:mod:`sunau` --- Read and write Sun AU files
Source code: :source:`Lib/sunau.py`
The :mod:`sunau` module provides a convenient interface to the Sun AU sound format. Note that this module is interface-compatible with the modules :mod:`aifc` and :mod:`wave`.
An audio file consists of a header followed by the data. The fields of the header are:
Field | Contents |
magic word | The four bytes .snd . |
header size | Size of the header, including info, in bytes. |
data size | Physical size of the data, in bytes. |
encoding | Indicates how the audio samples are encoded. |
sample rate | The sampling rate. |
# of channels | The number of channels in the samples. |
info | ASCII string giving a description of the audio file (padded with null bytes). |
Apart from the info field, all header fields are 4 bytes in size. They are all 32-bit unsigned integers encoded in big-endian byte order.
The :mod:`sunau` module defines the following functions:
The :mod:`sunau` module defines the following exception:
The :mod:`sunau` module defines the following data items:
AU_read Objects
AU_read objects, as returned by :func:`.open` above, have the following methods:
The following two methods define a term "position" which is compatible between them, and is otherwise implementation dependent.
The following two functions are defined for compatibility with the :mod:`aifc`, and don't do anything interesting.
AU_write Objects
AU_write objects, as returned by :func:`.open` above, have the following methods:
Note that it is invalid to set any parameters after calling :meth:`writeframes` or :meth:`writeframesraw`.