• Alexander Belopolsky's avatar
    bpo-33812: Corrected astimezone for naive datetimes. (GH-7578) · 877b2320
    Alexander Belopolsky yazdı
    A datetime object d is aware if d.tzinfo is not None and
    d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) does  not return None. If d.tzinfo is None,
    or if d.tzinfo is not None but d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returns None,
     d is naive.
    This commit ensures that instances with non-None d.tzinfo, but
    d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returning None are treated as naive.
    In addition, C acceleration code will raise TypeError if
    d.tzinfo.utcoffset(d) returns an object with the type other than
    * Updated the documentation.
    Assume that the term "naive" is defined elsewhere and remove the
    not entirely correct clarification.  Thanks, Tim.
datetime.rst 91.6 KB