Kaydet (Commit) 145402a0 authored tarafından Anthony Sottile's avatar Anthony Sottile

python 3.8 fixes

üst eef2b744
dist: xenial
language: python
......@@ -7,7 +8,9 @@ matrix:
- env: TOXENV=py36
python: 3.6
- env: TOXENV=pypy
python: pypy-5.7.1
python: pypy2.7-5.10.0
- env: TOXENV=py38
python: 3.8-dev
install: pip install coveralls tox
script: tox
after_success: coveralls
......@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ from tokenize_rt import UNIMPORTANT_WS
Call = collections.namedtuple('Call', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
Func = collections.namedtuple('Func', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
Class = collections.namedtuple('Class', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
Literal = collections.namedtuple('Literal', ('node', 'backtrack'))
Literal.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,)
Literal = collections.namedtuple('Literal', ('node',))
Fix = collections.namedtuple('Fix', ('braces', 'multi_arg', 'initial_indent'))
......@@ -80,8 +79,11 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_Tuple(self, node):
if node.elts:
# tuples lie about offset -- tell the later machinery to backtrack
self.tuples[_to_offset(node)] = Literal(node, backtrack=True)
# in < py38 tuples lie about offset -- later we must backtrack
if sys.version_info < (3, 8): # pragma: no cover (<py38)
self.tuples[_to_offset(node)] = Literal(node)
else: # pragma: no cover (py38+)
self.literals[_to_offset(node)] = Literal(node)
def visit_Call(self, node):
......@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ def _find_call(call, i, tokens):
return _find_simple(first_brace, tokens)
def _find_tuple(i, tokens):
def _find_tuple(i, tokens): # pragma: no cover (<py38)
# tuples are evil, we need to backtrack to find the opening paren
i -= 1
while tokens[i].name in NON_CODING_TOKENS:
......@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ def _fix_src(contents_text, py35_plus, py36_plus):
# classes can be treated as calls
cls = visitor.classes[token.offset]
fixes.append((True, _find_call(cls, i, tokens)))
elif token.offset in visitor.literals:
elif token.offset in visitor.literals and token.src in START_BRACES:
fixes.append((True, _find_simple(i, tokens)))
elif token.offset in visitor.imports:
# some imports do not have parens
......@@ -394,7 +396,7 @@ def _fix_src(contents_text, py35_plus, py36_plus):
# need to handle tuples afterwards as tuples report their starting
# starting index as the first element, which may be one of the above
# things.
if token.offset in visitor.tuples:
if token.offset in visitor.tuples: # pragma: no cover (<py38)
fix_data = _find_tuple(i, tokens)
if fix_data is not None:
_fix_brace(fix_data, True, tokens)
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