15.5 KB
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1 2
import argparse
import os
import sys
4 5
from test import support


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USAGE = """\
python -m test [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]
python path/to/Lib/test/ [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]

Run Python regression tests.

If no arguments or options are provided, finds all files matching
the pattern "test_*" in the Lib/test subdirectory and runs
them in alphabetical order (but see -M and -u, below, for exceptions).

For more rigorous testing, it is useful to use the following
command line:

python -E -Wd -m test [options] [test_name1 ...]

EPILOG = """\
Additional option details:

-r randomizes test execution order. You can use --randseed=int to provide an
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
int seed value for the randomizer; this is useful for reproducing troublesome
test orders.

-s On the first invocation of regrtest using -s, the first test file found
or the first test file given on the command line is run, and the name of
the next test is recorded in a file named pynexttest.  If run from the
Python build directory, pynexttest is located in the 'build' subdirectory,
otherwise it is located in tempfile.gettempdir().  On subsequent runs,
the test in pynexttest is run, and the next test is written to pynexttest.
When the last test has been run, pynexttest is deleted.  In this way it
is possible to single step through the test files.  This is useful when
doing memory analysis on the Python interpreter, which process tends to
consume too many resources to run the full regression test non-stop.

-S is used to continue running tests after an aborted run.  It will
maintain the order a standard run (ie, this assumes -r is not used).
This is useful after the tests have prematurely stopped for some external
reason and you want to start running from where you left off rather
than starting from the beginning.

-f reads the names of tests from the file given as f's argument, one
or more test names per line.  Whitespace is ignored.  Blank lines and
lines beginning with '#' are ignored.  This is especially useful for
whittling down failures involving interactions among tests.

-L causes the leaks(1) command to be run just before exit if it exists.
leaks(1) is available on Mac OS X and presumably on some other
FreeBSD-derived systems.

-R runs each test several times and examines sys.gettotalrefcount() to
see if the test appears to be leaking references.  The argument should
be of the form stab:run:fname where 'stab' is the number of times the
test is run to let gettotalrefcount settle down, 'run' is the number
of times further it is run and 'fname' is the name of the file the
reports are written to.  These parameters all have defaults (5, 4 and
"reflog.txt" respectively), and the minimal invocation is '-R :'.

-M runs tests that require an exorbitant amount of memory. These tests
typically try to ascertain containers keep working when containing more than
2 billion objects, which only works on 64-bit systems. There are also some
tests that try to exhaust the address space of the process, which only makes
sense on 32-bit systems with at least 2Gb of memory. The passed-in memlimit,
which is a string in the form of '2.5Gb', determines howmuch memory the
tests will limit themselves to (but they may go slightly over.) The number
shouldn't be more memory than the machine has (including swap memory). You
should also keep in mind that swap memory is generally much, much slower
than RAM, and setting memlimit to all available RAM or higher will heavily
tax the machine. On the other hand, it is no use running these tests with a
limit of less than 2.5Gb, and many require more than 20Gb. Tests that expect
to use more than memlimit memory will be skipped. The big-memory tests
generally run very, very long.

-u is used to specify which special resource intensive tests to run,
such as those requiring large file support or network connectivity.
The argument is a comma-separated list of words indicating the
resources to test.  Currently only the following are defined:

    all -       Enable all special resources.

    none -      Disable all special resources (this is the default).

    audio -     Tests that use the audio device.  (There are known
                cases of broken audio drivers that can crash Python or
                even the Linux kernel.)

    curses -    Tests that use curses and will modify the terminal's
                state and output modes.

    largefile - It is okay to run some test that may create huge
                files.  These tests can take a long time and may
                consume >2GB of disk space temporarily.

    network -   It is okay to run tests that use external network
                resource, e.g. testing SSL support for sockets.

    decimal -   Test the decimal module against a large suite that
                verifies compliance with standards.

    cpu -       Used for certain CPU-heavy tests.

    subprocess  Run all tests for the subprocess module.

    urlfetch -  It is okay to download files required on testing.

    gui -       Run tests that require a running GUI.

115 116
    tzdata -    Run tests that require timezone data.

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To enable all resources except one, use '-uall,-<resource>'.  For
example, to run all the tests except for the gui tests, give the
option '-uall,-gui'.

