PixMapWrapper.py 6.65 KB
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"""PixMapWrapper - defines the PixMapWrapper class, which wraps an opaque
QuickDraw PixMap data structure in a handy Python class.  Also provides 
methods to convert to/from pixel data (from, e.g., the img module) or a
Python Imaging Library Image object.

J. Strout <joe@strout.net>  February 1999"""

8 9
from Carbon import Qd
from Carbon import QuickDraw
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
import struct
import MacOS
import img
import imgformat

# PixMap data structure element format (as used with struct)
_pmElemFormat = {
	'baseAddr':'l',		# address of pixel data
	'rowBytes':'H',		# bytes per row, plus 0x8000
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216
	'bounds':'hhhh',	# coordinates imposed over pixel data
	'pmVersion':'h',	# flags for Color QuickDraw
	'packType':'h',		# format of compression algorithm
	'packSize':'l',		# size after compression
	'hRes':'l',			# horizontal pixels per inch
	'vRes':'l',			# vertical pixels per inch
	'pixelType':'h',	# pixel format
	'pixelSize':'h',	# bits per pixel
	'cmpCount':'h',		# color components per pixel
	'cmpSize':'h',		# bits per component
	'planeBytes':'l',	# offset in bytes to next plane
	'pmTable':'l',		# handle to color table
	'pmReserved':'l'	# reserved for future use

# PixMap data structure element offset
_pmElemOffset = {

class PixMapWrapper:
	"""PixMapWrapper -- wraps the QD PixMap object in a Python class,
	with methods to easily get/set various pixmap fields.  Note: Use the
	PixMap() method when passing to QD calls."""

	def __init__(self):
		self.__dict__['data'] = ''
		self._header = struct.pack("lhhhhhhhlllhhhhlll",
			0,						# rowBytes
			0, 0, 0, 0,				# bounds
			0,						# pmVersion
			0, 0,					# packType, packSize
			72<<16, 72<<16,			# hRes, vRes
			QuickDraw.RGBDirect,	# pixelType
			16,						# pixelSize
			2, 5,					# cmpCount, cmpSize,
			0, 0, 0)				# planeBytes, pmTable, pmReserved
		self.__dict__['_pm'] = Qd.RawBitMap(self._header)
	def _stuff(self, element, bytes):
		offset = _pmElemOffset[element]
		fmt = _pmElemFormat[element]
		self._header = self._header[:offset] \
			+ struct.pack(fmt, bytes) \
			+ self._header[offset + struct.calcsize(fmt):]
		self.__dict__['_pm'] = None
	def _unstuff(self, element):
		offset = _pmElemOffset[element]
		fmt = _pmElemFormat[element]
		return struct.unpack(fmt, self._header[offset:offset+struct.calcsize(fmt)])[0]

	def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
		if attr == 'baseAddr':
			raise 'UseErr', "don't assign to .baseAddr -- assign to .data instead"
		elif attr == 'data':
			self.__dict__['data'] = val
			self._stuff('baseAddr', id(self.data) + MacOS.string_id_to_buffer)
		elif attr == 'rowBytes':
			# high bit is always set for some odd reason
			self._stuff('rowBytes', val | 0x8000)
		elif attr == 'bounds':
			# assume val is in official Left, Top, Right, Bottom order!
		elif attr == 'hRes' or attr == 'vRes':
			# 16.16 fixed format, so just shift 16 bits
			self._stuff(attr, int(val) << 16)
		elif attr in _pmElemFormat.keys():
			# any other pm attribute -- just stuff
			self._stuff(attr, val)
			self.__dict__[attr] = val	

	def __getattr__(self, attr):
		if attr == 'rowBytes':
			# high bit is always set for some odd reason
			return self._unstuff('rowBytes') & 0x7FFF
		elif attr == 'bounds':
			# return bounds in official Left, Top, Right, Bottom order!
			return ( \
				self._unstuff('bottom') )
		elif attr == 'hRes' or attr == 'vRes':
			# 16.16 fixed format, so just shift 16 bits
			return self._unstuff(attr) >> 16
		elif attr in _pmElemFormat.keys():
			# any other pm attribute -- just unstuff
			return self._unstuff(attr)
			return self.__dict__[attr]	

	def PixMap(self):
		"Return a QuickDraw PixMap corresponding to this data."
		if not self.__dict__['_pm']:
			self.__dict__['_pm'] = Qd.RawBitMap(self._header)
		return self.__dict__['_pm']

	def blit(self, x1=0,y1=0,x2=None,y2=None, port=None):
		"""Draw this pixmap into the given (default current) grafport.""" 
		src = self.bounds
		dest = [x1,y1,x2,y2]
		if x2 == None:
			dest[2] = x1 + src[2]-src[0]
		if y2 == None:
			dest[3] = y1 + src[3]-src[1]
		if not port: port = Qd.GetPort()
		Qd.CopyBits(self.PixMap(), port.portBits, src, tuple(dest),
				QuickDraw.srcCopy, None)
	def fromstring(self,s,width,height,format=imgformat.macrgb):
		"""Stuff this pixmap with raw pixel data from a string.
		Supply width, height, and one of the imgformat specifiers."""
		# we only support 16- and 32-bit mac rgb...
		# so convert if necessary
		if format != imgformat.macrgb and format != imgformat.macrgb16:
			# (LATER!)
			raise "NotImplementedError", "conversion to macrgb or macrgb16"
		self.data = s
		self.bounds = (0,0,width,height)
		self.cmpCount = 3
		self.pixelType = QuickDraw.RGBDirect
		if format == imgformat.macrgb:
			self.pixelSize = 32
			self.cmpSize = 8
			self.pixelSize = 16
			self.cmpSize = 5
		self.rowBytes = width*self.pixelSize/8

	def tostring(self, format=imgformat.macrgb):
		"""Return raw data as a string in the specified format."""
		# is the native format requested?  if so, just return data
		if (format == imgformat.macrgb and self.pixelSize == 32) or \
		   (format == imgformat.macrgb16 and self.pixelsize == 16):
			return self.data
		# otherwise, convert to the requested format
		# (LATER!)
			raise "NotImplementedError", "data format conversion"

	def fromImage(self,im):
		"""Initialize this PixMap from a PIL Image object."""
		# We need data in ARGB format; PIL can't currently do that,
		# but it can do RGBA, which we can use by inserting one null
		# up frontpm = 
		if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA')
		data = chr(0) + im.tostring()
		self.fromstring(data, im.size[0], im.size[1])

	def toImage(self):
		"""Return the contents of this PixMap as a PIL Image object."""
		import Image
		# our tostring() method returns data in ARGB format,
		# whereas Image uses RGBA; a bit of slicing fixes this...
		data = self.tostring()[1:] + chr(0)
		bounds = self.bounds
		return Image.fromstring('RGBA',(bounds[2]-bounds[0],bounds[3]-bounds[1]),data)

def test():
	import MacOS
	import macfs
	import Image
	fsspec, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile("Image File:")
	if not ok: return
	path = fsspec.as_pathname()
	pm = PixMapWrapper()
	pm.fromImage( Image.open(path) )
	return pm