Kaydet (Commit) 49a0d757 authored tarafından Anthony Sottile's avatar Anthony Sottile Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

Merge pull request #10 from asottile/unhug_args_better

Fix cases for more than one argument
......@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ from tokenize_rt import UNIMPORTANT_WS
Offset = collections.namedtuple('Offset', ('line', 'utf8_byte_offset'))
Call = collections.namedtuple('Call', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
Func = collections.namedtuple('Func', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
Literal = collections.namedtuple('Literal', ('node', 'braces', 'backtrack'))
Literal = collections.namedtuple('Literal', ('node', 'backtrack'))
Literal.__new__.__defaults__ = (False,)
Fix = collections.namedtuple('Fix', ('braces', 'initial_indent'))
Fix = collections.namedtuple('Fix', ('braces', 'multi_arg', 'initial_indent'))
NEWLINES = frozenset(('NEWLINE', 'NL'))
START_BRACES = frozenset(('(', '{', '['))
END_BRACES = frozenset((')', '}', ']'))
......@@ -76,24 +77,18 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
self.literals[key] = Literal(node, **kwargs)
def visit_Set(self, node):
self._visit_literal(node, braces=('{', '}'))
visit_Set = visit_List = _visit_literal
def visit_Dict(self, node):
# unpackings are represented as a `None` key
if None in node.keys: # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
self.has_new_syntax = True
self._visit_literal(node, key='values', braces=('{', '}'))
def visit_List(self, node):
self._visit_literal(node, braces=('[', ']'))
self._visit_literal(node, key='values')
def visit_Tuple(self, node):
# tuples lie about things, so we pretend they are all multiline
# and tell the later machinery to backtrack
node, is_multiline=True, braces=('(', ')'), backtrack=True,
self._visit_literal(node, is_multiline=True, backtrack=True)
def visit_Call(self, node):
orig = node.lineno
......@@ -174,16 +169,20 @@ class FindNodes(ast.NodeVisitor):
def _find_simple(brace_start, brace_end, first_brace, tokens):
def _find_simple(first_brace, tokens):
brace_stack = [first_brace]
multi_arg = False
for i in range(first_brace + 1, len(tokens)):
token = tokens[i]
if token.src == brace_start:
if token.src in START_BRACES:
elif token.src == brace_end:
elif token.src in END_BRACES:
if len(brace_stack) == 1 and token.src == ',':
multi_arg = True
if not brace_stack:
......@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ def _find_simple(brace_start, brace_end, first_brace, tokens):
initial_indent = 0
return Fix(braces=(first_brace, last_brace), initial_indent=initial_indent)
return Fix((first_brace, last_brace), multi_arg, initial_indent)
def _find_call(call, i, tokens):
......@@ -220,16 +219,15 @@ def _find_call(call, i, tokens):
# func_name(arg, arg, arg)
# ^ outer paren
brace_start, brace_end = '(', ')'
first_brace = None
paren_stack = []
for i in range(i, len(tokens)):
token = tokens[i]
if token.src == brace_start:
if token.src == '(':
# the ast lies to us about the beginning of parenthesized functions.
# See #3. (why we make sure there's something to pop here)
elif token.src == brace_end and paren_stack:
elif token.src == ')' and paren_stack:
if (token.line, token.utf8_byte_offset) in call.arg_offsets:
......@@ -238,12 +236,10 @@ def _find_call(call, i, tokens):
raise AssertionError('Past end?')
return _find_simple(brace_start, brace_end, first_brace, tokens)
return _find_simple(first_brace, tokens)
def _find_literal(literal, i, tokens):
brace_start, brace_end = literal.braces
# tuples are evil, we need to backtrack to find the opening paren
if literal.backtrack:
i -= 1
......@@ -251,10 +247,10 @@ def _find_literal(literal, i, tokens):
i -= 1
# Sometimes tuples don't even have a paren!
# x = 1, 2, 3
if tokens[i].src != brace_start:
if tokens[i].src != '(':
return _find_simple(brace_start, brace_end, i, tokens)
return _find_simple(i, tokens)
def _fix_comma_and_unhug(fix_data, add_comma, tokens):
......@@ -263,7 +259,11 @@ def _fix_comma_and_unhug(fix_data, add_comma, tokens):
# Figure out if either of the braces are "hugging"
hug_open = tokens[first_brace + 1].name not in NON_CODING_TOKENS
hug_close = tokens[last_brace - 1].name not in NON_CODING_TOKENS
if hug_open and tokens[last_brace - 1].src in END_BRACES:
if (
not fix_data.multi_arg and
hug_open and
tokens[last_brace - 1].src in END_BRACES
hug_open = hug_close = False
# fix open hugging
......@@ -278,19 +278,26 @@ def _fix_comma_and_unhug(fix_data, add_comma, tokens):
# Adust indentation for the rest of the things
min_indent = None
indents = []
insert_indents = []
for i in range(first_brace + 3, last_brace):
if tokens[i - 1].name == 'NL' and tokens[i].name == UNIMPORTANT_WS:
if min_indent is None:
min_indent = len(tokens[i].src)
elif len(tokens[i].src) < min_indent:
min_indent = len(tokens[i].src)
if tokens[i - 1].name == 'NL':
if tokens[i].name != UNIMPORTANT_WS:
min_indent = 0
if min_indent is None:
min_indent = len(tokens[i].src)
elif len(tokens[i].src) < min_indent:
min_indent = len(tokens[i].src)
for i in indents:
oldlen = len(tokens[i].src)
newlen = oldlen - min_indent + new_indent
tokens[i] = tokens[i]._replace(src=' ' * newlen)
for i in reversed(insert_indents):
tokens.insert(i, Token(UNIMPORTANT_WS, ' ' * new_indent))
last_brace += 1
# fix close hugging
if hug_close:
......@@ -352,7 +359,10 @@ def _fix_src(contents_text, py35_plus):
add_comma = not func.star_args
# functions can be treated as calls
fix_data = _find_call(func, i, tokens)
elif key in visitor.literals:
# normally this should be elif, but *tuples* point at the first
# argument (which could be a function call!) so we need to check for
# tuples again here
if key in visitor.literals:
fix_data = _find_literal(visitor.literals[key], i, tokens)
if fix_data is not None:
......@@ -423,6 +423,30 @@ def test_noop_unhugs(src):
' *args\n'
'{"foo": a[0],\n'
' "bar": a[1]}',
' "foo": a[0],\n'
' "bar": a[1],\n'
'x = (f(\n'
' a,\n'
'), f(\n'
' a,\n'
'x = (\n'
' f(\n'
' a,\n'
' ), f(\n'
' a,\n'
' ),\n'
def test_fix_unhugs(src, expected):
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