Kaydet (Commit) a662c5d4 authored tarafından Anthony Sottile's avatar Anthony Sottile

Initial version

üst 7980630d
......@@ -25,7 +25,122 @@ Sample `.pre-commit-config.yaml`:
- id: add-trailing-comma
## multi-line method invocation style -- why?
`--py35-plus` will append a trailing comma even after `*args` or `**kwargs`
(this is a syntax error in older versions).
# Sample of *ideal* syntax
5 ** 5,
- the initial paren is at the end of the line
- each argument is indented one leve further than the function name
- the last parameter (unless the call contains an unpacking
(`*args` / `**kwargs`)) has a trailing comma
This has the following benefits:
- arbitrary indentation is avoided:
# I hear you like 15 space indents
# oh your function name changed? guess you get to reindent :)
- adding / removing a parameter preserves `git blame` and is a minimal diff:
# with no trailing commas
- arg
+ arg,
+ arg2
# with trailing commas
+ arg2,
## Implemented features
### trailing commas for function calls
- arg
+ arg,
### trailing commas for function calls with unpackings
If `--py35-plus` is passed (or python3.5+ syntax is automatically detected),
`add-trailing-comma` will also perform the following change:
- *args
+ *args,
- **kwargs
+ **kwargs,
Note that this would cause a **`SyntaxError`** in earlier python versions.
## Planned features
### trailing commas for tuple / list / dict / set literals
x = [
- 1, 2, 3
+ 1, 2, 3,
### trailing commas for function definitions
def func(
- arg2
+ arg2,
### unhug trailing paren
- arg2)
+ arg2,
### unhug leading paren
- arg2)
+ arg1,
+ arg2,
......@@ -2,7 +2,172 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import ast
import collections
import io
import sys
from tokenize_rt import src_to_tokens
from tokenize_rt import Token
from tokenize_rt import tokens_to_src
from tokenize_rt import UNIMPORTANT_WS
Offset = collections.namedtuple('Offset', ('line', 'utf8_byte_offset'))
Node = collections.namedtuple('Node', ('node', 'star_args', 'arg_offsets'))
def ast_parse(contents_text):
return ast.parse(contents_text.encode('UTF-8'))
def _to_offset(node):
candidates = [node]
while candidates:
candidate = candidates.pop()
if hasattr(candidate, 'lineno'):
return Offset(candidate.lineno, candidate.col_offset)
elif hasattr(candidate, '_fields'): # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
for field in reversed(candidate._fields):
candidates.append(getattr(candidate, field))
raise AssertionError(node)
if sys.version_info < (3, 5): # pragma: no cover (<PY35)
def _is_star_arg(node):
return False
else: # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
def _is_star_arg(node):
return isinstance(node, ast.Starred)
def _is_star_star_kwarg(node):
return isinstance(node, ast.keyword) and node.arg is None
class FindCalls(ast.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self):
self.calls = {}
self.has_new_syntax = False
def visit_Call(self, node):
orig = node.lineno
argnodes = node.args + node.keywords
py2_starargs = getattr(node, 'starargs', None)
if py2_starargs: # pragma: no cover (<PY35)
py2_kwargs = getattr(node, 'kwargs', None)
if py2_kwargs: # pragma: no cover (<PY35)
arg_offsets = set()
is_multiline = False
has_starargs = bool(py2_starargs or py2_kwargs)
for argnode in argnodes:
if (
_is_star_arg(argnode) or
): # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
has_starargs = True
offset = _to_offset(argnode)
# multiline strings have invalid position, ignore them
if offset.utf8_byte_offset != -1:
if offset.line > orig:
is_multiline = True
# If the sole argument is a generator, don't add a trailing comma as
# this breaks lib2to3 based tools
only_a_generator = (
len(argnodes) == 1 and isinstance(argnodes[0], ast.GeneratorExp)
if is_multiline and not only_a_generator:
key = Offset(node.lineno, node.col_offset)
self.calls[key] = Node(node, has_starargs, arg_offsets)
if (
sum(_is_star_arg(n) for n in node.args) > 1 or
sum(_is_star_star_kwarg(n) for n in node.keywords) > 1
): # pragma: no cover (PY35+)
self.has_new_syntax = True
def _fix_call(call, i, tokens):
# When we get a `call` object, the ast refers to it as this:
# func_name(arg, arg, arg)
# ^ where ast points
# We care about the closing paren, in order to find it, we first walk
# until we find an argument. When we find an argument, we know the outer
# paren we find is the function call paren
# func_name(arg, arg, arg)
# ^ outer paren
# Once that is identified, walk until the paren stack is empty -- this will
# put us at the last paren
# func_name(arg, arg, arg)
# ^ paren stack is empty
first_paren = None
paren_stack = []
for i in range(i, len(tokens)):
token = tokens[i]
if token.src == '(':
elif token.src == ')':
if (token.line, token.utf8_byte_offset) in call.arg_offsets:
first_paren = paren_stack[0]
if first_paren is not None and not paren_stack:
raise AssertionError('Past end?')
