• Jason Tishler's avatar
    Patch #595014: Cygwin tempfile patch · 80c02af3
    Jason Tishler yazdı
    Although Cygwin attempts to be as Posix compliant
    as possible, it has difficulties unlinking open
    files. This is not surprising given that Cygwin is
    dependent on Win32 which in turn has this problem
    The attached tempfile patch acknowledges this
    Cygwin limitation. Without this patch, Cygwin
    fails test_tempfile (i.e., test_has_no_name) as
    $ ./python -E -tt ../Lib/test/regrtest.py -l test_tempfile
    test test_tempfile failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/jt/src/PythonCvs/Lib/test/test_tempfile.py", line 689, in test_has_no_name
        self.failOnException("rmdir", ei)
      File "/home/jt/src/PythonCvs/Lib/test/test_tempfile.py", line 33, in failOnException
        self.fail("%s raised %s: %s" % (what, ei[0], ei[1]))
      File "/home/jt/src/PythonCvs/Lib/unittest.py", line 260, in fail
        raise self.failureException, msg
    AssertionError: rmdir raised exceptions.OSError: [Errno 90] Directory not empty: '/mnt/c/DOCUME~1/jatis/LOCALS~1/Temp/tmpM_z8nj'
tempfile.py 14 KB