• Benjamin Peterson's avatar
    Merged revisions… · ef3e4c2b
    Benjamin Peterson yazdı
    Merged revisions 70980,71059,71225,71234,71241,71243,71249,71251,71255,71266,71299,71329,71397-71398,71486 via svnmerge from
      r70980 | jack.diederich | 2009-04-01 15:26:13 -0500 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
      bounds check arguments to mmap.move().  All of them.  Really.
      fixes crasher on OS X 10.5
      r71059 | mark.dickinson | 2009-04-02 13:39:37 -0500 (Thu, 02 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
      sys.long_info attributes should be ints, not longs
      r71225 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 06:54:07 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5580: no need to use parentheses when converterr() argument is actually a type description.
      r71234 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 08:16:35 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Whitespace normalization.
      r71241 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 09:48:49 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5471: fix expanduser() for $HOME set to "/".
      r71243 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 10:14:29 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5432: make plistlib docstring a raw string, since it contains examples with backslash escapes.
      r71249 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 11:30:43 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5444: adapt make.bat to new htmlhelp output file name.
      r71251 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 12:17:42 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #5298: clarify docs about GIL by using more consistent wording.
      r71255 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 13:34:58 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      #602893: add indicator for current line in cgitb that doesnt rely on styling alone.
      r71266 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-05 15:23:13 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Normalize issue referencing style.
      r71299 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-04-05 18:43:58 -0500 (Sun, 05 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
      Fixes issue5705: os.setuid() and friends did not accept the same range of
      values that pwd.getpwnam() returns.
      r71329 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-04-06 16:53:33 -0500 (Mon, 06 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      add create_connection to __all__ #5711
      r71397 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-08 11:36:39 -0500 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Remove redundant backtick.
      r71398 | georg.brandl | 2009-04-08 11:39:04 -0500 (Wed, 08 Apr 2009) | 1 line
      Update ignore file for suspicious builder.
      r71486 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-04-11 11:18:14 -0500 (Sat, 11 Apr 2009) | 1 line
cgitb.py 11.7 KB
"""More comprehensive traceback formatting for Python scripts.

To enable this module, do:

    import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

at the top of your script.  The optional arguments to enable() are:

    display     - if true, tracebacks are displayed in the web browser
    logdir      - if set, tracebacks are written to files in this directory
    context     - number of lines of source code to show for each stack frame
    format      - 'text' or 'html' controls the output format

By default, tracebacks are displayed but not saved, the context is 5 lines
and the output format is 'html' (for backwards compatibility with the
original use of this module)

Alternatively, if you have caught an exception and want cgitb to display it
for you, call cgitb.handler().  The optional argument to handler() is a
3-item tuple (etype, evalue, etb) just like the value of sys.exc_info().
The default handler displays output as HTML.

import inspect
import keyword
import linecache
import os
import pydoc
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import tokenize
import traceback
import types

def reset():
    """Return a string that resets the CGI and browser to a known state."""
    return '''<!--: spam
Content-Type: text/html

<body bgcolor="#f0f0f8"><font color="#f0f0f8" size="-5"> -->
<body bgcolor="#f0f0f8"><font color="#f0f0f8" size="-5"> --> -->
</font> </font> </font> </script> </object> </blockquote> </pre>
</table> </table> </table> </table> </table> </font> </font> </font>'''

