Serhiy Storchaka yazdı
* avgpp() and maxpp() no more crash on empty and 1-samples input fragment. They now work when peak-peak values are greater INT_MAX. * ratecv() no more crashes on empty input fragment. * Fixed an integer overflow in ratecv(). * Fixed an integer overflow in add() and bias() for 32-bit samples. * reverse(), lin2lin() and ratecv() no more lose precision for 32-bit samples. * max() and rms() no more returns negative result for 32-bit sample -0x80000000. * minmax() now returns correct max value for 32-bit sample -0x80000000. * avg(), mul(), tomono() and tostereo() now round negative result down and can return 32-bit sample -0x80000000. * add() now can return 32-bit sample -0x80000000.