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# -*-mode: python; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
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# $Id$
# Tix Demostration Program
# This sample program is structured in such a way so that it can be
# executed from the Tix demo program "": it must have a
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
# procedure called "RunSample". It should also have the "if" statment
# at the end of this file so that it can be run as a standalone
# program using tixwish.

# This file demonstrates the use of the tixScrolledHList widget.

import Tix


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def RunSample (root):
    shlist = DemoSHList(root)
class DemoSHList:
    def __init__(self, w):
        self.root = w
        self.exit = -1

        z = w.winfo_toplevel()
        z.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda self=self: self.quitcmd())
        # We create the frame and the ScrolledHList widget
        # at the top of the dialog box
        top = Tix.Frame( w, relief=Tix.RAISED, bd=1)

        # Put a simple hierachy into the HList (two levels). Use colors and
        # separator widgets (frames) to make the list look fancy
        top.a = Tix.ScrolledHList(top)
        top.a.pack( expand=1, fill=Tix.BOTH, padx=10, pady=10, side=Tix.TOP)

        # This is our little relational database
        bosses = [
            ('jeff',  'Jeff Waxman'),
            ('john',  'John Lee'),
            ('peter', 'Peter Kenson')

        employees = [
            ('alex',  'john',  'Alex Kellman'),
            ('alan',  'john',  'Alan Adams'),
            ('andy',  'peter', 'Andreas Crawford'),
            ('doug',  'jeff',  'Douglas Bloom'),
            ('jon',   'peter', 'Jon Baraki'),
            ('chris', 'jeff',  'Chris Geoffrey'),
            ('chuck', 'jeff',  'Chuck McLean')


        # Let configure the appearance of the HList subwidget 
        hlist.config( separator='.', width=25, drawbranch=0, indent=10)

        for boss,name in bosses :
            if count :
                f=Tix.Frame(hlist, name='sep%d' % count, height=2, width=150,
                    bd=2, relief=Tix.SUNKEN )

                hlist.add_child( itemtype=Tix.WINDOW, 
                    window=f, state=Tix.DISABLED )

            hlist.add(boss, itemtype=Tix.TEXT, text=name)
            count = count+1

        for person,boss,name in employees :
            # '.' is the separator character we chose above
            key= boss    + '.'     + person
            #    ^^^^                ^^^^^^
            #    parent entryPath /  child's name

            hlist.add( key, text=name )

            # [Hint] Make sure the keys (e.g. 'boss.person') you choose
            #	 are unique names. If you cannot be sure of this (because of
            #	 the structure of your database, e.g.) you can use the
            #	 "add_child" command instead:
            #  hlist.addchild( boss,  text=name)
            #                  ^^^^
            #                  parent entryPath 

        # Use a ButtonBox to hold the buttons.
        box= Tix.ButtonBox(top, orientation=Tix.HORIZONTAL )
        box.add( 'ok',  text='Ok', underline=0,  width=6,
            command = self.okcmd)

        box.add( 'cancel', text='Cancel', underline=0, width=6,
            command = self.quitcmd)

        box.pack( side=Tix.BOTTOM, fill=Tix.X)
        top.pack( side=Tix.TOP,    fill=Tix.BOTH, expand=1 )

    def okcmd (self):

    def quitcmd (self):
        self.exit = 0

    def mainloop(self):
        while self.exit < 0:

    def destroy (self):
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# This "if" statement makes it possible to run this script file inside or
# outside of the main demo program "".
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if __name__== '__main__' :