• Georg Brandl's avatar
    Merged revisions… · e9b91216
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    Merged revisions 71058,71149-71150,71212,71214-71216,71222,71225,71234,71237-71238,71240-71241,71243,71249,71251 via svnmerge from
      r71058 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-02 20:09:04 +0200 (Do, 02 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
      PyErr_NormalizeException may not set an error, so convert the PyErr_SetObject
      call on hitting the recursion limit into just assigning it to the arguments provided.
      r71149 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-04 15:42:39 +0200 (Sa, 04 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5642: clarify map() compatibility to the builtin.
      r71150 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-04 15:45:49 +0200 (Sa, 04 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5601: clarify that webbrowser is not meant for file names.
      r71212 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 12:24:20 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #1742837: expand HTTP server docs, and fix SocketServer ones to document methods as methods, not functions.
      r71214 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 12:29:57 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Normalize spelling of Mac OS X.
      r71215 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 12:32:26 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Avoid sure signs of a diseased mind.
      r71216 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 12:41:02 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #1718017: document the relation of os.path and the posixpath, ntpath etc. modules better.
      r71222 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 13:07:14 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5615: make it possible to configure --without-threads again.
      r71225 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 13:54:07 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5580: no need to use parentheses when converterr() argument is actually a type description.
      r71234 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 15:16:35 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Whitespace normalization.
      r71237 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 16:24:52 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #1326077: fix traceback formatting of SyntaxErrors.  This fixes two differences with formatting coming from Python: a) the reproduction of location details in the error message if no line text is given, b) the prefixing of the last line by one space.
      r71238 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 16:25:41 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Add NEWS entry for r71237.
      r71240 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 16:40:06 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5370: doc update about unpickling objects with custom __getattr__ etc. methods.
      r71241 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 16:48:49 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5471: fix expanduser() for $HOME set to "/".
      r71243 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 17:14:29 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5432: make plistlib docstring a raw string, since it contains examples with backslash escapes.
      r71249 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 18:30:43 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5444: adapt make.bat to new htmlhelp output file name.
      r71251 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 19:17:42 +0200 (So, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5298: clarify docs about GIL by using more consistent wording.
basehttpserver.rst 9.91 KB

:mod:`BaseHTTPServer` --- Basic HTTP server


The :mod:`BaseHTTPServer` module has been merged into :mod:`http.server` in Python 3.0. The :term:`2to3` tool will automatically adapt imports when converting your sources to 3.0.

This module defines two classes for implementing HTTP servers (Web servers). Usually, this module isn't used directly, but is used as a basis for building functioning Web servers. See the :mod:`SimpleHTTPServer` and :mod:`CGIHTTPServer` modules.

The first class, :class:`HTTPServer`, is a :class:`SocketServer.TCPServer` subclass, and therefore implements the :class:`SocketServer.BaseServer` interface. It creates and listens at the HTTP socket, dispatching the requests to a handler. Code to create and run the server looks like this:

def run(server_class=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
    server_address = ('', 8000)
    httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)

This class builds on the :class:`TCPServer` class by storing the server address as instance variables named :attr:`server_name` and :attr:`server_port`. The server is accessible by the handler, typically through the handler's :attr:`server` instance variable.

This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server. By itself, it cannot respond to any actual HTTP requests; it must be subclassed to handle each request method (e.g. GET or POST). :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` provides a number of class and instance variables, and methods for use by subclasses.

The handler will parse the request and the headers, then call a method specific to the request type. The method name is constructed from the request. For example, for the request method SPAM, the :meth:`do_SPAM` method will be called with no arguments. All of the relevant information is stored in instance variables of the handler. Subclasses should not need to override or extend the :meth:`__init__` method.

:class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following instance variables:

:class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` has the following class variables:

A :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler` instance has the following methods:

More examples

To create a server that doesn't run forever, but until some condition is fulfilled:

def run_while_true(server_class=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
    This assumes that keep_running() is a function of no arguments which
    is tested initially and after each request.  If its return value
    is true, the server continues.
    server_address = ('', 8000)
    httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
    while keep_running():