RESOURCE_NAMES = ('audio', 'curses', 'largefile', 'network',
                  'decimal', 'cpu', 'subprocess', 'urlfetch', 'gui', 'tzdata')
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class _ArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):

    def error(self, message):
        super().error(message + "\nPass -h or --help for complete help.")

def _create_parser():
    # Set prog to prevent the uninformative "" from displaying in
    # error messages when using "python -m test ...".
    parser = _ArgParser(prog='',

    # Arguments with this clause added to its help are described further in
    # the epilog's "Additional option details" section.
    more_details = '  See the section at bottom for more details.'

    group = parser.add_argument_group('General options')
    # We add help explicitly to control what argument group it renders under.
    group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help',
                       help='show this help message and exit')
    group.add_argument('--timeout', metavar='TIMEOUT', type=float,
                        help='dump the traceback and exit if a test takes '
                             'more than TIMEOUT seconds; disabled if TIMEOUT '
                             'is negative or equals to zero')
    group.add_argument('--wait', action='store_true',
                       help='wait for user input, e.g., allow a debugger '
                            'to be attached')
    group.add_argument('--slaveargs', metavar='ARGS')
    group.add_argument('-S', '--start', metavar='START',
                       help='the name of the test at which to start.' +

    group = parser.add_argument_group('Verbosity')
    group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count',
                       help='run tests in verbose mode with output to stdout')
    group.add_argument('-w', '--verbose2', action='store_true',
                       help='re-run failed tests in verbose mode')
    group.add_argument('-W', '--verbose3', action='store_true',
                       help='display test output on failure')
    group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
                       help='no output unless one or more tests fail')
    group.add_argument('-o', '--slowest', action='store_true', dest='print_slow',
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
                       help='print the slowest 10 tests')
    group.add_argument('--header', action='store_true',
                       help='print header with interpreter info')

    group = parser.add_argument_group('Selecting tests')
    group.add_argument('-r', '--randomize', action='store_true',
                       help='randomize test execution order.' + more_details)
    group.add_argument('--randseed', metavar='SEED',
                       dest='random_seed', type=int,
                       help='pass a random seed to reproduce a previous '
                            'random run')
    group.add_argument('-f', '--fromfile', metavar='FILE',
                       help='read names of tests to run from a file.' +
    group.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', action='store_true',
                       help='arguments are tests to *exclude*')
    group.add_argument('-s', '--single', action='store_true',
                       help='single step through a set of tests.' +
    group.add_argument('-m', '--match', metavar='PAT',
                       help='match test cases and methods with glob pattern PAT')
    group.add_argument('-G', '--failfast', action='store_true',
                       help='fail as soon as a test fails (only with -v or -W)')
    group.add_argument('-u', '--use', metavar='RES1,RES2,...',
                       action='append', type=resources_list,
                       help='specify which special resource intensive tests '
                            'to run.' + more_details)
    group.add_argument('-M', '--memlimit', metavar='LIMIT',
                       help='run very large memory-consuming tests.' +
    group.add_argument('--testdir', metavar='DIR',
                       help='execute test files in the specified directory '
                            '(instead of the Python stdlib test suite)')

    group = parser.add_argument_group('Special runs')
    group.add_argument('-l', '--findleaks', action='store_true',
                       help='if GC is available detect tests that leak memory')
    group.add_argument('-L', '--runleaks', action='store_true',
                       help='run the leaks(1) command just before exit.' +
    group.add_argument('-R', '--huntrleaks', metavar='RUNCOUNTS',
                       help='search for reference leaks (needs debug build, '
                            'very slow).' + more_details)
    group.add_argument('-j', '--multiprocess', metavar='PROCESSES',
                       dest='use_mp', type=int,
                       help='run PROCESSES processes at once')
    group.add_argument('-T', '--coverage', action='store_true',
                       help='turn on code coverage tracing using the trace '
    group.add_argument('-D', '--coverdir', metavar='DIR',
                       help='directory where coverage files are put')
    group.add_argument('-N', '--nocoverdir',
                       action='store_const', const=None, dest='coverdir',
                       help='put coverage files alongside modules')
    group.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', metavar='THRESHOLD',
                       help='call gc.set_threshold(THRESHOLD)')
    group.add_argument('-n', '--nowindows', action='store_true',
                       help='suppress error message boxes on Windows')
    group.add_argument('-F', '--forever', action='store_true',
                       help='run the specified tests in a loop, until an '
                            'error happens')
239 240 241
    group.add_argument('--list-tests', action='store_true',
                       help="only write the name of tests that will be run, "
                            "don't execute them")
242 243
    group.add_argument('-P', '--pgo', dest='pgo', action='store_true',
                       help='enable Profile Guided Optimization training')
244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283

