QuickDraw_Graphics_Supplemental 1.48 KB
"""Suite QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite: Defines transformations of graphic objects
Level 1, version 1

Generated from flap:System Folder:Extensions:Scripting Additions:Dialects:English Dialect
AETE/AEUT resource version 1/0, language 0, script 0

import aetools
import MacOS

_code = 'qdsp'

class QuickDraw_Graphics_Supplemental_Suite:


class drawing_area(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""drawing area - Container for graphics and supporting information"""
	want = 'cdrw'
class rotation(aetools.NProperty):
	"""rotation - the default rotation for objects in the drawing area"""
	which = 'prot'
	want = 'trot'
class scale(aetools.NProperty):
	"""scale - the default scaling for objects in the drawing area"""
	which = 'pscl'
	want = 'fixd'
class translation(aetools.NProperty):
	"""translation - the default repositioning for objects in the drawing area"""
	which = 'ptrs'
	want = 'QDpt'

drawing_areas = drawing_area

class graphic_group(aetools.ComponentItem):
	"""graphic group - Group of graphics"""
	want = 'cpic'

graphic_groups = graphic_group
drawing_area._propdict = {
	'rotation' : rotation,
	'scale' : scale,
	'translation' : translation,
drawing_area._elemdict = {
graphic_group._propdict = {
graphic_group._elemdict = {

# Indices of types declared in this module
_classdeclarations = {
	'cpic' : graphic_group,
	'cdrw' : drawing_area,

_propdeclarations = {
	'prot' : rotation,
	'pscl' : scale,
	'ptrs' : translation,

_compdeclarations = {

_enumdeclarations = {