• Barry Warsaw's avatar
    Complete the absolute import patch for the test suite. All relative · 408b6d34
    Barry Warsaw yazdı
    imports of test modules now import from the test package.  Other
    related oddities are also fixed (like DeprecationWarning filters that
    weren't specifying the full import part, etc.).  Also did a general
    code cleanup to remove all "from test.test_support import *"'s.  Other
    from...import *'s weren't changed.
test_al.py 687 Bytes
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Whimpy test script for the al module
   Roger E. Masse
import al
from test.test_support import verbose

alattrs = ['__doc__', '__name__', 'getdefault', 'getminmax', 'getname', 'getparams',
           'newconfig', 'openport', 'queryparams', 'setparams']

# This is a very unobtrusive test for the existence of the al module and all it's
# attributes.  More comprehensive examples can be found in Demo/al

def main():
    # touch all the attributes of al without doing anything
    if verbose:
        print 'Touching al module attributes...'
    for attr in alattrs:
        if verbose:
            print 'touching: ', attr
        getattr(al, attr)
