Yet another way to monitor your classes. Watch attribute accesses, method calls and hook actions to them.
Action Hooks
## Installation
> Python 3.7+
$ pip install catlizor
## Usage
`catlizor` is a class decorator that takes your class and modifies it with your specifications. You give the class and the options.
### Options
It is the configuration part of catlizor. You can define your options as python dictionary and then unpack it.
Catlizor currently accepting 3 options:
- watch > `Sequence[Dict]`
- sign > `bool`
- reset > `bool`
#### Watch
Watch option can take a sequence of monitoring specification.
'attribs': ['name', 'age'],
'funcs': ['person_info'],
'hooks': {
'pre': [...],
'value': [...],
'post': [...],
'exclude': {
'value': ['del', 'set'],
#### Monitoring Specification
It consists from;
- attribs > `Sequence[Union[str, Ellipsis]]`
- funcs > `Sequence[Union[str, Ellipsis]]`
- hooks > `Dict[str, Sequence[Callable]]`
- exclude > `Dict[str, Sequence[str]`
##### Attribs
Attributes specifies which attributes of an class you are going to watch. By default catlizor watch all get/set/del operations (you can use exclude option to specify operations).
> If you want to watch all attributes you can use `...` (a.k.a Ellipsis)
##### Funcs
Functions specifies functions to watch.
> If you want to watch all attributes you can use `...` (a.k.a Ellipsis)
##### Hooks
Hooks for operations, by default there are 3 hooks;
- pre
- value (called at call-time, also returns value of result as a keyword argument `value`)
- post
##### Exclude
Exclude operations for attribute access, by default there are 3 operations;
- get
- set
- delete
## Example
## Example
Lets import our class decorator
Then create a configuration to our monitoring setup
print(f"Access to {args[1]}")
Lets setup up a watching option
it will contain a series of watches
Our first watch operation will watch name and age attributes and after every get operation happens it will print which attribute accessed.
'value':[lambda*a,**k:print(f"Personal info acquired, {k['value']}")]
The second watch will watch personal_info method and whenever this method called, it print the value. Then create our class