• Guido van Rossum's avatar
    Anti-registration of various ABC methods. · 97c1adf3
    Guido van Rossum yazdı
    - Issue #25958: Support "anti-registration" of special methods from
      various ABCs, like __hash__, __iter__ or __len__.  All these (and
      several more) can be set to None in an implementation class and the
      behavior will be as if the method is not defined at all.
      (Previously, this mechanism existed only for __hash__, to make
      mutable classes unhashable.)  Code contributed by Andrew Barnert and
      Ivan Levkivskyi.
test_augassign.py 7.68 KB
# Augmented assignment test.

import unittest

class AugAssignTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def testBasic(self):
        x = 2
        x += 1
        x *= 2
        x **= 2
        x -= 8
        x //= 5
        x %= 3
        x &= 2
        x |= 5
        x ^= 1
        x /= 2
        self.assertEqual(x, 3.0)

    def test_with_unpacking(self):
        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, "x, b += 3", "<test>", "exec")

    def testInList(self):
        x = [2]
        x[0] += 1
        x[0] *= 2
        x[0] **= 2
        x[0] -= 8
        x[0] //= 5
        x[0] %= 3
        x[0] &= 2
        x[0] |= 5
        x[0] ^= 1
        x[0] /= 2
        self.assertEqual(x[0], 3.0)

    def testInDict(self):
        x = {0: 2}
        x[0] += 1
        x[0] *= 2
        x[0] **= 2
        x[0] -= 8
        x[0] //= 5
        x[0] %= 3
        x[0] &= 2
        x[0] |= 5
        x[0] ^= 1
        x[0] /= 2
        self.assertEqual(x[0], 3.0)

    def testSequences(self):
        x = [1,2]
        x += [3,4]
        x *= 2

        self.assertEqual(x, [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4])

        x = [1, 2, 3]
        y = x
        x[1:2] *= 2
        y[1:2] += [1]

        self.assertEqual(x, [1, 2, 1, 2, 3])
        self.assertTrue(x is y)

    def testCustomMethods1(self):

        class aug_test:
            def __init__(self, value):
                self.val = value
            def __radd__(self, val):
                return self.val + val
            def __add__(self, val):
                return aug_test(self.val + val)

        class aug_test2(aug_test):
            def __iadd__(self, val):
                self.val = self.val + val
                return self

        class aug_test3(aug_test):
            def __iadd__(self, val):
                return aug_test3(self.val + val)

        class aug_test4(aug_test3):
            """Blocks inheritance, and fallback to __add__"""
            __iadd__ = None

        x = aug_test(1)
        y = x
        x += 10

        self.assertIsInstance(x, aug_test)
        self.assertTrue(y is not x)
        self.assertEqual(x.val, 11)

        x = aug_test2(2)
        y = x
        x += 10

        self.assertTrue(y is x)
        self.assertEqual(x.val, 12)

        x = aug_test3(3)
        y = x
        x += 10

        self.assertIsInstance(x, aug_test3)
        self.assertTrue(y is not x)
        self.assertEqual(x.val, 13)

        x = aug_test4(4)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x += 10

    def testCustomMethods2(test_self):
        output = []

        class testall:
            def __add__(self, val):
                output.append("__add__ called")
            def __radd__(self, val):
                output.append("__radd__ called")
            def __iadd__(self, val):
                output.append("__iadd__ called")
                return self

            def __sub__(self, val):
                output.append("__sub__ called")
            def __rsub__(self, val):
                output.append("__rsub__ called")
            def __isub__(self, val):
                output.append("__isub__ called")
                return self

            def __mul__(self, val):
                output.append("__mul__ called")
            def __rmul__(self, val):
                output.append("__rmul__ called")
            def __imul__(self, val):
                output.append("__imul__ called")
                return self

            def __matmul__(self, val):
                output.append("__matmul__ called")
            def __rmatmul__(self, val):
                output.append("__rmatmul__ called")
            def __imatmul__(self, val):
                output.append("__imatmul__ called")
                return self

            def __floordiv__(self, val):
                output.append("__floordiv__ called")
                return self
            def __ifloordiv__(self, val):
                output.append("__ifloordiv__ called")
                return self
            def __rfloordiv__(self, val):
                output.append("__rfloordiv__ called")
                return self

            def __truediv__(self, val):
                output.append("__truediv__ called")
                return self
            def __rtruediv__(self, val):
                output.append("__rtruediv__ called")
                return self
            def __itruediv__(self, val):
                output.append("__itruediv__ called")
                return self

            def __mod__(self, val):
                output.append("__mod__ called")
            def __rmod__(self, val):
                output.append("__rmod__ called")
            def __imod__(self, val):
                output.append("__imod__ called")
                return self

            def __pow__(self, val):
                output.append("__pow__ called")
            def __rpow__(self, val):
                output.append("__rpow__ called")
            def __ipow__(self, val):
                output.append("__ipow__ called")
                return self

            def __or__(self, val):
                output.append("__or__ called")
            def __ror__(self, val):
                output.append("__ror__ called")
            def __ior__(self, val):
                output.append("__ior__ called")
                return self

            def __and__(self, val):
                output.append("__and__ called")
            def __rand__(self, val):
                output.append("__rand__ called")
            def __iand__(self, val):
                output.append("__iand__ called")
                return self

            def __xor__(self, val):
                output.append("__xor__ called")
            def __rxor__(self, val):
                output.append("__rxor__ called")
            def __ixor__(self, val):
                output.append("__ixor__ called")
                return self

            def __rshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__rshift__ called")
            def __rrshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__rrshift__ called")
            def __irshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__irshift__ called")
                return self

            def __lshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__lshift__ called")
            def __rlshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__rlshift__ called")
            def __ilshift__(self, val):
                output.append("__ilshift__ called")
                return self

        x = testall()
        x + 1
        1 + x
        x += 1

        x - 1
        1 - x
        x -= 1

        x * 1
        1 * x
        x *= 1

        x @ 1
        1 @ x
        x @= 1

        x / 1
        1 / x
        x /= 1

        x // 1
        1 // x
        x //= 1

        x % 1
        1 % x
        x %= 1

        x ** 1
        1 ** x
        x **= 1

        x | 1
        1 | x
        x |= 1

        x & 1
        1 & x
        x &= 1

        x ^ 1
        1 ^ x
        x ^= 1

        x >> 1
        1 >> x
        x >>= 1

        x << 1
        1 << x
        x <<= 1

        test_self.assertEqual(output, '''\
__add__ called
__radd__ called
__iadd__ called
__sub__ called
__rsub__ called
__isub__ called
__mul__ called
__rmul__ called
__imul__ called
__matmul__ called
__rmatmul__ called
__imatmul__ called
__truediv__ called
__rtruediv__ called
__itruediv__ called
__floordiv__ called
__rfloordiv__ called
__ifloordiv__ called
__mod__ called
__rmod__ called
__imod__ called
__pow__ called
__rpow__ called
__ipow__ called
__or__ called
__ror__ called
__ior__ called
__and__ called
__rand__ called
__iand__ called
__xor__ called
__rxor__ called
__ixor__ called
__rshift__ called
__rrshift__ called
__irshift__ called
__lshift__ called
__rlshift__ called
__ilshift__ called

if __name__ == '__main__':