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.. _setup-script:

Writing the Setup Script

The setup script is the centre of all activity in building, distributing, and
installing modules using the Distutils.  The main purpose of the setup script is
to describe your module distribution to the Distutils, so that the various
commands that operate on your modules do the right thing.  As we saw in section
:ref:`distutils-simple-example` above, the setup script consists mainly of a call to
:func:`setup`, and most information supplied to the Distutils by the module
developer is supplied as keyword arguments to :func:`setup`.

Here's a slightly more involved example, which we'll follow for the next couple
of sections: the Distutils' own setup script.  (Keep in mind that although the
Distutils are included with Python 1.6 and later, they also have an independent
existence so that Python 1.5.2 users can use them to install other module
distributions.  The Distutils' own setup script, shown here, is used to install
the package into Python 1.5.2.) ::

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from distutils.core import setup

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
          description='Python Distribution Utilities',
          author='Greg Ward',
          packages=['distutils', 'distutils.command'],
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

There are only two differences between this and the trivial one-file
distribution presented in section :ref:`distutils-simple-example`: more metadata, and the
specification of pure Python modules by package, rather than by module.  This is
important since the Distutils consist of a couple of dozen modules split into
(so far) two packages; an explicit list of every module would be tedious to
generate and difficult to maintain.  For more information on the additional
meta-data, see section :ref:`meta-data`.

Note that any pathnames (files or directories) supplied in the setup script
should be written using the Unix convention, i.e. slash-separated.  The
Distutils will take care of converting this platform-neutral representation into
whatever is appropriate on your current platform before actually using the
pathname.  This makes your setup script portable across operating systems, which
of course is one of the major goals of the Distutils.  In this spirit, all
pathnames in this document are slash-separated.
50 51 52 53 54 55

This, of course, only applies to pathnames given to Distutils functions.  If
you, for example, use standard Python functions such as :func:`glob.glob` or
:func:`os.listdir` to specify files, you should be careful to write portable
code instead of hardcoding path separators::

56 57
    glob.glob(os.path.join('mydir', 'subdir', '*.html'))
    os.listdir(os.path.join('mydir', 'subdir'))
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

.. _listing-packages:

Listing whole packages

The :option:`packages` option tells the Distutils to process (build, distribute,
install, etc.) all pure Python modules found in each package mentioned in the
:option:`packages` list.  In order to do this, of course, there has to be a
correspondence between package names and directories in the filesystem.  The
default correspondence is the most obvious one, i.e. package :mod:`distutils` is
found in the directory :file:`distutils` relative to the distribution root.
Thus, when you say ``packages = ['foo']`` in your setup script, you are
promising that the Distutils will find a file :file:`foo/` (which
might be spelled differently on your system, but you get the idea) relative to
the directory where your setup script lives.  If you break this promise, the
Distutils will issue a warning but still process the broken package anyways.

If you use a different convention to lay out your source directory, that's no
problem: you just have to supply the :option:`package_dir` option to tell the
Distutils about your convention.  For example, say you keep all Python source
under :file:`lib`, so that modules in the "root package" (i.e., not in any
package at all) are in :file:`lib`, modules in the :mod:`foo` package are in
:file:`lib/foo`, and so forth.  Then you would put ::

    package_dir = {'': 'lib'}
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

in your setup script.  The keys to this dictionary are package names, and an
empty package name stands for the root package.  The values are directory names
relative to your distribution root.  In this case, when you say ``packages =
['foo']``, you are promising that the file :file:`lib/foo/` exists.

Another possible convention is to put the :mod:`foo` package right in
:file:`lib`, the :mod:`` package in :file:`lib/bar`, etc.  This would be
written in the setup script as ::

    package_dir = {'foo': 'lib'}
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

A ``package: dir`` entry in the :option:`package_dir` dictionary implicitly
applies to all packages below *package*, so the :mod:`` case is
automatically handled here.  In this example, having ``packages = ['foo',
'']`` tells the Distutils to look for :file:`lib/` and
:file:`lib/bar/`.  (Keep in mind that although :option:`package_dir`
applies recursively, you must explicitly list all packages in
:option:`packages`: the Distutils will *not* recursively scan your source tree
looking for any directory with an :file:`` file.)

.. _listing-modules:

Listing individual modules

For a small module distribution, you might prefer to list all modules rather
than listing packages---especially the case of a single module that goes in the
"root package" (i.e., no package at all).  This simplest case was shown in
section :ref:`distutils-simple-example`; here is a slightly more involved example::

    py_modules = ['mod1', 'pkg.mod2']
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

This describes two modules, one of them in the "root" package, the other in the
:mod:`pkg` package.  Again, the default package/directory layout implies that
these two modules can be found in :file:`` and :file:`pkg/`, and
that :file:`pkg/` exists as well. And again, you can override the
package/directory correspondence using the :option:`package_dir` option.