__UNDEF__ = []                          # a special sentinel object
def small(text):
    if text:
        return '<small>' + text + '</small>'
        return ''

def strong(text):
    if text:
        return '<strong>' + text + '</strong>'
        return ''

def grey(text):
    if text:
        return '<font color="#909090">' + text + '</font>'
        return ''

def lookup(name, frame, locals):
    """Find the value for a given name in the given environment."""
    if name in locals:
        return 'local', locals[name]
    if name in frame.f_globals:
        return 'global', frame.f_globals[name]
    if '__builtins__' in frame.f_globals:
        builtins = frame.f_globals['__builtins__']
        if type(builtins) is type({}):
            if name in builtins:
                return 'builtin', builtins[name]
            if hasattr(builtins, name):
                return 'builtin', getattr(builtins, name)
    return None, __UNDEF__

def scanvars(reader, frame, locals):
    """Scan one logical line of Python and look up values of variables used."""
    vars, lasttoken, parent, prefix, value = [], None, None, '', __UNDEF__
    for ttype, token, start, end, line in tokenize.generate_tokens(reader):
        if ttype == tokenize.NEWLINE: break
        if ttype == tokenize.NAME and token not in keyword.kwlist:
            if lasttoken == '.':
                if parent is not __UNDEF__:
                    value = getattr(parent, token, __UNDEF__)
                    vars.append((prefix + token, prefix, value))
                where, value = lookup(token, frame, locals)
                vars.append((token, where, value))
        elif token == '.':
            prefix += lasttoken + '.'
            parent = value
            parent, prefix = None, ''
        lasttoken = token
    return vars

def html(einfo, context=5):
    """Return a nice HTML document describing a given traceback."""
    etype, evalue, etb = einfo
    if isinstance(etype, type):
        etype = etype.__name__
    pyver = 'Python ' + sys.version.split()[0] + ': ' + sys.executable
    date = time.ctime(time.time())
    head = '<body bgcolor="#f0f0f8">' + pydoc.html.heading(
        '<big><big>%s</big></big>' %
        '#ffffff', '#6622aa', pyver + '<br>' + date) + '''
<p>A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.</p>'''

    indent = '<tt>' + small('&nbsp;' * 5) + '&nbsp;</tt>'
    frames = []
    records = inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context)
    for frame, file, lnum, func, lines, index in records:
        if file:
            file = os.path.abspath(file)
            link = '<a href="file://%s">%s</a>' % (file, pydoc.html.escape(file))
            file = link = '?'
        args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
        call = ''
        if func != '?':
            call = 'in ' + strong(func) + \
                inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals,
                    formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + pydoc.html.repr(value))

        highlight = {}
        def reader(lnum=[lnum]):
            highlight[lnum[0]] = 1
            try: return linecache.getline(file, lnum[0])
            finally: lnum[0] += 1
        vars = scanvars(reader, frame, locals)

        rows = ['<tr><td bgcolor="#d8bbff">%s%s %s</td></tr>' %
                ('<big>&nbsp;</big>', link, call)]
        if index is not None:
            i = lnum - index
            for line in lines:
                num = small('&nbsp;' * (5-len(str(i))) + str(i)) + '&nbsp;'
                if i in highlight:
                    line = '<tt>=&gt;%s%s</tt>' % (num, pydoc.html.preformat(line))
                    rows.append('<tr><td bgcolor="#ffccee">%s</td></tr>' % line)
                    line = '<tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;%s%s</tt>' % (num, pydoc.html.preformat(line))
                    rows.append('<tr><td>%s</td></tr>' % grey(line))
                i += 1

        done, dump = {}, []
        for name, where, value in vars:
            if name in done: continue
            done[name] = 1
            if value is not __UNDEF__:
                if where in ('global', 'builtin'):
                    name = ('<em>%s</em> ' % where) + strong(name)
                elif where == 'local':
                    name = strong(name)
                    name = where + strong(name.split('.')[-1])
                dump.append('%s&nbsp;= %s' % (name, pydoc.html.repr(value)))
                dump.append(name + ' <em>undefined</em>')

        rows.append('<tr><td>%s</td></tr>' % small(grey(', '.join(dump))))
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
%s</table>''' % '\n'.join(rows))

    exception = ['<p>%s: %s' % (strong(pydoc.html.escape(str(etype))),
    for name in dir(evalue):
        if name[:1] == '_': continue
        value = pydoc.html.repr(getattr(evalue, name))
        exception.append('\n<br>%s%s&nbsp;=\n%s' % (indent, name, value))

    return head + ''.join(frames) + ''.join(exception) + '''