# This was not actually a multi-line call, despite the ast telling us that
if tokens[first_paren].line == tokens[i].line:
# From there, we can walk backwards and decide whether a comma is needed
i -= 1
while tokens[i].name in NON_CODING_TOKENS:
i -= 1
# If we're not a hugging paren, we can insert a comma
if tokens[i].src != ',' and tokens[i + 1].src != ')':
tokens.insert(i + 1, Token('OP', ','))
def _fix_calls(contents_text, py35_plus):
ast_obj = ast_parse(contents_text)
except SyntaxError:
return contents_text
visitor = FindCalls()
tokens = src_to_tokens(contents_text)
for i, token in reversed(tuple(enumerate(tokens))):
key = Offset(token.line, token.utf8_byte_offset)
if key in visitor.calls:
call = visitor.calls[key]
# Only fix stararg calls if asked to
if not call.star_args or py35_plus or visitor.has_new_syntax:
_fix_call(call, i, tokens)
return tokens_to_src(tokens)
def fix_file(filename, args):
......@@ -15,6 +180,8 @@ def fix_file(filename, args):
print('{} is non-utf-8 (not supported)'.format(filename))
return 1
contents_text = _fix_calls(contents_text, args.py35_plus)
if contents_text != contents_text_orig:
print('Rewriting {}'.format(filename))
with io.open(filename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
......@@ -2,9 +2,82 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import pytest
from add_trailing_comma import _fix_calls
from add_trailing_comma import main
# No relevant multiline calls
'x = 5',
# Don't rewrite functions that have a single generator argument as
# this breaks lib2to3 based tools.
' a for a in b\n'
# Don't rewrite *args or **kwargs unless --py35-plus
' *args\n'
' **kwargs\n'
# The ast tells us that the inner call starts on line 2, but the first
# paren (and last paren) are actually both on line 3.
' "foo"\n'
' "bar".format(1),\n'
# Don't add a comma when it's not at the end of a line
' 1,\n'
# Can't handle multi line strings
' """\n'
' """\n'
def test_fix_calls_noops(src):
ret = _fix_calls(src, py35_plus=False)
assert ret == src
def test_py35_plus_rewrite():
src = (
' *args\n'
ret = _fix_calls(src, py35_plus=True)
assert ret == (
' *args,\n'
@pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info < (3, 5), reason='py35+ only feature')
'y(*args1, *args2)\n',
'y(**kwargs1, **kwargs2)\n',
def test_auto_detected_py35_plus_rewrite(syntax):
src = syntax + 'x(\n *args\n)'
expected = syntax + 'x(\n *args,\n)'
assert _fix_calls(src, py35_plus=False) == expected
def test_main_trivial():
assert main(()) == 0
......@@ -16,13 +89,13 @@ def test_main_noop(tmpdir):
assert f.read() == 'x = 5\n'
# def test_main_changes_a_file(tmpdir, capsys):
# f = tmpdir.join('f.py')
# f.write('x(\n 1\n)\n')
# assert main((f.strpath,)) == 1
# out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
# assert out == 'Rewriting {}\n'.format(f.strpath)
# assert f.read() == 'x(\n 1,\n)\n'
def test_main_changes_a_file(tmpdir, capsys):
f = tmpdir.join('f.py')
f.write('x(\n 1\n)\n')
assert main((f.strpath,)) == 1
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert out == 'Rewriting {}\n'.format(f.strpath)
assert f.read() == 'x(\n 1,\n)\n'
def test_main_syntax_error(tmpdir):
......@@ -39,10 +112,19 @@ def test_main_non_utf8_bytes(tmpdir, capsys):
assert out == '{} is non-utf-8 (not supported)\n'.format(f.strpath)
# def test_py35_plus_argument_star_args(tmpdir):
# f = tmpdir.join('f.py')
# f.write('x(\n *args\n)\n')
# assert main((f.strpath,)) == 0
# assert f.read() == 'x(\n *args\n)\n')
# assert main((f.strpath, '--py35-plus')) == 1
# assert f.read() == 'x(\n *args,\n)\n'
def test_main_py35_plus_argument_star_args(tmpdir):
f = tmpdir.join('f.py')
f.write('x(\n *args\n)\n')
assert main((f.strpath,)) == 0
assert f.read() == 'x(\n *args\n)\n'
assert main((f.strpath, '--py35-plus')) == 1
assert f.read() == 'x(\n *args,\n)\n'
def test_main_py35_plus_argument_star_star_kwargs(tmpdir):
f = tmpdir.join('f.py')
f.write('x(\n **args\n)\n')
assert main((f.strpath,)) == 0
assert f.read() == 'x(\n **args\n)\n'
assert main((f.strpath, '--py35-plus')) == 1
assert f.read() == 'x(\n **args,\n)\n'
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