.. _describing-extensions:

Describing extension modules

Just as writing Python extension modules is a bit more complicated than writing
pure Python modules, describing them to the Distutils is a bit more complicated.
Unlike pure modules, it's not enough just to list modules or packages and expect
the Distutils to go out and find the right files; you have to specify the
extension name, source file(s), and any compile/link requirements (include
directories, libraries to link with, etc.).

Georg Brandl's avatar
Georg Brandl committed
.. XXX read over this section
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146

All of this is done through another keyword argument to :func:`setup`, the
:option:`ext_modules` option.  :option:`ext_modules` is just a list of
:class:`Extension` instances, each of which describes a single extension module.
Suppose your distribution includes a single extension, called :mod:`foo` and
implemented by :file:`foo.c`.  If no additional instructions to the
compiler/linker are needed, describing this extension is quite simple::

    Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])
148 149 150 151 152

The :class:`Extension` class can be imported from :mod:`distutils.core` along
with :func:`setup`.  Thus, the setup script for a module distribution that
contains only this one extension and nothing else might be::

153 154 155 156 157
    from distutils.core import setup, Extension
          ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c'])],
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

The :class:`Extension` class (actually, the underlying extension-building
machinery implemented by the :command:`build_ext` command) supports a great deal
of flexibility in describing Python extensions, which is explained in the
following sections.

Extension names and packages

The first argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is always the name of
the extension, including any package names.  For example, ::

    Extension('foo', ['src/foo1.c', 'src/foo2.c'])
172 173 174

describes an extension that lives in the root package, while ::

    Extension('', ['src/foo1.c', 'src/foo2.c'])
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185

describes the same extension in the :mod:`pkg` package.  The source files and
resulting object code are identical in both cases; the only difference is where
in the filesystem (and therefore where in Python's namespace hierarchy) the
resulting extension lives.

If you have a number of extensions all in the same package (or all under the
same base package), use the :option:`ext_package` keyword argument to
:func:`setup`.  For example, ::

186 187 188 189 190
          ext_modules=[Extension('foo', ['foo.c']),
                       Extension('', ['bar.c'])],
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214

will compile :file:`foo.c` to the extension :mod:``, and :file:`bar.c` to

Extension source files

The second argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is a list of source
files.  Since the Distutils currently only support C, C++, and Objective-C
extensions, these are normally C/C++/Objective-C source files.  (Be sure to use
appropriate extensions to distinguish C++\ source files: :file:`.cc` and
:file:`.cpp` seem to be recognized by both Unix and Windows compilers.)

However, you can also include SWIG interface (:file:`.i`) files in the list; the
:command:`build_ext` command knows how to deal with SWIG extensions: it will run
SWIG on the interface file and compile the resulting C/C++ file into your

**\*\*** SWIG support is rough around the edges and largely untested! **\*\***

This warning notwithstanding, options to SWIG can be currently passed like

215 216 217 218 219
          ext_modules=[Extension('_foo', ['foo.i'],
                                 swig_opts=['-modern', '-I../include'])],
220 221 222

Or on the commandline like this::

    > python build_ext --swig-opts="-modern -I../include"
224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241

On some platforms, you can include non-source files that are processed by the
compiler and included in your extension.  Currently, this just means Windows
message text (:file:`.mc`) files and resource definition (:file:`.rc`) files for
Visual C++. These will be compiled to binary resource (:file:`.res`) files and
linked into the executable.

Preprocessor options

Three optional arguments to :class:`Extension` will help if you need to specify
include directories to search or preprocessor macros to define/undefine:
``include_dirs``, ``define_macros``, and ``undef_macros``.

For example, if your extension requires header files in the :file:`include`
directory under your distribution root, use the ``include_dirs`` option::

    Extension('foo', ['foo.c'], include_dirs=['include'])
243 244 245 246 247

You can specify absolute directories there; if you know that your extension will
only be built on Unix systems with X11R6 installed to :file:`/usr`, you can get
away with ::

    Extension('foo', ['foo.c'], include_dirs=['/usr/include/X11'])
249 250 251 252

You should avoid this sort of non-portable usage if you plan to distribute your
code: it's probably better to write C code like  ::

    #include <X11/Xlib.h>
254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264

