• Barry Warsaw's avatar
    The email package's tests live much better in a subpackage · 62903809
    Barry Warsaw yazdı
    (i.e. email.test), so move the guts of them here from Lib/test.  The
    latter directory will retain stubs to run the email.test tests using
    Python's standard regression test.
    test_email_torture.py is a torture tester which will not run under
    Python's test suite because I don't want to commit megs of data to
    that project (it will fail cleanly there).  When run under the mimelib
    project it'll stress test the package with megs of message samples
    collected from various locations in the wild.
    email/test/data is a copy of Lib/test/data.  The fate of the latter is
    still undecided.
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a simple kind of mirror
to reflect upon our own

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a simple kind of mirror
to reflect upon our own