<!-- The above is a description of an error in a Python program, formatted
     for a Web browser because the 'cgitb' module was enabled.  In case you
     are not reading this in a Web browser, here is the original traceback:

''' % pydoc.html.escape(
          ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb)))

def text(einfo, context=5):
    """Return a plain text document describing a given traceback."""
    etype, evalue, etb = einfo
    if isinstance(etype, type):
        etype = etype.__name__
    pyver = 'Python ' + sys.version.split()[0] + ': ' + sys.executable
    date = time.ctime(time.time())
    head = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (str(etype), pyver, date) + '''
A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

    frames = []
    records = inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context)
    for frame, file, lnum, func, lines, index in records:
        file = file and os.path.abspath(file) or '?'
        args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
        call = ''
        if func != '?':
            call = 'in ' + func + \
                inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals,
                    formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + pydoc.text.repr(value))

        highlight = {}
        def reader(lnum=[lnum]):
            highlight[lnum[0]] = 1
            try: return linecache.getline(file, lnum[0])
            finally: lnum[0] += 1
        vars = scanvars(reader, frame, locals)

        rows = [' %s %s' % (file, call)]
        if index is not None:
            i = lnum - index
            for line in lines:
                num = '%5d ' % i
                i += 1

        done, dump = {}, []
        for name, where, value in vars:
            if name in done: continue
            done[name] = 1
            if value is not __UNDEF__:
                if where == 'global': name = 'global ' + name
                elif where != 'local': name = where + name.split('.')[-1]
                dump.append('%s = %s' % (name, pydoc.text.repr(value)))
                dump.append(name + ' undefined')

        frames.append('\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(rows))

    exception = ['%s: %s' % (str(etype), str(evalue))]
    for name in dir(evalue):
        value = pydoc.text.repr(getattr(evalue, name))
        exception.append('\n%s%s = %s' % (" "*4, name, value))

    return head + ''.join(frames) + ''.join(exception) + '''

The above is a description of an error in a Python program.  Here is
the original traceback:

''' % ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb))

class Hook:
    """A hook to replace sys.excepthook that shows tracebacks in HTML."""

    def __init__(self, display=1, logdir=None, context=5, file=None,
        self.display = display          # send tracebacks to browser if true
        self.logdir = logdir            # log tracebacks to files if not None
        self.context = context          # number of source code lines per frame
        self.file = file or sys.stdout  # place to send the output
        self.format = format

    def __call__(self, etype, evalue, etb):
        self.handle((etype, evalue, etb))

    def handle(self, info=None):
        info = info or sys.exc_info()
        if self.format == "html":

        formatter = (self.format=="html") and html or text
        plain = False
            doc = formatter(info, self.context)
        except:                         # just in case something goes wrong
            doc = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*info))
            plain = True

        if self.display:
            if plain:
                doc = doc.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;')
                self.file.write('<pre>' + doc + '</pre>\n')
                self.file.write(doc + '\n')
            self.file.write('<p>A problem occurred in a Python script.\n')

        if self.logdir is not None:
            suffix = ['.txt', '.html'][self.format=="html"]
            (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=self.logdir)
                file = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
                msg = '<p> %s contains the description of this error.' % path
                msg = '<p> Tried to save traceback to %s, but failed.' % path
            self.file.write(msg + '\n')
        except: pass

handler = Hook().handle
def enable(display=1, logdir=None, context=5, format="html"):
    """Install an exception handler that formats tracebacks as HTML.

    The optional argument 'display' can be set to 0 to suppress sending the
    traceback to the browser, and 'logdir' can be set to a directory to cause
    tracebacks to be written to files there."""
    sys.excepthook = Hook(display=display, logdir=logdir,
                          context=context, format=format)