If you need to include header files from some other Python extension, you can
take advantage of the fact that header files are installed in a consistent way
by the Distutils :command:`install_header` command.  For example, the Numerical
Python header files are installed (on a standard Unix installation) to
:file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5/Numerical`. (The exact location will differ
according to your platform and Python installation.)  Since the Python include
directory---\ :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5` in this case---is always
included in the search path when building Python extensions, the best approach
is to write C code like  ::

    #include <Numerical/arrayobject.h>
266 267 268 269 270

If you must put the :file:`Numerical` include directory right into your header
search path, though, you can find that directory using the Distutils
:mod:`distutils.sysconfig` module::

271 272 273 274 275
    from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
    incdir = os.path.join(get_python_inc(plat_specific=1), 'Numerical')
          Extension(..., include_dirs=[incdir]),
276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290

Even though this is quite portable---it will work on any Python installation,
regardless of platform---it's probably easier to just write your C code in the
sensible way.

You can define and undefine pre-processor macros with the ``define_macros`` and
``undef_macros`` options. ``define_macros`` takes a list of ``(name, value)``
tuples, where ``name`` is the name of the macro to define (a string) and
``value`` is its value: either a string or ``None``.  (Defining a macro ``FOO``
to ``None`` is the equivalent of a bare ``#define FOO`` in your C source: with
most compilers, this sets ``FOO`` to the string ``1``.)  ``undef_macros`` is
just a list of macros to undefine.

For example::

291 292 293 294
              define_macros=[('NDEBUG', '1'),
                             ('HAVE_STRFTIME', None)],
              undef_macros=['HAVE_FOO', 'HAVE_BAR'])
295 296 297

is the equivalent of having this at the top of every C source file::

298 299 300 301
    #define NDEBUG 1
    #define HAVE_STRFTIME
    #undef HAVE_FOO
    #undef HAVE_BAR
302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315

Library options

You can also specify the libraries to link against when building your extension,
and the directories to search for those libraries.  The ``libraries`` option is
a list of libraries to link against, ``library_dirs`` is a list of directories
to search for libraries at  link-time, and ``runtime_library_dirs`` is a list of
directories to  search for shared (dynamically loaded) libraries at run-time.

For example, if you need to link against libraries known to be in the standard
library search path on target systems ::

316 317
              libraries=['gdbm', 'readline'])
318 319 320 321

If you need to link with libraries in a non-standard location, you'll have to
include the location in ``library_dirs``::

322 323 324
              libraries=['X11', 'Xt'])
325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336

(Again, this sort of non-portable construct should be avoided if you intend to
distribute your code.)

**\*\*** Should mention clib libraries here or somewhere else! **\*\***

Other options

There are still some other options which can be used to handle special cases.

Andrew M. Kuchling's avatar
Andrew M. Kuchling committed
337 338 339
The :option:`optional` option is a boolean; if it is true,
a build failure in the extension will not abort the build process, but
instead simply not install the failing extension.

341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353
The :option:`extra_objects` option is a list of object files to be passed to the
linker. These files must not have extensions, as the default extension for the
compiler is used.

:option:`extra_compile_args` and :option:`extra_link_args` can be used to
specify additional command line options for the respective compiler and linker
command lines.

:option:`export_symbols` is only useful on Windows.  It can contain a list of
symbols (functions or variables) to be exported. This option is not needed when
building compiled extensions: Distutils  will automatically add ``initmodule``
to the list of exported symbols.

354 355 356 357
The :option:`depends` option is a list of files that the extension depends on
(for example header files). The build command will call the compiler on the
sources to rebuild extension if any on this files has been modified since the
previous build.
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385

Relationships between Distributions and Packages

A distribution may relate to packages in three specific ways:

#. It can require packages or modules.

#. It can provide packages or modules.

#. It can obsolete packages or modules.

These relationships can be specified using keyword arguments to the
:func:`distutils.core.setup` function.

Dependencies on other Python modules and packages can be specified by supplying
the *requires* keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value must be a list of
strings.  Each string specifies a package that is required, and optionally what
versions are sufficient.

To specify that any version of a module or package is required, the string
should consist entirely of the module or package name. Examples include
``'mymodule'`` and ``'xml.parsers.expat'``.

If specific versions are required, a sequence of qualifiers can be supplied in
parentheses.  Each qualifier may consist of a comparison operator and a version
number.  The accepted comparison operators are::

386 387
    <    >    ==
    <=   >=   !=
388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433

These can be combined by using multiple qualifiers separated by commas (and
optional whitespace).  In this case, all of the qualifiers must be matched; a
logical AND is used to combine the evaluations.

