• Guido van Rossum's avatar
    SF patch #470578: Fixes to synchronize unicode() and str() · b8c65bc2
    Guido van Rossum yazdı
        This patch implements what we have discussed on python-dev late in
        September: str(obj) and unicode(obj) should behave similar, while
        the old behaviour is retained for unicode(obj, encoding, errors).
        The patch also adds a new feature with which objects can provide
        unicode(obj) with input data: the __unicode__ method. Currently no
        new tp_unicode slot is implemented; this is left as option for the
        Note that PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject() no longer accepts Unicode
        objects as input. The API name already suggests that Unicode
        objects do not belong in the list of acceptable objects and the
        functionality was only needed because
        PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject() was being used directly by
        unicode(). The latter was changed in the discussed way:
        * unicode(obj) calls PyObject_Unicode()
        * unicode(obj, encoding, errors) calls PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject()
        One thing left open to discussion is whether to leave the
        PyUnicode_FromObject() API as a thin API extension on top of
        PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject() or to turn it into a (macro) alias
        for PyObject_Unicode() and deprecate it. Doing so would have some
        surprising consequences though, e.g.  u"abc" + 123 would turn out
        as u"abc123"...
    [Marc-Andre didn't have time to check this in before the deadline.  I
    hope this is OK, Marc-Andre!  You can still make changes and commit
    them on the trunk after the branch has been made, but then please mail
    Barry a context diff if you want the change to be merged into the
    2.2b1 release branch.  GvR]
unicodeobject.c 139 KB