anthony Sottile Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

Merge pull request #20 from asottile/no_early_prune

Resolve commas in one stage for multi-line string nodes
......@@ -64,16 +64,12 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
self.literals = {}
self.has_new_syntax = False
def _visit_literal(self, node, key='elts', is_multiline=False, **kwargs):
orig = node.lineno
def _visit_literal(self, node, key='elts', **kwargs):
for elt in getattr(node, key):
if elt.lineno > orig:
is_multiline = True
if _is_star_arg(elt): # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
self.has_new_syntax = True
if is_multiline:
if getattr(node, key):
key = Offset(node.lineno, node.col_offset)
self.literals[key] = Literal(node, **kwargs)
......@@ -87,13 +83,10 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
self._visit_literal(node, key='values')
def visit_Tuple(self, node):
# tuples lie about things, so we pretend they are all multiline
# and tell the later machinery to backtrack
self._visit_literal(node, is_multiline=True, backtrack=True)
# tuples lie about things so we tell the later machiner to backtrack
self._visit_literal(node, backtrack=True)
def visit_Call(self, node):
orig = node.lineno
argnodes = node.args + node.keywords
py2_starargs = getattr(node, 'starargs', None)
if py2_starargs: # pragma: no cover (<PY35)
......@@ -103,7 +96,6 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
arg_offsets = set()
is_multiline = False
has_starargs = bool(py2_starargs or py2_kwargs)
for argnode in argnodes:
if (
......@@ -115,8 +107,6 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
offset = _to_offset(argnode)
# multiline strings have invalid position, ignore them
if offset.utf8_byte_offset != -1: # pragma: no branch (cpy bug)
if offset.line > orig:
is_multiline = True
# If the sole argument is a generator, don't add a trailing comma as
......@@ -125,7 +115,7 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
len(argnodes) == 1 and isinstance(argnodes[0], ast.GeneratorExp)
if is_multiline and not only_a_generator:
if arg_offsets and not only_a_generator:
key = Offset(node.lineno, node.col_offset)
self.calls[key] = Call(node, has_starargs, arg_offsets)
......@@ -144,16 +134,12 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
getattr(node.args, 'kwonlyargs', None)
orig = node.lineno
is_multiline = False
offsets = set()
for argnode in node.args.args:
offset = _to_offset(argnode)
if offset.line > orig:
is_multiline = True
if is_multiline and not has_starargs:
if offsets and not has_starargs:
key = Offset(node.lineno, node.col_offset)
self.funcs[key] = Func(node, offsets)
......@@ -181,7 +167,7 @@ def _find_simple(first_brace, tokens):
last_brace = i
# This was not actually a multi-line call, despite the ast telling us that
# Check if we're actually multi-line
if tokens[first_brace].line == tokens[last_brace].line:
......@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ def test_noop_tuple_literal_without_braces():
'def f(): pass',
'def f(arg1, arg2): pass',
'def f(\n'
' arg1,\n'
......@@ -354,6 +355,22 @@ def test_noop_unhugs(src):
' c,\n'
'def f(\n'
' *args): pass',
'def f(\n'
' *args\n'
'): pass',
'def f(\n'
' **kwargs): pass',
'def f(\n'
' **kwargs\n'
'): pass',
# if there's already a trailing comma, don't add a new one
......@@ -493,6 +510,16 @@ def test_noop_unhugs(src):
' ),\n'
# Regression test for #16
' "bar")',
' "foo"\n'
' "bar",\n'
def test_fix_unhugs(src, expected):
......@@ -503,23 +530,6 @@ def test_fix_unhugs(src, expected):
('src', 'expected'),
# python 2 doesn't give offset information for starargs
'def f(\n'
' *args): pass',
'def f(\n'
' *args\n'
'): pass',
'def f(\n'
' **kwargs): pass',
'def f(\n'
' **kwargs\n'
'): pass',
# python 2 doesn't kwonlyargs
'def f(\n'
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