Let's look at a bunch of examples:

| Requires Expression     | Explanation                                  |
| ``==1.0``               | Only version ``1.0`` is compatible           |
| ``>1.0, !=1.5.1, <2.0`` | Any version after ``1.0`` and before ``2.0`` |
|                         | is compatible, except ``1.5.1``              |

Now that we can specify dependencies, we also need to be able to specify what we
provide that other distributions can require.  This is done using the *provides*
keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value for this keyword is a list of
strings, each of which names a Python module or package, and optionally
identifies the version.  If the version is not specified, it is assumed to match
that of the distribution.

Some examples:

| Provides Expression | Explanation                                  |
| ``mypkg``           | Provide ``mypkg``, using the distribution    |
|                     | version                                      |
| ``mypkg (1.1)``     | Provide ``mypkg`` version 1.1, regardless of |
|                     | the distribution version                     |

A package can declare that it obsoletes other packages using the *obsoletes*
keyword argument.  The value for this is similar to that of the *requires*
keyword: a list of strings giving module or package specifiers.  Each specifier
consists of a module or package name optionally followed by one or more version
qualifiers.  Version qualifiers are given in parentheses after the module or
package name.

The versions identified by the qualifiers are those that are obsoleted by the
distribution being described.  If no qualifiers are given, all versions of the
named module or package are understood to be obsoleted.

.. _distutils-installing-scripts:
435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452

Installing Scripts

So far we have been dealing with pure and non-pure Python modules, which are
usually not run by themselves but imported by scripts.

Scripts are files containing Python source code, intended to be started from the
command line.  Scripts don't require Distutils to do anything very complicated.
The only clever feature is that if the first line of the script starts with
``#!`` and contains the word "python", the Distutils will adjust the first line
to refer to the current interpreter location. By default, it is replaced with
the current interpreter location.  The :option:`--executable` (or :option:`-e`)
option will allow the interpreter path to be explicitly overridden.

The :option:`scripts` option simply is a list of files to be handled in this
way.  From the PyXML setup script::

453 454 455
          scripts=['scripts/xmlproc_parse', 'scripts/xmlproc_val']

.. versionchanged:: 2.7
458 459
    All the scripts will also be added to the ``MANIFEST``
    file if no template is provided. See :ref:`manifest`.
460 461

.. _distutils-installing-package-data:
462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484

Installing Package Data

Often, additional files need to be installed into a package.  These files are
often data that's closely related to the package's implementation, or text files
containing documentation that might be of interest to programmers using the
package.  These files are called :dfn:`package data`.

Package data can be added to packages using the ``package_data`` keyword
argument to the :func:`setup` function.  The value must be a mapping from
package name to a list of relative path names that should be copied into the
package.  The paths are interpreted as relative to the directory containing the
package (information from the ``package_dir`` mapping is used if appropriate);
that is, the files are expected to be part of the package in the source
directories. They may contain glob patterns as well.

The path names may contain directory portions; any necessary directories will be
created in the installation.

For example, if a package should contain a subdirectory with several data files,
the files can be arranged like this in the source tree::

485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493
494 495 496

The corresponding call to :func:`setup` might be::

497 498 499 500 501
          package_dir={'mypkg': 'src/mypkg'},
          package_data={'mypkg': ['data/*.dat']},
502 503 504

.. versionadded:: 2.4

.. versionchanged:: 2.7
506 507
    All the files that match ``package_data`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST``
    file if no template is provided. See :ref:`manifest`.
508 509 510

.. _distutils-additional-files:
511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521

Installing Additional Files

The :option:`data_files` option can be used to specify additional files needed
by the module distribution: configuration files, message catalogs, data files,
anything which doesn't fit in the previous categories.

:option:`data_files` specifies a sequence of (*directory*, *files*) pairs in the
following way::

522 523 524 525 526
          data_files=[('bitmaps', ['bm/b1.gif', 'bm/b2.gif']),
                      ('config', ['cfg/data.cfg']),
                      ('/etc/init.d', ['init-script'])]
527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545

Note that you can specify the directory names where the data files will be
installed, but you cannot rename the data files themselves.

Each (*directory*, *files*) pair in the sequence specifies the installation
directory and the files to install there.  If *directory* is a relative path, it
is interpreted relative to the installation prefix (Python's ``sys.prefix`` for
pure-Python packages, ``sys.exec_prefix`` for packages that contain extension
modules).  Each file name in *files* is interpreted relative to the
:file:`` script at the top of the package source distribution.  No
directory information from *files* is used to determine the final location of
the installed file; only the name of the file is used.

