Test suite for OS X interpreter environment variables.
from test.support import EnvironmentVarGuard, run_unittest
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest
class OSXEnvironmentVariableTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _check_sys(self, ev, cond, sv, val = '/some/path/to/python'):
with EnvironmentVarGuard() as evg:
subpc = [str(sys.executable), '-c',
'import sys; sys.exit(2 if "%s" %s %s else 3)' % (val, cond, sv)]
# ensure environment variable does not exist
# test that test on sys.xxx normally fails
rc = subprocess.call(subpc)
self.assertEqual(rc, 3, "expected %s not %s %s" % (ev, cond, sv))
# set environ variable
evg.set(ev, val)
# test that sys.xxx has been influenced by the environ value
rc = subprocess.call(subpc)
self.assertEqual(rc, 2, "expected %s %s %s" % (ev, cond, sv))
def test_pythonexecutable_sets_sys_executable(self):
self._check_sys('PYTHONEXECUTABLE', '==', 'sys.executable')
def test_main():
from distutils import sysconfig
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_NEXT_FRAMEWORK'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Ronald Oussoren yazdı
is actually a framework build on OSX (the only environment where this test is valid).