• Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
    1. If user passes a non-existant filename on the commandline, just open · 183403a2
    Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
       a new file, don't raise a dialog.  IDLEfork 954928.
    2. Refactor EditorWindow.wakeup() to WindowList.ListedToplevel.wakeup() and
       clarify that the Toplevel of an EditorWindow is a WindowList.ListedToplevel.
    3. Make a number of improvements to keyboard focus binding.  Improve window
       raising, especially in the debugger.  IDLEfork Bug 763524 (GvR list).
    4. Bump idlever to 1.1a3
    M Debugger.py
    M EditorWindow.py
    M FileList.py
    M NEWS.txt
    M PyShell.py
    M WindowList.py
    M idlever.py
PyShell.py 47.3 KB