    return parser

def relative_filename(string):
    # CWD is replaced with a temporary dir before calling main(), so we
    # join it with the saved CWD so it ends up where the user expects.
    return os.path.join(support.SAVEDCWD, string)

def huntrleaks(string):
    args = string.split(':')
    if len(args) not in (2, 3):
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
            'needs 2 or 3 colon-separated arguments')
    nwarmup = int(args[0]) if args[0] else 5
    ntracked = int(args[1]) if args[1] else 4
    fname = args[2] if len(args) > 2 and args[2] else 'reflog.txt'
    return nwarmup, ntracked, fname

def resources_list(string):
    u = [x.lower() for x in string.split(',')]
    for r in u:
        if r == 'all' or r == 'none':
        if r[0] == '-':
            r = r[1:]
        if r not in RESOURCE_NAMES:
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('invalid resource: ' + r)
    return u

def _parse_args(args, **kwargs):
    # Defaults
    ns = argparse.Namespace(testdir=None, verbose=0, quiet=False,
         exclude=False, single=False, randomize=False, fromfile=None,
         findleaks=False, use_resources=None, trace=False, coverdir='coverage',
         runleaks=False, huntrleaks=False, verbose2=False, print_slow=False,
         random_seed=None, use_mp=None, verbose3=False, forever=False,
         header=False, failfast=False, match_tests=None, pgo=False)
285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if not hasattr(ns, k):
            raise TypeError('%r is an invalid keyword argument '
                            'for this function' % k)
        setattr(ns, k, v)
    if ns.use_resources is None:
        ns.use_resources = []

    parser = _create_parser()
294 295 296 297 298 299 300
    # Issue #14191: argparse doesn't support "intermixed" positional and
    # optional arguments. Use parse_known_args() as workaround.
    ns.args = parser.parse_known_args(args=args, namespace=ns)[1]
    for arg in ns.args:
        if arg.startswith('-'):
            parser.error("unrecognized arguments: %s" % arg)
301 302 303

    if ns.single and ns.fromfile:
        parser.error("-s and -f don't go together!")
    if ns.use_mp is not None and ns.trace:
        parser.error("-T and -j don't go together!")
    if ns.use_mp is not None and ns.findleaks:
307 308 309
        parser.error("-l and -j don't go together!")
    if ns.failfast and not (ns.verbose or ns.verbose3):
        parser.error("-G/--failfast needs either -v or -W")
310 311
    if ns.pgo and (ns.verbose or ns.verbose2 or ns.verbose3):
        parser.error("--pgo/-v don't go together!")

313 314 315 316
    if ns.nowindows:
        print("Warning: the --nowindows (-n) option is deprecated. "
              "Use -vv to display assertions in stderr.", file=sys.stderr)

317 318 319
    if ns.quiet:
        ns.verbose = 0
    if ns.timeout is not None:
        if ns.timeout <= 0:
321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345
            ns.timeout = None
    if ns.use_mp is not None:
        if ns.use_mp <= 0:
            # Use all cores + extras for tests that like to sleep
            ns.use_mp = 2 + (os.cpu_count() or 1)
    if ns.use:
        for a in ns.use:
            for r in a:
                if r == 'all':
                    ns.use_resources[:] = RESOURCE_NAMES
                if r == 'none':
                    del ns.use_resources[:]
                remove = False
                if r[0] == '-':
                    remove = True
                    r = r[1:]
                if remove:
                    if r in ns.use_resources:
                elif r not in ns.use_resources:
    if ns.random_seed is not None:
        ns.randomize = True
346 347
    if ns.verbose:
        ns.header = True
348 349

    return ns