• Lars Gustäbel's avatar
    Issue #6123: Fix opening empty archives and files. · dd866d57
    Lars Gustäbel yazdı
    (Note that an empty archive is not the same as an empty file. An
    empty archive contains no members and is correctly terminated with an
    EOF block full of zeros. An empty file contains no data at all.)
    The problem was that although tarfile was able to create empty
    archives, it failed to open them raising a ReadError. On the other
    hand, tarfile opened empty files without error in most read modes and
    presented them as empty archives. (However, some modes still raised
    errors: "r|gz" raised ReadError, but "r:gz" worked, "r:bz2" even
    raised EOFError.)
    In order to get a more fine-grained control over the various internal
    error conditions I now split up the HeaderError exception into a
    number of meaningful sub-exceptions. This makes it easier in the
    TarFile.next() method to react to the different conditions in the
    correct way.
    The visible change in its behaviour now is that tarfile will open
    empty archives correctly and raise ReadError consistently for empty
tarfile.py 86 KB