Eric Smith yazdı
svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r70364 | eric.smith | 2009-03-14 07:57:26 -0400 (Sat, 14 Mar 2009) | 17 lines Issue 5237, Allow auto-numbered replacement fields in str.format() strings. For simple uses for str.format(), this makes the typing easier. Hopfully this will help in the adoption of str.format(). For example: 'The {} is {}'.format('sky', 'blue') You can mix and matcth auto-numbering and named replacement fields: 'The {} is {color}'.format('sky', color='blue') But you can't mix and match auto-numbering and specified numbering: 'The {0} is {}'.format('sky', 'blue') ValueError: cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering Will port to 3.1. ........
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