You can specify the :option:`data_files` options as a simple sequence of files
without specifying a target directory, but this is not recommended, and the
:command:`install` command will print a warning in this case. To install data
files directly in the target directory, an empty string should be given as the

.. versionchanged:: 2.7
547 548
    All the files that match ``data_files`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST``
    file if no template is provided. See :ref:`manifest`.
549 550

551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582

.. _meta-data:

Additional meta-data

The setup script may include additional meta-data beyond the name and version.
This information includes:

| Meta-Data            | Description               | Value           | Notes  |
| ``name``             | name of the package       | short string    | \(1)   |
| ``version``          | version of this release   | short string    | (1)(2) |
| ``author``           | package author's name     | short string    | \(3)   |
| ``author_email``     | email address of the      | email address   | \(3)   |
|                      | package author            |                 |        |
| ``maintainer``       | package maintainer's name | short string    | \(3)   |
| ``maintainer_email`` | email address of the      | email address   | \(3)   |
|                      | package maintainer        |                 |        |
| ``url``              | home page for the package | URL             | \(1)   |
| ``description``      | short, summary            | short string    |        |
|                      | description of the        |                 |        |
|                      | package                   |                 |        |
| ``long_description`` | longer description of the | long string     | \(5)   |
584 585 586 587 588 589 590
|                      | package                   |                 |        |
| ``download_url``     | location where the        | URL             | \(4)   |
|                      | package may be downloaded |                 |        |
| ``classifiers``      | a list of classifiers     | list of strings | \(4)   |
591 592
| ``platforms``        | a list of platforms       | list of strings |        |
593 594
| ``license``          | license for the package   | short string    | \(6)   |
595 596 597 598


    These fields are required.
600 601

    It is recommended that versions take the form *major.minor[.patch[.sub]]*.
603 604

    Either the author or the maintainer must be identified.
606 607

608 609 610 611 612 613 614
    These fields should not be used if your package is to be compatible with Python
    versions prior to 2.2.3 or 2.3.  The list is available from the `PyPI website

    The ``long_description`` field is used by PyPI when you are registering a
    package, to build its home page.

616 617 618 619 620 621 622
    The ``license`` field is a text indicating the license covering the
    package where the license is not a selection from the "License" Trove
    classifiers. See the ``Classifier`` field. Notice that
    there's a ``licence`` distribution option which is deprecated but still
    acts as an alias for ``license``.

'short string'
    A single line of text, not more than 200 characters.
625 626

'long string'
627 628
    Multiple lines of plain text in reStructuredText format (see
629 630

'list of strings'
    See below.
632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646

None of the string values may be Unicode.

Encoding the version information is an art in itself. Python packages generally
adhere to the version format *major.minor[.patch][sub]*. The major number is 0
for initial, experimental releases of software. It is incremented for releases
that represent major milestones in a package. The minor number is incremented
when important new features are added to the package. The patch number
increments when bug-fix releases are made. Additional trailing version
information is sometimes used to indicate sub-releases.  These are
"a1,a2,...,aN" (for alpha releases, where functionality and API may change),
"b1,b2,...,bN" (for beta releases, which only fix bugs) and "pr1,pr2,...,prN"
(for final pre-release release testing). Some examples:

    the first, experimental release of a package
648 649

    the second alpha release of the first patch version of 1.0

:option:`classifiers` are specified in a Python list::

654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671
              'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
              'Environment :: Console',
              'Environment :: Web Environment',
              'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
              'Intended Audience :: Developers',
              'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
              'License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License',
              'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
              'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
              'Operating System :: POSIX',
              'Programming Language :: Python',
              'Topic :: Communications :: Email',
              'Topic :: Office/Business',
              'Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking',
672 673 674 675 676 677

If you wish to include classifiers in your :file:`` file and also wish
to remain backwards-compatible with Python releases prior to 2.2.3, then you can
include the following code fragment in your :file:`` before the
:func:`setup` call. ::

678 679 680 681 682 683 684
    # patch distutils if it can't cope with the "classifiers" or
    # "download_url" keywords
    from sys import version
    if version < '2.2.3':
        from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata
        DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None
        DistributionMetadata.download_url = None
685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705

Debugging the setup script

Sometimes things go wrong, and the setup script doesn't do what the developer

Distutils catches any exceptions when running the setup script, and print a
simple error message before the script is terminated.  The motivation for this
behaviour is to not confuse administrators who don't know much about Python and
are trying to install a package.  If they get a big long traceback from deep
inside the guts of Distutils, they may think the package or the Python
installation is broken because they don't read all the way down to the bottom
and see that it's a permission problem.

On the other hand, this doesn't help the developer to find the cause of the
failure. For this purpose, the DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable can be set
to anything except an empty string, and distutils will now print detailed
information what it is doing, and prints the full traceback in case an exception