Kaydet (Commit) 13488e65 authored tarafından Berker Peksag's avatar Berker Peksag

Cleanup and cosmetic fixes

üst 074191c3
......@@ -23,16 +23,10 @@ __version__ = '0.6'
# These aliases support old programs. Please do not use in future.
# NOTE: We should think hard about what we want to export,
# and not just dump everything here. Some things
# will never be used by other packages, and other
# things could be accessed from their submodule.
deprecated = """
get_boolop = get_binop = get_cmpop = get_unaryop = get_op_symbol # NOQA
get_boolop = get_binop = get_cmpop = get_unaryop = get_op_symbol
get_anyop = get_op_symbol
parsefile = code_to_ast.parse_file
codetoast = code_to_ast
......@@ -6,68 +6,6 @@ Part of the astor library for Python AST manipulation.
License: 3-clause BSD
Copyright (c) 2015 Patrick Maupin
python -m astor.rtrip [readonly] [<source>]
This utility tests round-tripping of Python source to AST
and back to source.
.. versionadded:: 0.6
If readonly is specified, then the source will be tested,
but no files will be written.
if the source is specified to be "stdin" (without quotes)
then any source entered at the command line will be compiled
into an AST, converted back to text, and then compiled to
an AST again, and the results will be displayed to stdout.
If neither readonly nor stdin is specified, then rtrip
will create a mirror directory named tmp_rtrip and will
recursively round-trip all the Python source from the source
into the tmp_rtrip dir, after compiling it and then reconstituting
it through code_gen.to_source.
If the source is not specified, the entire Python library will be used.
The purpose of rtrip is to place Python code into a canonical form.
This is useful both for functional testing of astor, and for
validating code edits.
For example, if you make manual edits for PEP8 compliance,
you can diff the rtrip output of the original code against
the rtrip output of the edited code, to insure that you
didn't make any functional changes.
For testing astor itself, it is useful to point to a big codebase,
python -m astor.rtrip
to roundtrip the standard library.
If any round-tripped files fail to be built or to match, the
tmp_rtrip directory will also contain fname.srcdmp and fname.dstdmp,
which are textual representations of the ASTs.
Note 1:
The canonical form is only canonical for a given version of
this module and the astor toolbox. It is not guaranteed to
be stable. The only desired guarantee is that two source modules
that parse to the same AST will be converted back into the same
canonical form.
Note 2:
This tool WILL TRASH the tmp_rtrip directory (unless readonly
is specified) -- as far as it is concerned, it OWNS that directory.
Note 3: Why is it "readonly" and not "-r"? Because python -m slurps
all the thingies starting with the dash.
import sys
......@@ -115,8 +53,6 @@ def convert(srctree, dsttree=dsttree, readonly=False, dumpall=False,
unknown_dst_nodes = set()
badfiles = set()
broken = []
# TODO: When issue #26 resolved, remove UnicodeDecodeError
handled_exceptions = SyntaxError, UnicodeDecodeError
oldpath = None
......@@ -139,7 +75,7 @@ def convert(srctree, dsttree=dsttree, readonly=False, dumpall=False,
logging.info('Converting %s' % srcfname)
srcast = parse_file(srcfname)
except handled_exceptions:
except SyntaxError:
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class MetaFlatten(type):
return type.__new__(clstype, name, newbases, newdict)
MetaFlatten = MetaFlatten('MetaFlatten', (object, ), {})
MetaFlatten = MetaFlatten('MetaFlatten', (object,), {})
class TreeWalk(MetaFlatten):
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