test_html.py 4.23 KB
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Tests for the html module functions.

import html
import unittest

class HtmlTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_escape(self):
            html.escape('\'<script>"&foo;"</script>\'', False),

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    def test_unescape(self):
        numeric_formats = ['&#%d', '&#%d;', '&#x%x', '&#x%x;']
        errmsg = 'unescape(%r) should have returned %r'
        def check(text, expected):
            self.assertEqual(html.unescape(text), expected,
                             msg=errmsg % (text, expected))
        def check_num(num, expected):
            for format in numeric_formats:
                text = format % num
                self.assertEqual(html.unescape(text), expected,
                                 msg=errmsg % (text, expected))
        # check text with no character references
        check('no character references', 'no character references')
        # check & followed by invalid chars
        check('&\n&\t& &&', '&\n&\t& &&')
        # check & followed by numbers and letters
        check('&0 &9 &a &0; &9; &a;', '&0 &9 &a &0; &9; &a;')
        # check incomplete entities at the end of the string
        for x in ['&', '&#', '&#x', '&#X', '&#y', '&#xy', '&#Xy']:
            check(x, x)
            check(x+';', x+';')
        # check several combinations of numeric character references,
        # possibly followed by different characters
        formats = ['&#%d', '&#%07d', '&#%d;', '&#%07d;',
                   '&#x%x', '&#x%06x', '&#x%x;', '&#x%06x;',
                   '&#x%X', '&#x%06X', '&#X%x;', '&#X%06x;']
        for num, char in zip([65, 97, 34, 38, 0x2603, 0x101234],
                             ['A', 'a', '"', '&', '\u2603', '\U00101234']):
            for s in formats:
                check(s % num, char)
                for end in [' ', 'X']:
                    check((s+end) % num, char+end)
        # check invalid code points
51 52
        for cp in [0xD800, 0xDB00, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF, 0x110000]:
            check_num(cp, '\uFFFD')
        # check more invalid code points
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
        for cp in [0x1, 0xb, 0xe, 0x7f, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 0x10fffe, 0x10ffff]:
            check_num(cp, '')
        # check invalid numbers
        for num, ch in zip([0x0d, 0x80, 0x95, 0x9d], '\r\u20ac\u2022\x9d'):
            check_num(num, ch)
        # check small numbers
        check_num(0, '\uFFFD')
        check_num(9, '\t')
        # check a big number
        check_num(1000000000000000000, '\uFFFD')
        # check that multiple trailing semicolons are handled correctly
        for e in ['&quot;;', '&#34;;', '&#x22;;', '&#X22;;']:
            check(e, '";')
        # check that semicolons in the middle don't create problems
        for e in ['&quot;quot;', '&#34;quot;', '&#x22;quot;', '&#X22;quot;']:
            check(e, '"quot;')
        # check triple adjacent charrefs
        for e in ['&quot', '&#34', '&#x22', '&#X22']:
            check(e*3, '"""')
            check((e+';')*3, '"""')
        # check that the case is respected
        for e in ['&amp', '&amp;', '&AMP', '&AMP;']:
            check(e, '&')
        for e in ['&Amp', '&Amp;']:
            check(e, e)
        # check that non-existent named entities are returned unchanged
        check('&svadilfari;', '&svadilfari;')
        # the following examples are in the html5 specs
        check('&notit', '¬it')
        check('&notit;', '¬it;')
        check('&notin', '¬in')
        check('&notin;', '∉')
        # a similar example with a long name
        # longest valid name
        check('&CounterClockwiseContourIntegral;', '∳')
        # check a charref that maps to two unicode chars
        check('&acE;', '\u223E\u0333')
        check('&acE', '&acE')
        # see #12888
        check('&#123; ' * 1050, '{ ' * 1050)
        # see #15156
        check('&co;', '&co;')
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if __name__ == '__main__':